does anyone know if it's possible to use wifi on a DS when you use WPA? I want to know, because without wifi it's very boring. Isn't it possible to connect through another way?
Not WPA... only with WEP. Change your access point if you can, that's my only suggestion. Or find another WEP access point.
we've only got one access point here, and that's the stinkin WPA one. Nintendo needs to learn to make a system that connect to more than just WEP.
oh are you serious? That would suck, since I am sure as heck not buying a DSI. I'm still stuck with a DS LIte
You could change your router from WPA to WEP.... Check the IP address in your computer and you should see default gateway. Type default gateway IP address into a web browser, it will then direct you to the router configuration. Type in the username and password. Inside the configuration, just change the WiFi security to WEP...
yeah, I could, if it was my router. Except my dad controls everything on this computer. I don't know the username or password, and he would be pissed if I changed it to WEP
Off topic but I did it to test my network security. Which at the time was crappy. So WEP isn't a good idea.
I have the exact same problem. You can by special access point adapters so I've heard, but... yeah. I've tried one, and it failed, but other people have reported success. To be honest, I can't go online with my DS at all. I sure as hell don't plan on upgrading to a DSi anytime soon either. Can't change to WEP... so yeah. :/ If you figure something out, let me know. You may wish to try an adapter as I mentioned above, but since it didn't work for me... ya know. :/
I'm not going to waste my time getting an adapter. Unless I know it works like 95% of the time, I'm not getting one.