Yay! My life is screwed up!...again

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by T3F, Nov 16, 2008.

  1. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    ok, heres whats going on in my world:

    1. on Friday, I found out that there wasn't anyone that hacked into DA's account, she did the whole thing!

    2. DA is a ***** to me at school now since I got streaks-not bugging me much

    3. I just witnessed my sister being pressured by her 'friend' to have a cigarette.she took 1 der, but then she took 3 more! I wanna talk to her but all she does now is throw tantrums...May i remind you it was her 20th birthday as well???

    I've learnt that no matter what, life is one mother f**king piece of sh*t! Any ideas?
  2. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    C'mon, your life isn't THAT bad. You should think more positively about life.

    So, you have one girl who you dislike and has done mean things to you. Stuff her! Why bother even being aquainted with her? I don't really know what is going on with this "DA" but if she bugs you that much just leave her be or tell her to STFU. I know it sounds harsh, but sometimes you have to be harsh to get peace in life.

    About your sister. You say she is 20, well that makes her a responsible adult. Its not up to you to tell her off for taking up smoking. She can do what she wants, she's not a child anymore. If she wants to f*ck up her health let her. The only thing you can do is sit down quietly with her sometime and tell her you disapprove. If she throws a "tantrum" then just tell her you're worried about her wellbeing.
    She may give up. Don't panic! Its only three cigarettes! I tried smoking at one point. I think everyone is tempted to at some point in their lives. And yes, I had a few. But it was disgusting, and I have never done anything more foul in my life. Thus my lesson was learned.

    If you tell me more about DA perhaps I could help you more.
  3. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    Well I would say that your life could always be worse. Just think of all that you have and that you have your health and that these minor occurances can be over come with the proper communication between your sister and you. Remind her of how much you love her and how important she is to you. Make her realize what smoking cigarettes can do and remind her of all the negative aspects behind them.

    As for your first situtation move on and don't let "DA" take advantage of you or give her the upper hand. "DA" would want you to react in that manner so don't let it happen.
  4. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    It's one person.

    It's her life, her choice.

    Yes. Your life is fine and you are likely suffering from puberty.
  5. Repliku Chaser

    These are actually small problems that are mounting on one another so they are causing you stress. If you can eliminate a couple of them at least, maybe you will feel better about things.

    1. If DA did deceive you and she did this whole deed to you, whatever it was because I have no idea, perhaps it's time to evaluate your friendship. The same with #2. Be yourself and well, meet some other friends and hang out with them instead. If she wants to be your friend, I'm sure sooner or later she will talk to you and be more straight up but perhaps she has some lessons to learn in life and well, you don't deserve that sort of stress she's giving you. Try doing some fun activities for a while and moving on. Maybe she doesn't take what she did very seriously and perhaps if you move on and do other things she will and apologize. If she doesn't, you'll have others to be with and perhaps that's for the best.

    3. Your sister is 20 years old. As others have said, she's an adult by all qualities so the most you can and should do is tell her that you wish she would not get into the habit of smoking and to be careful. It's something that in the immediate time is not so bad but later it affects the health greatly. There are better habits to get into. However, if this is the route she wants to go, she will and it's best to not stress about it. Just tell her that when she's ready to quit you'll be there for her. People will often make choices in life that others disprove of. However, it's their life. We can only help them out and be supportive of them when they are ready for it. If you do tell her nicely though that you are concerned that it's just not a good thing to do and say you wish she wouldn't, she might listen. If not, as said, just say you'll be waiting for her to quit and when she wants to, come find you so you can help.

    I hope things get better for you soon. It is the little things that add up sometimes which cause us the greatest threat. Try breaking them down to deal with one at a time and hopefully things work out for you. Be well.
  6. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    Yea, your probably right. Reading through my post, i was kinda overreacting. Woops