You guys have probably heard about this already. If not: Source This doesn't really affect me (due to the fact that I own a PS3, and not and Xbox 360). For those who do, I wouldn't be worried. This decision won't pass without a fight from the consumers. Just like SOPA and PIPA.
This is bound to be a pretty hilarious trial. And by hilarious, I mean a bunch of butthurt nerds are gonna cry that the 360 is banned. Anyways, I think there's something deeper going on. Motorola should have filed this suit way back when the 360 was unveiled. It doesn't make sense for them to come out just now and make an issue of it.
well, considering my brother bought us our 360 as a gift, I don't care if they are banned, I'm not giving it up. Besides, I doubt Obama will actually approve of this if it really gets to him. That Shaw guy really needs to think about this a little more. I mean come on, how long has the 360 been out? And they just now get it to court? If it was that big of a deal, wouldn't it have gotten to this long ago? And what about the 360 is seriously making Motorola try and ban it?
Oh I cant wait to see how this goes down. I cant wait to see them get the system banned! :D Am I fooling anyone? No? No? Not even you over in the back there? Ok good cause I wasn't serious :P I am not expecting them to get the system banned. If it does pass what will happen to all the existing systems that are sitting in the homes of millions? Will they go "Oh hello, we believe from our sources that you have a banned game system in your possession and we would like to take it from you". I am not a 360 owner nor I am a PS3 fanboy, I actually prefer the 360 for it's memory card usage thing that the PS3 lacks but there are more games I am interested in for the PS3 plus a whole selection of Japanese games sense it's region free but no system should have to go though this type of BS.