I logged on for the first time in awhile just to check in and the place is deserted. Jesus christ i miss this place. It was a simpler time, for a simpler me. I thought that at least the spamzone would have some activity/ Anyway i hope all of you old timers who i recognize are doing okay.
A lot of the activity has also moved to a chat-site, lol. XD So people still post here when they feel the need to, but most casual discussion happens on our Discord server.
Actually, this place has been pretty active the past few days in comparison to the last few months so you came back at a high point! Aha ahahaha I'm a dying breed and it's all my fault
I still remember the days when so many people were commenting at one time that it was just chaos. The spam zone was untamed
lol if it weren't for the Discord, I would still be a quiet onlooker hiding in the only semi-active Forum Family and only straying from my position to join in a mafia game. XD
Hello, paisano. You take care now, ey. The Espam Zono may be dead, but it is a very dangerous, essey.
Yeah we've sort of had a burst of activity over the past 48 hours or so, so if you think this is desolate then hooo boy. But yeah to answer your question: Discord