xbox360 or PS3

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by *Hippie Jesus*, Feb 17, 2008.


xbox360 or PS3

Poll closed May 27, 2008.
  1. xbox360

  2. PS3

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. *Hippie Jesus* "I get online and notice I have E-mail I click my

    Oct 26, 2007
    Between the area where your parent's have sex
  2. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
  3. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  4. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
  5. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  6. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
  7. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Let's not push our preferences on other people--despite that this guy is asking for help on which is better.

    In the end, decide which console has the games YOU like, like libregkd said at the very beginning of this thread.

    Someone can tell you all day that PSN or XBL is more fun than the other, but at the end of the day, if you don't give a **** about Gears, Halo 3, Mass Effect, then perhaps the 360 just isn't for you--DESPITE the appraisals of others. Likewise, if you couldn't care less about Uncharted, Jak and Dexter, Resistance, Warhawk, etc etc, then the same can be said about the PS3.

    So while I respect both libregkd and SJ's need to justify their sides of the spectrum by butting heads on this matter, you really gotta make up your own mind, dude.

    Because you're the one who's gonna spend the money, and I for one wouldn't spend my money on games that *other* people like.

    EDIT: lol @ SJ. What can I argue about? I own all 3 next-gen consoles. I have absolutely no problem with any of them.
  8. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    As much as I want to support this, Iwant to continue this debate so Soush leaves me no choice:

    Why did you buy Halo? Someone told you to. It's how we al lbuy things. Let's face it, if soemthing is good it's good, if something is better, it's better. even if it isn't in a anothers prespective, debates show both sides of what each has to offer so it only helps him make a decision.
  9. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    No one told me to buy Halo. No one told me to buy an Xbox 360.

    I was at a friends house one night and we played Halo 3 for a large part of the evening. I understood that my friend played Halo 3 online a lot, and I did find enjoyment in playing online with him and a few of my friends that evening.

    Thus, because I thought it'd be nice to do that more often, I made the decision to buy an xbox and halo because I wanted to play online with those friends when I'm at home.

    There are things that may influence one to purchase games or consoles--in my case, the Halo and 360 purchase was due to the fun I had playing online with a few friends of mine--but in the end, the decision comes down to you, the person with the money. There was an incentive to buy a 360, but no one told me to blindly 'get one'. I took what I experienced into account and discerned what I felt was a good thing to do.

    And I'm not saying it doesn't happen; there are always people who'll go "omg, this console/game is the best, you have to buy it", but the decision in the end should come down to you and whether or not you really want to go for it. Whether you end up identifying with that person's opinion on the game is left to be seen, but what I've been saying is you shouldn't leave it up to other people to decide what console is best for you. That's something you should be deciding for yourself. Sure, giving opinions is fine, but the outcome of which decision ends up being made should be a volitional choice, not a blind one made by someone else.

    For the record, my friend actually told me "Don't jump the gun and buy it right away. Maybe you should think it over" when I told him I was thinking of getting a 360. He never told me to get a 360; on the contrary, he was trying to make sure I wasn't doing anything hasty.

    While true, what you're speaking of is relative. What's 'good'? What's 'better'? To some, FFXII was better than FFX. To others, the opposite was true. Who's right? Neither. Both are opinions based on what each person values more in an RPG. And not surprisingly, people value certain aspects more than others do. Does this help an individual make a decision as to which one to buy? Not always. Someone who values a good, well-developed story in an RPG will not always be a good candidate in helping an individual who values excellent gameplay more than a good story.

    While what you say is true, there is no concrete way to discern 'good' and 'better' in a way that is uniform to everyone's tastes. And especially on a forum where people of drastically different opinions and tastes come together to discuss, it's less likely that their opinion will often match yours.

    For one, I'd certainly trust none of you to tell me about a video game that I'd like. And I certainly wouldn't say I could do the same.
  10. Mielé Banned

    Oct 27, 2007
    twas a hard one, but i picked PS3 only cause of Kh3 and the blu ray
    POTC looks heaps better in blu ray~
  11. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    I loved and agreed with everything you said, except the very last line. You, me, and Libre are all hardcore gamers. Taking another hardcore gamer's opinion is how I think over some games, such as really sceptical ones like Assassin's Creed.
  12. *Hippie Jesus* "I get online and notice I have E-mail I click my

    Oct 26, 2007
    Between the area where your parent's have sex
    hmm................PS3 is back in the PS2 games playable on the PS3????????
  13. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    That I disagree with. The Virtual console has the greatest selection of classics all the way up to the N64. All it needs it some original new titles.

