Something new. I was trying to make something simple. I like it a lot, but eh. I'm sure a lot of other people feel differently.
In my opinion, it' TOO simple. It might be because of the background which makes the stock pop out in a strange way. You could add a few light effects to the top right of the stock and tone down the grid background.
I agree with Hissora; it just seems TOO simple. The stock bugs me, and it is, for the most part, in dead center. *gnaws own head off* The pink stuff is nice, but this is screaming for foreground effects. Text might look nice if it's done right.
Version 1 > version 2. From version one, amplify a focal point/light source. Try doing something right around the stocks right shoulder. Not like a brush-light, try just adding a slight light tint over him. Then increase the brightness/contrast on the stocks body. And make the light reflect on the effects too. And of course, darken the edges. Make sure the light is in the same shade region as your effects. Maybe a off-yellow (a bright one).