Xeol Cronicles: Where Fate Begins

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Dexnail, Oct 24, 2009.

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  1. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    accepted thats enough people for us to start so let the rp begin :)

    The waves could be heard in the distance with the random horns of fishing boats. An slight breeze ran smoothly against the brunnets hair. "its morning already?" Leo asked himself as he lazily oppend his jade green eyes. Looking at the walls he thought about his past and the responsibilitys that life thrusted on to him. Turning his head slightly he could see one of his members sleeping but Tidus was off stealing something from an fruit stand or another small stand most likely.

    Tidus opened the door of their house that was not really theirs but the members considerd the place home. Taking a bite of a red apple the blue haired man stole earlier he stood there looking at Leo it was what their leader always did in the morning. "did someone keep you from sleeping thats a shame cause i wanted to do that" Tidus said playfully smilling but the smile fadded as Leo did not say anything it was an normal morning after all Leo would always be silent then later on he would talk happily.

    Amber looked out the cars window looking at the houses comparing the size to her own house. She heard her lemo driver open the door for her and she steped out looking at the mansion her father recently bought. "its so pretty" Amber said with an excitted smile jumping up and down. She had an feeling something was missing feeling her hair Amber relized what was missing. "My flower" the redish pink heard girl said as she looked around in the limo. After an while the sweet smile reappeard on her face as she found the flower. "off to daddy" Amber said as she started walking the steps that lead to the mansion doors as she put the flower in her hair.
  2. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Neoph awoke in his chair to the light of morning shining in his eyes. "Huh? Oh... I must have fallen asleep..." He put the money he was counting the night before on a table next to him. He stood up and walked over to a window and stared at the sun coming up over the horizon. "Art... pure art..." He muttered. Neoph eventually moved away from the window after hearing something whiz through the air and barely miss his neck. "Damn..." Neoph went prone and crawled to his katana. He picked it up.
  3. The True Key Moogle Assistant

    May 5, 2009
    In Rhian's arms
    Neal heard the sound of clanking metal in another room. One word crossed his mind. Assassin... Neal ran into the room. He dropped down to avoid being hit. "Sh!t..." He crawled over to Neoph. "What's happening?"
  4. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    Crone was outside at a stand giving a speech"We shall not let crime and fear rule are lives we will satnd together and I will change things you will no longer fear these gangs anymore"Cheering from the crowd infrount of Crone could be heard then after making his speech it was put on T.V. While crone was in his office the curtains were down and the door was locked"Fools they eat all that up".
  5. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009

    Username: keybladewarrioroflegend
    name: Reese
    rank: Member
    gang: Cloud Riders
    bio: He has been an assassin for a year. He is one of the younger members in the gang. He picks off people who he believes would be a threat to the gang. Very little is known about him, he doesn't like to open up to people
    weapon: Poison Needles
    specialty: Assassination
    Preview Writing: Reese growled as he missed Neoph's head by inches. "Hold still so I can kill you!" He threw two more needles at Neoph's head and neck, hoping that they hit their mark.

    Name: Veronica
    Bio: She and Neoph had been best friends since they were 7 years old. She isn't apart of Neoph's gang, but provides them a place to stay when the heat from the police gets high. She secretly has a crush on Neoph, but is too shy to tell him.
    Preview Writing: Veronica sighed as she prepared dinner for Neoph and the rest of his gang. "I swear... one day he's going to run off and get himself killed..." She pushed the thought of Neoph dying out of her head before she started crying. She wiped a few stray tears away and went back to making dinner.
  6. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Hikari was sleeping on the roof of their house throwing an apple up and down repeatedly in her hand as she snored.
    Yami ran out of the house and looked up, "HIKARI!"
    Hikari instantly woke up and fell off the roof of the house landing on the ground.
    Yami's eyes widened as she ran towards her, "Are you alright?"
    Hikari started laughing.
  7. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    keyblade your chars are accepted thats the limit for chars 3 per person

    Amber sat down on an leather sofa watching the tv with her father speaking on the screen. She loved her dad to her he was an hero with an golden heart "yeah thats right daddy we will show them stupid gangs how to do things right" Amber said happily as she sat up and started heading to her dads office. After an while of walking she finnaly reached the door. "daddy can i come in" Amber said sweet as she gently knocked on the door.

    Leo stood up and streched while he yawned. "is there any places that is worth to steal from cause we are runnin low on food" the brunnete said pointing at an pile of empty poptart boxes.