    Beyond achievements, I don't see how the online experience between the PSN and the XBL differs. Sure the XBL interface is easier to use but Mircosoft have that experience. But when playing the game itself you get pretty much the same experience (if comparing the same game), same weapons, same maps, only thing that differs are the players, which I can't see that being a big factor. Though on the 360 you do get more voice chat, which is useful as their are times where I wished I had it because of some players stupidity. But I have that now, it's just a shame not many people use it beyond Warhawk. But I would perfer a good if silent experience then all the swearing you hear on XBL. But hey it's down to which a person perfers. But honestly I don't see the difference being all that large between to the 2 to justify XBL totally pwning PSN and must be the sole reason to get it. What I do agree with is that XBL is better than PSN.

    Which brings us back to the point of games which you would prefer.
  14. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    The $400 model PS3 has no PS2 games backwards compatibility, you'd have to get the $500 one, which I would suggest anyway
  15. *Hippie Jesus* "I get online and notice I have E-mail I click my

    Oct 26, 2007
    Between the area where your parent's have sex
    now theres different modles of PS3 i didn't know that O_O
  16. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  17. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Well, to me, even hardcore gamers have their own preferences. For example, I think FFXII was a complete failure on an *overall* level as an RPG. From what I understand, libregkd disagrees completely with me. I base my opinion on the fact that I think the story is the most important part of an RPG, and frankly, it fell apart in FFXII. I praised the gameplay (despite it being a clone of FFXI's battle system in my opinion) and the well-done cutscenes, but without a well-founded story, an RPG just doesn't flow. I play RPGs for a good story, that's why I thought FFXII was completely overhyped and isn't as good as people are claiming.

    Now some, who consider gameplay as one of the most--if not the most--important part of an RPG, FFXII might not be so bad to them. They might not put as much importance on getting a thoroughly engrossed storyline if they can get addictive gameplay. They're justified in their own right, but alas, that's where opinions differ in terms of whether a game is "good" or not, even if both people are hardcore gamers.

    Hardcore gamers can have drastically different tastes and values in video games as well.

    EDIT: Well, personally I thought Assassin's Creed was a good game. As someone who values story over gameplay, the story of Creed was interesting to the very end. Its faults lie in the gameplay for its repetition, and other aspects Ubisoft seemed to overlook. GT said it best when they said Creed breaks 'new ground' in video gaming, but fail to deliver the fundamentals. To me, despite all this, I thought it was a good game because of what I look for and what I value in a video game.

    Others who were anticipating Assassin's Creed for awesome gameplay (although Creed's gameplay wasn't THAT bad, it was just repetitive and had a few burps) might not have the same opinion.

    Now here's where people go wrong in their interpretation. I am by NO means saying go buy Assassin's Creed since I said it was good. I'm merely explaining to you what I thought of the game, and why I thought about it that way. If my justification fits your description of what makes a good game (i.e. if you're looking for a good story) then it's possible one will try out Assassin's Creed. If the contrary is true (i.e. the person doesn't care about the story as much as he/she wants exceptional game mechanicss), then perhaps my review/opinion isn't one they should take into account.

    To be honest, I think if a game is 'skeptical' like Assassin's Creed as you say, it only becomes even more important to try the game out for yourself and see if you'll like it.

    Bottom line, hardcore of not, gamers value different things when deciding on whether or not a game or 'good' and 'worth buying'. As such, it's important to know exactly what it is you look for in games, and decide for yourself if it's a game for you.

    Naturally, this goes back to the thread topic as gaming preferences govern which console one buys.
  18. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    No model has that ability anymore..

    Virtual Console has no orignal games is the problem. It's the EXACT same game. XBL games atleast add something, whether it's graphics or online play, they add something.

    XBL games are just more fun. I've played Resistance online and Gears of War online, Gears was just a lot more fun to play online. XBL games offer more quality online than most PS2 games. Plus the ability of priavte chats, game invties, etc is the better way of doing online play. You don't have to tel lsomeone where to go, they can justfollow at the click of a button. PS3 it's hard as hell to find your gaming friends. That's what Home is for which will be a disaster.

    ....I am not reading that O.o Mind summarizing it? 0.0
  19. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Besides the 60GBs no longer being manufactured, the 80GB still does, SJ. Sure, no 100%, but neither does the 360.

    Were you one of those kids in high school that used cliff notes for all your book reports? ;p

    Main points:
    - No one told me to buy a 360/Halo 3
    - Even hardcore gamers have drastically different tastes/preferences, and thus such a status is irrelevent in taking their word on whether a game is 'good' or 'better'.
  20. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    I'm pretty sure even the 80's don't.

    And lmao, yes, still got great grades though.
    - you said thta in your last message
    - True, they're hardcore RP'er and hardcore shooters, but none the less they're games everyone likes.