Wow, I feel like burning my PSP

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Always Dance, Feb 18, 2011.

  1. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Yeah, there is. I haven't looked into it much, but from what I gather, it only supports Sony comics, and not your own stuff.

    Not if you have insane parents who refuse to let you use any computers. (But yes, laptops are pretty cool.)
  2. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    I think I'd just rather read comics/manga in tactile book form. As they were meant to. Yes I am old fashioned deal with it. Even if the Kindle is rather sexy...nothing will quite replace the feeling of holding a book in your hand.

    I love using my laptop in bed.
  3. Yozora Archer

    Feb 14, 2007
    female king arthur
    with taiga, eating rice and ****
    Lol .
  4. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves
    It appears that Chevalier was quite correct with his statement of the Spam Zone being turned into a temporary Discussion section.
  5. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Sorry, but this last bit is rather childish. If intellectual property interferes with what I can do with my physical property, then it should not exist. It is as simple as that.
  6. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009

    Also do not even try to make the argument that there's no point in CFWing a PSP. Honestly there is no reason to own one without CFW imo.
  7. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Is laziness an argument?
  8. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    No, Patrick, laziness is not an argument
  9. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
  10. no-reality_allowed ¢ℓαιяνσуαηт ℓσνєкιℓℓ

    lol fine I'll contribute just cause spamzone is a funnier discussion zone.

    Geohot didn't make the cfw to allow piracy on the ps3, but he hacked it enough to make it easy enough for somebody else to do it. He knew full well what was capable with what he was doing when he hacked the ps3 even if all he wanted to do was homebrew on it. He expected Sony to go after the guys who made the piracy hack but shit himself when Sony decided to instead cut the head off the snake and go for him.

    It's like a guy selling a gun to a person knowing that the guy is going to shoot somebody but isn't expecting any repercussions from it at all. Of course the cops are going to come after him too and charge him with assisted manslaughter. Please don't try to say that murder is different from piracy, it's just an example.

    Not to mention that when you create a PSN account you have to agree to a contract and in that contract it states that you won't do any sort of 'hacking' on the PS3. That is a legal document and is basically breaking the law once you break the contract. Of course I've heard that Geohot said he never made a PSN account or never played online, but you all should know that his lawyers told him to say that since Sony could have easily used that against him and won instantly in court. There's probably no chance in hell you'd be able to prove he made an account or not, but the fact that he says he never used it's online feature is suspicious.

    If you don't like the previous example I had I'll put one my friend just told me that works similarly: Let's say you buy apples from an apple seller and you sign a legal document with them that states you will only dip your apples you bought from them in caramel, yet you go out of your way to dip it in chocolate. You have thus broken the contract with the apple sellers. Or let's say you take a bucket of chocolate and run around to other people who are buying apples from the apple seller and telling them about how awesome apples dipped in chocolate is. Then other people dip their apples in the chocolate and the apple company decides to sue your ass since you were the one who started the shit storm. Same thing with what Geohot did. He basically invited himself to Sony's party inside the PS3 and then decided to let everyone else join in without their approval.

    The dude is a complete idiot for thinking Sony would just let the guy who basically gave everyone on the Internet the keys to their system and let him get away with it just because he only wanted to do homebrew. Am I down with the homebrew scene? You betcha since I had that installed on my PSP the instant I got one. Was I aware that the instant I installed it I was basically breaking a contract with Sony and would get no support from them? Of course I did. Sony is suing this guy to make an example of what happens when you fuck with their profits since they lose money on hardware and make up for it with the software they sell. Guess what happens when piracy is open season on the PS3 and they get a mass of people buying hardware to pirate software? Sony makes no money at all and the point of a business is to make money.

    You are completely childish if you support Geohot for acting like a whiny bitch who fucked with the wrong company. Although I will admit that I may not have all the information since I haven't been following the story 100% so I'm open to corrections.
  11. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Let's say that such a contract is illegal because it limits what you can do with your physical property after obtaining it through consensual trade. There you go.

