
Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Sara, Nov 16, 2006.

  1. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    Okay, I know we're not having the greatest of moments at KH-Vids. Me and DW along with Arc are working overtime to fix that.

    Xaldin is going to be off for two weeks. He's at the hospital for reasons unknown and I insisted he takes the two weeks off to recover.

    For this, Darkwatch is going to take his place as temporary admin, it has been in the back of my mind for a while to make him admin, but this will help the forum.

    I'll keep you guys updated as it develops.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Sara, Nov 16, 2006.

    1. SoraOathkeeper
    2. Roxasboy1
      Poor Xaldin man ,being in the hosptill for two weeks. Man and he just got a ps3,Man and just man
    3. dark_roxas

      if hes sick, poor xaldin.
    4. Sara
      Two buddies of mine from my old forum have volunteered also. Van the Deathseeker (Who I gave the forum to when I moved here) And MaliciousRelik, (Who was a S. Mod at my old forum.)
    5. Van the Deathseeker
      Van the Deathseeker
      Yes we are here.

      Sara asked us to come. But I don't think going into Details is a good idea for the most part.
    6. MaliciousRelik

      I agree. We were asked to Arrive from the darkness. To give details at this time is not a wise choice.

    7. Xaldin
      -waves arms around frantically- Funny story, it wasn't as serious as I thought it was, and since Sara didn't get into detail, she thought it was serious too, though the thing was well. I went to the hospital the first day, yada yada explained the pain in my chest. They wasn'ts ure at first, thought it was either a disease, or just air bubble in my chest, though I didn't see how that was possible. Then earlier today I like did this world recording burp, and it turns out it was gas.

      On the way back though I diiiid manage to pick up something. -rests the Wii, next to his PS3, with Twilight Princess, and Resistance Fall of Men- Expect nice videos of all these, later on after I finished the .hack videos.
    8. MaliciousRelik
      Well, even though I do not know you very well, It is glad to see someone alive and kicking. Drop me an AIM or yahoo or ven an MSN or someting


      BTW: future reference, do not be afraid to say hello, I do not bite or anything unless you do osmething to provoke it.
    9. ILoveOrganizationXIII

      OMG you got twilight princess!!! I so envy you Ican't get it until it comes out on gamecube you are so lucky!!:eek:
    10. AlexleHoshi
      Is that all it was gas ha ha funny how something silly can make you feel bad well you bad now and that's good
    11. Kuroudo
      lol, oh my god, gas?! That's so silly. :D Well I'm glad your feeling better Xaldin. ;)
    12. Samurai
      Woop! Way to go Xaldin! Way to pull through!

      And, may I say something for the rest of us?

      We're glad you're not dead:D
    13. MAXimillionZ
      OMG YAY. I am glad you are feeling better!
    14. DigitalAtlas
      You've got to be kidding me :p God damnit, I was worried you were going to die or something:p Seriously, glad your feeling better.

      And congrats on getting the Wii, I plan on getting sometime soon myself, hope to see you online :D