sometimes they push the envelope instead of reviewing the games. but they are funny to watch. also they give the gamer's POV of the games. but if you want in-depth reviews, is the best thing. checking both sides one after the other will make your next desition very easy!
I agree this should be moved to the Gaming section. But I think most of the time they are fair in their reviews of games. They do give across the good points and the bad points of games. They're also entertaining to watch.
I don't think X-Play airs in the UK and if it does, I don't have the channel it's on. -moves to general gaming-
They have their moments where they reveal some of the crappy aspects of a game (Like that first Gundam game for the the PS3). But the only true reviews I have ever respected and trusted come from the Electric Playground. They know their shiet because they make it their business-- there isn't a cheesy writer in the background pulling the strings. Everything else on G4 pretty much has garbage writing, and at almost every turn use rather attractive women to make up for it (i.e. that Kristin Holt on Cheat is a complete tool and teleprompter slave...but I'd still do her because she's hot).
I agree that G4 was better as TechTV. I still question why we need to have shows like Cheaters on the network. Maybe I'm easily amused, but I do find some of the writing funny. Like in the Avatar review, That made me giggle a little.
wtf? I am inbetween about X-Play. They give the right answers to games, but sometimes they push the envelope too far. Also, what is up with the dumb music videos about how stupid games are?
X-Play thrives on making jokes of games and giving most of them bad reviews and that's what gets them ratings. I always watch it but never for game reviews, people watch it for the laughs. If you seriously take advice from them your a ******. Go to better sites like Gamespot, GT, etc.
I'll say this , fun to watch but they giv crappy reviews I mean very crappy (espeacially wen it involves sonic) G4 isnt tv for gamers anymore (the way I see it)