I wish I didn't see this coming: http://www.gamepur.com/news/11407-p...ne-drm-and-other-restrictive-features-ba.html I still think it's funny as hell even though I knew it was coming. Well, I'd wish them luck, but I don't want MS to do well if the restrictions were placed, so... I don't know what to say other than laugh some more. EDIT: THERE IS SOME SWEARING!!!!!!! Though I do have to admit the signatures are hilarious to read. EDIT: Here's the counter one, again, saw this coming: http://www.change.org/petitions/xbox-one-counter-petition-to-keep-the-xbox-one-policies-as-is
I actually see it happening because there were fans upset by the changes. Enough to make it be changed? Hell no, I just hope it doesn't boost MS's ego back up after being kicked in E3 so they'll think about this again in the future.
The people who argue in favour of the previous from of are either selfish or didn't do enough research Even if the practices weren't so bad that people would MORALLY refuse to buy the system, the sheer number of people who just can't use the system PERIOD with the DRM makes the prospect of this returning bad news for many Xbox fans...
Not to mention that the advantages of the DRM were perfectly doable without the DRM. Family sharing and the speculated (and it was only speculated, nothing was announced about it) digital marketplace were perfectly doable concepts because by the nature of those features, you'd need an Internet connection while using them. Its just that nothing else needs an Internet connection. They miss that the problem we had with the DRM was that the basic functionality of playing games doesn't need the DRM. Playing disc based or downloaded games? Nope, no Internet required. Family sharing and the speculated digital marketplace? Require Internet by their nature. It is completely idiotic to call the DRM "Steam for Xbox." It was Microsoft trying to tell you what you can and can't do with your games. They were taking your right to merely OWN your games away from you. I'm sure they're going to make the claim that it would have driven prices down, but they always neglect to note that the reason for Steam's good prices and sales is because Steam has to compete with other digital distribution services like GOG. If you were forced to go exclusively digital on Xbox One, Microsoft and their publishers would be the only ones in charge of pricing, which would cause the EXACT problem with buying digitally on current consoles: There's no competition to give them incentive to drop prices or give major discounts. If this petition was demanding a return of family sharing and the speculated digital marketplace without the required connection, then I could get behind this petition. As it stands, these idiots don't realize that the only reason they lost those features is because Microsoft doesn't want you to play with their toys if you don't want to play by their rules.
I wouldn't call these people "fans" of the Xbox One, as it seems they want it to fail... What's happening here is the big bad majority came in and bullied MS until they changed their policies, and now certain people who love Steam and haven't realized we knew pretty much jack sh*t about the old policies have filled in the blanks with their imagination and made the old Xbox One into the best SteamBox ever. Still, it's indisputable that the new policies are better. Heck, they even took out the region lock! Imports ahoy!
It seems like the petitioner meant to call for the restoration of the sharing features without the attached DRM, but it was worded poorly. That, or the one smugly claiming others as ill-informed was himself ill-informed. Either way, the only signatures I saw last I checked were blatant trolls.
Really?! They must be plain stupid or just Microsoft fanboys if they petition for the old policies back..... Microsoft did a good save when they announced the new features, but returning the old ones? I'm starting to wonder if the Microsoft fanboys want their #1 company to fail in the gaming industry.....
I find this stupid...in so many ways. MS removed their futures because they were getting their asses handed over by Sony in sales. Do people really think petitioning this back will change all of that. They're a bunch of mindless fanboys. People were ARGUING TO GET THIS OFF THE XBONE. And now they want it back? If this passes, people are gonna then complain again from all its futures. My god I can't stand the comments in the petition, It drips of pure fanboyism.