I've been thinking about this for quite a while now, and I'm looking for an answer I mean, there are XX and there are XY chromosomes,why can't there be YY chromosomes too..?
Males have XY chromosomes and females have XX. They cross by having each parent donate ONE chromosome(there are exceptions but they're usually fatal or lead to some serious mutation). So basically in any combination you can only have one Y chromosome at most. XX and XY are the only normal combinations. XXY is possible but that's when an extra X chromosome is passed on. I think it's the mother who passes it down...It's been awhile since I've looked over genetics...I think for a more detailed answer, searching it yourself is better.
I'm not entirely sure, but I think that for this to be possible, two males would have to have an offspring together and even then, there's still a chance it'd only have XX or XY. YY would be...extremely manly? I don't even want to think about that.
It's nearly impossible for there to be a YY genotype for a child because egg cells can only have X chromosomes. The only way for a child to have a YY genotype is for two malfunctions in meiosis to occur: firstly, the father's sperm has to have two Y chromosomes via an improper metaphase and anaphase, and secondly, the mother's egg must be devoid of an X chromosome. Both of these situations are very uncommon, so for both to happen and for that one sperm and one egg to meet is even more unlikely. On the off chance that that does happen, the YY individual wouldn't survive past the early stages of development, as the X chromosome has genes that are vital to development and sustenance of life.
Well, I assume we just use "XX" and "XY" for the determination of biological gender. (Though life creates with mistakes and then a male could have a "XX" chromo. and a female can have a "XY" chromo. but I still don't understand how that works. It is to my understanding that there are technically three different types of chromosomes, but I haven't had much exposure, because that third one doesn't specifically matter, considering it will always be an X. So it's technically XXX, XXY, or XYY. Um... it's in my notes for my intro to psych class I downloaded off on a powerpoint he posted at my college last semester. All that was really noted was that there is an XXX(super-female), XXY, and XYY (super-male). We didn't really go over much, but I would assume that was because we were in a psychology class, and not biology. But the XYY thing does happen, and it tends to be that most of those people who are XYY are aggressive, etc. and most end up in jail. At least that's what he said, though I do not specifically believe that. But there is something to do with that. But using just two... I am kind of annoyed how females can't make up Ys because men can make Xs. Though it's really hard to use opinion in here, but I think that sperm carry those two different kinds of chromosomes, and then the third one is provided by the female ova.
actualy, usaly it happens with birth defects, someone with male cromosones will be born lacking genitals, and usaly the doctors would just make them a girl, cause it was easier, but they still had male brains, so they became tom boys, or later got S*x reasignment. It also happens reversed.
I don't think birth defects are caused by a single pair of chromosomes being abornormal. And from the sounds of what Advent was saying the X chromosomes are vital for life period. And I also don't think birth defects are caused by chromosones because two non-birth defected parents can have a birth defected child, and the defects are caused by random errors within the growth of the child or the mother doing things which pre-maternal specialists advise against. I could be wrong about the defects though...
All I know is that you can have extra copys such as Xyy, XXY, and even XXYY (it was in our boilogy text book). People with XYY used to be seen to be more likely to become criminals or be more aggressive, but this has been proven to be false i believe. As for YY, it could happen but it is 1. Very unlikely, and 2, the foetus wouldn't live for very long.
No, even in that case, they are biologically the gender that is determined by their genes. Whatever false parts they have in their pants don't change anything.
This is to be agreed with but while XYY has been confirmed, XYY is still contraversial and is still not really excepted by many in the genetic field. If i remember correctly some people have tried to use this information in court proceding's and called that the person in question was hard wired the way he was and pleaded insanity. As you could guess this didn't work and the guy was charged with murderer.
Never been a case of a YY birth, so no, they don't exist as fully functioning human beings. To simplify it, the female is carrying X automatically, and the gender is then determined by the specific sperm that fertilizes the egg, X or Y. (Also, as an interesting aside not all animals/plants use this system. I think most mammals do though...) The XYY more aggressive theory is an urban legend. Genetics are fascinating in theory, but dear god are they insanely mundane to study. (Thanks Mendel, but definitely not for me).