The storyline: Great stroyline.....till the it gets f'd in the butt. I'm sorry this is more of a rant on this movie rather than on whose going to see it and what you think about it, but don't get me wrong, you can all still do that in this thread but im gonna rant about it right now. First thing is wth with team. Havoc, seriously. For those who don't know who this is, it's the YOUNGER brother to scott summers, aka Cyclops. They were no where near the age to be in this team, i don't see how havoc could be here, this also includes emma frost. She wasn't associated with Erik or Charles at all. She's a member of the hellfire club. she was a villan towards the xmen before she even became one. Beast was around at this time either. Charles and beast met for the first time when Charles apporached him for the first time to come to his school. Someone want to explain all this to me because i hope i'm missing something here. /endrant
If I remember correctly, the Hellfire Club is the bad guys here so we'll most likely see something with them and Emma Frost. In the comics, she's been a part of the X-Men so they probably took liberties with that detail. Beast was in the original First Class. Azazel? He's not a mutant, iirc, he's a Demon. So what he's doing there, I've no idea. Mystique? I'm hoping the trailer with her as a kid is her disguise. She is not that young. (Though in Last Stand when she lost her powers, she didn't age any so maybe they're not using that aspect). As for Havoc, I think there's one continuity where Havoc was older than Scott. They might have just changed that. Since Cyclops was in the first class and they already established him too young to be there, they probably replaced him with Alex (whether or not they're brothers, who knows. I'm hoping for a Gabriel appearance though). I wonder if we'll see others of the original First Class such as Petra (since we already have Darwin). Too bad Iceman is younger than Cyclops so he can't be there and Angel has no ties to them before Last Stand. Jean Grey was Professor X's first recruit so maybe a cameo of her?
Typically, you shouldn't expect staying true to the story in movies based on comics (really few movies that are based on anything stay completely true to the original story). Mainly so it can appeal to those who have invested little time in the comic book universe. So some fans of the "real deal" get so worked up with the details, they don't allow themselves the pleasure of just experiencing the movie as if it were completely new to them (happens with me every once in awhile). They switch up roles and timelines so those of us totally ignorant can have an inkling of what is going on (because the DC/Marvel universes themselves are pretty vast). Anyway, back to topic. Haven't seen it yet. Would like to though. The third X-men was dull in my opinion and I thought Origins was fine. Hopefully this one is pretty entertaining and sticks to a cohesive plot (though it obviously deviates from the original a bit). It does seem weird whenever the "bad guys" have "good guy" roles, but it usually shows the dynamic of character development.
This has been getting pretty good reviews. I might go see it tomorrow, and i'll put some more into this thread then.
My sister and a friend are probably going to see it this weekend. I have high hopes after reading many positive reviews saying it's returned the quality of the first X-Men and X2. ...and James McAvoy = <3
I didn't expect this movie to be this hyped to be honest, though I've been looking forward to it >> IT's the first movie I'm going to see in ages (yay for summer jobs and summer paychecks). Not sure what to expect, reviews are good but my stomach's warning me. I'm just curious as to how they're going to rework the character's history (Azazel, Mystique, and Havoc for example).
I went to see it last Wednesday when it first came out and enjoyed it although I didn't particually look for the little details you are.
sounds awesome but i dont wanna watch it yet ima wait till all of the come out and watc h all the movies in cronological order
I'm not sure if I'll see it. Maybe some other time, but I've heard that it's pretty good despite all the continuity mixups like you said.
I'm not a particularly big fan of comics so I just watched the movie like a little kid who only knew that Wolverine was badass (awesome cameo in it tho, watch it and ROTFLYFAO) and that he was in the X-Men. I loved it. Everything about this movie made it so much better than any and all previous X-Men movies before it. It was pure genius and LilBueno doesn't have to worry because lots of this is basically what he said. Spoiler Sadly, no Jean cameos, as far as I could tell anyway. Beast is in First Class. Emma Frost was with the hellfire club. The Mystique scene with her as a kid makes some sense given what they show you about time and place.