    Tidus crossed his arms and thought what he seen and heard today. "lets see you said last week there was suppose to be an shipment of seafood coming in to the dock around 8:00 pm" the blue haired member said to Leo.

    The leader had an smile on his face and patted Tidus shoulder gently. "good job im glade you listen sometimes" the brunnete said playfully to Tidus. "lets get some fresh air" Leo said as they both walked out of the building.
  8. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Neoph dodged more needles. He caught a glimpse of Reese for a second. "Gotcha!" He threw his katana at Reese.

    Reese cried out in pain as the katana hit him in the chest, barely missing his heart. Reese pulled it out. "F-F^ck..." He threw the katana onto the roof and limped away, holding his chest.

    Neoph stood up. "Got him." He could smell something cooking. "Is that..." He sniffed again. "YES! Veronica's making Beef Stew!!!!" He ran into the kitchen.
  9. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Yami raised an eyebrow, "Are you hurt?"
    Hikari was laughing and nodding at the same time.
    "Well I'm going shopping.."
    "Shopping better not mean robbing the stores."
    Yami got quiet and made a nervous smile, "I got laid off?"
    "YAMI!" she said standing up.
    "Come on we gotta eat something!" she said as she ran off.
    Hikari gritted her teeth as she ran after her.
  10. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    Crone opened his drawer in his desk and put his files in it locking them"Yes come in"Crone grabed his cane and started polishing it.
  11. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Amber imediatly slung opend the door and ran towards her father. "daddy" she yelled as she jumped and huged him. With an smile she continued to cling to his suit "i saw your speech you sounded so great i mean the gangs around here does not have a chance with you around." she said to her father with an smile.
  12. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    Crone smirked"Well yes I am an Important man right now I have immportant work to do so head back home or something Its very important that this work be done".
  13. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Reese limped around town until he saw Leo and Tidus. He slowly limped towards them. His vision was getting blurred.

    Neoph hugged Veronica. "YES!!! Beef Stew!!!!"

    Veronica blushed. "I knew it was your favorite." She smiled.
  14. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    The Hazardous one finally got to a stand, it had freshly hung chickens over it. "Alright at the count to 3 I'm gonna go and take that chicken." she whispered.
    "Your kidding right? your gonna get us both in trouble."
    Yami ignored her, 1..2...3!" she said as she charged straight at the stand and grabbed the chicken as the person at the stand looked away. She then started running.
    Hikari looked wide eyed at her then started running off towards the house as she caught up to her, "YOUR CRAZY!"
    Police came out of no where and started chasing after the 2.
    Yami pushed Hikari to the side into and alley way and turned so she was in the alley as well, she then got up on the roof of the houses.
  15. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Amber was slightly saddend as she looked at the floor. She stoped clinging on to her father and stood there looking at him. "fine but when you get home i want you to give me an baby back ride" Amber said with an smile gently poking his chest. After an few moments she had her hand out with her pinky slightly up "pinky swear you will" she said with pleading eyes.

    Tidus had an smirk as he saw the kid limp towards them. "should we let him die then steal his stuff or do it now" he said looking at the man's pockets.

    "no Tidus" Leo said with some assertivness in his voice that what it normally took. After an while of staring at his friend he started walking over to the injured person. "now you can attack me and lose the chance getting medical help or you gona let me help" the brunnete said kindly to the man. "everyone desrves a second chance" he thought to himself. That is what he believed no matter how horrific their crime was.
  16. Key master Sora Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 24, 2009
    In everyone's hearts as the connection....
    Katrina awoke to the silence of the home. She sat up and stretched. Another day... She thought to herself. She looked at the empty poptart boxes and her tummy grumbled. She stood up and silently went out the door to look for some food.
  17. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    "A little... farther..." Reese muttered. His vision faded to black. "Damn..." He passed out about 3 feet from Leo and Tidus.

    Neoph sat at the table, eagerly awaiting the stew.

    Veronica gave him a bowl. "Here you go."
  18. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    Crone smiled"I promise I will rush as home as fast as I can after work"Crone left his office with two body guards going into town open a orphanage.

    OCC:I have to go soon
  19. Key master Sora Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 24, 2009
    In everyone's hearts as the connection....
    Around this time, Katrina gazed and found Tidus and Leo a few feet away from her. She didn't know if she could go with them or not so she started walking toward them anyway. If it was a mission, she was happy to help in anyway she could.
  20. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    Crone walked through the streets with his body guards with him watching around him
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