Wow, just wow. MIA, are you serious?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by SpazticFantaztic >:3, May 25, 2010.

  1. SpazticFantaztic >:3 Kingdom Keeper

    This video came out three weeks ago. I saw it yesterday. It's a music video by the singer MIA, the song is called Born Free. In the video, it shows the government putting gingers (People with red hair, in case you didn't know somehow) in concentration camps and just generally hurting people. It's a really terrible video, and shows violence and some nudity. Watch it at your own risk.

    Originally I thought it would show something about the ridiculousness of war, by how it was described, but really that's not the message at all. It's not trying to show that since we're all humans, it's just as stupid to fight each other as it is to fight people of our own country, as I had first thought. It's just violence. MIA is probably some huge troll, but she's caused outrage from people all over youtube.

    Ever since that South Park episode about gingers, people have been really mean to them, everywhere. I think this is just another example of that. No offense to anyone, but gingers are being treated IRL like they treated Jews before the Holocaust, and in this video it's basically saying that gingers are like Jews and need to be exterminated. It's wrong on many accounts, and I'd like your thoughts on the subject.
  2. Nathaniel Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 29, 2008
    I hate the prejudice against ginger people; I even demonstrated against it last year, when I dyed my hair ginger. Nothing at all is different between any of us.
    This reminds me of an ad for Christmas, which said: "Santa loves all kids, even the ginger ones." Stuff like that really makes me sick. Talking about individuality, they discriminate people who are different.
  3. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    It's like the stupidest form of racism in the world.
    Why the hell would people with red hair be any different to a brunette or blonde? And a music video monopolising on such a subject is neither surprising or tasteful.
  4. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I don't think this 'ginger' thing is a form of racism at all. It started as a joke on South Park, like Spaztic mentioned, but people have just taken it too far in an attempt to be 'funny'. This video is a byproduct of it.

    And I'm surprised that no one stopped the people making this video and said "hey, maybe this ISN'T such a great idea." .__.
  5. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    What Misty said. I have never seen any form of discrimination to gingers outside of South Park before that episode. Even to this point, I don't see anything bad. Hell, I love redheads. Redheads and dirty blondes are my fetish.
    Comparing it to the Jews and Holocaust seems like a big stretch.

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    It is trying to say discrimination can happen to anyone and it must be stopped.

    EDIT: I actually first saw this video from a redhead friend of mine, Because she thought it was hilarious.
    REEDIT: I am strawberry blonde, which is a type of red head I guess. *lolthataintredhairyounoob
  7. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    Two of my very best friends have red hair, and they are wonderful people, so something like this just pisses me off. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having red hair. All it means is that they have non-dominant genes.

    The vid was probably meant to be a joke. Except it isn't funny.
  8. SpazticFantaztic >:3 Kingdom Keeper

    Well, maybe it's just my age group, or where I go to school, but whenever there is a kid with red hair walking by, a bunch of people always point and laugh and shout "Hey, ginger, do you have a soul?" and stuff, and it's really stupid.

    And yeah, I agree with you about redheaded girls being hot.
  9. Scott Pilgrim Banned

    Aug 11, 2008
    Um...pretty sure that the video has nothing to do with gingers at all. It's all about racial discrimination in general. "Gingers" just seemed like a prime target for said discrimination so she used them. To quote the 12 year old boy who was shot in the head near the middle of the video, it was all about "highlighting violence in order to end violence."

    IN AN SOMEWHAT RELATED STORY, the New York Times posted a 9 page write up for all she's done. Basically she posted on twitter that people could call her for the day to talk about it, and in reality she gave them the author's phone number and people just flooded his answering machine haha. The author is actually "ginger" himself.
  10. Umiyuri Papaeyra Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 2, 2010
    In a box!
    There actually was previous prejudice against ginger-haired people hundreds of years ago. It's an old Christian thing which died pretty quickly when people realised that red hair does not make you a child of the devil. (The UK is actually still blamed for this as a whole, despite the fact that the great majority of us have indeed grown up without being so stupid.) The modern prejudice against ginger-haired people has nothing to do with it, of course; it's just idiots being idiots and kids trying to find something to insult somebody with.

    Though, something that annoys me is that most people who write in with a counterargument to any news articles about this, tend to write stuff that basically boils down to 'redheads are better than everyone else', which, funnily enough, they're not. It's wrong to demean a group of people because of physical appearance - but it should also be wrong to elevate all of them above others as a response. That's discrimination as well.

    The reason I say this is because my life was actually nearly ruined by a very mean-spirited ginger-haired girl (broke up long friendships, borrowed a lot of stuff and then 'lost' it so I couldn't get it back, that kind of thing) who hasn't gotten much better as a human being even now, several years later. I don't blame her natural hair colour for it at all; I blame her personality, and I've taken that incident as a lesson to not pass judgement on somebody, negative or positive, until I've seen the way they work.