    If you argue that it is not illegal, then I will have to look down on you a bit. If you can argue for why someone should not have absolute rights to what they own, then that is another matter. Please take that route instead if you are going to bother.
  12. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    Except they're not. If someone passes a background check and meets all gun laws required by whatever state you're selling it in, you are not responsible in the slightest. By this logic Sony is at fault because they removed otherOS knowing full well that homebrew users would get pissed and something like this would eventually happen. They should sue themselves.
    Except the apple company has NO RIGHT to tell you what you can and can't dip your apples in. That's the problem here. The moment they sell it to you, it is YOUR property. Now if you sign a legal document, that's different. This is not the case when you buy a PS3, although it is when you sign up for PSN (And like i said, it is Sony's right to ban people from PSN- they are completely justified in doing that). And furthermore if you never signed that document and you're encouraging other people to dip their apples in chocolate, you bear no responsibility.
    The idea behind this isn't "oh he wanted to only do homebrew so it's fine". The idea is that geohot DID NOT BREAK ANY LAWS. Releasing the keys is not the breakage of law because they aren't copyrighted. His CFW isn't illegal either because you cannot pirate on it. This whole argument is stupid, the DMCA already ruled cell phone jailbreaking legal, this is literally not any different- except you actually can pirate games with jailbroken cellphones whereas you can't with geo-hacked PS3's.[/color]
  13. Janime6 the truest queen of them all

    Aug 14, 2008
    I like this thread.​
  14. no-reality_allowed ¢ℓαιяνσуαηт ℓσνєкιℓℓ

    Nobody should have the absolute right to do whatever they want with a product they purchase. You could basically argue (from what a lot of people here are saying) that just because I purchased a car from Toyota I now have the right to put 10 foot wheels on it, hook on a chain-gun for shits and giggles, and attach a giant horn to the top of it that's incredibly loud. I fully paid for the car so I should be in my right to do whatever I want with it right? Now I'm sure Toyota isn't going to go around suing me but a bunch of other people are. I'd like to see somebody say that a chain-gun is ridiculous to add to a truck, but like you all keep saying: I paid for it so I should be able to do whatever the fuck I want with it.

    First of all you obviously didn't read what I said. If a guy sells a gun to a person knowing FULL WELL that the person is going to go out and shoot somebody he is a part of the crime. The police WILL find out who sold the killer the gun and when they ask the gun seller if he knew the guy was going to murder somebody and he says 'yes' then he is instantly an accomplice.

    To your second paragraph: The apple company DOES have the right to do that since you signed a contract with them stating you would dip your apples in only caramel. Remember, Sony isn't just going to ban this guy, they are making an example of him since they know they're not going to get any money from him at all. It might seem like a ****** thing to do but it's what every company does when somebody fucks with their business. He gave everyone the keys to Sony's private party and is going to get fucked hard for it.

    Third Paragraph: Geohot DID break the law when he broke the legal document he had to agree to if he made a PSN. It's HIGHLY debatable as to whether he made one or not but that's not the problem, he did something that basically helped other people allow piracy on the PS3 and it's going to mess with Sony's profits. There are tons of other laws he's breaking besides breach of contract and Sony is going to pull each one on him even if he only barely comes close to breaking them. You may not be able to pirate games with Geohot's hack, but you sure as hell can download a cfw to pirate games that somebody made and is now usable thanks to Geohot's hack.
  15. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    You could, so long as you did not shoot anyone with the gun. I have no problem with the whole scenario, so long as you do not act on other people's property with your own. If your right to do what you want with your property conflicts with another's right to do what they want with their property, then you have clearly reached the limit of your right, because otherwise you have a contradiction in terms. It is not so much that you have an absolute right to your property as that everyone has an absolute right to their property. It balances itself out somewhere, and you should be able to figure most of those balancing points out yourself.
  16. Janime6 the truest queen of them all

    Aug 14, 2008
    Jailbreaking and CFW are fun. :c​
  17. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    You have the absolute right to do whatever you want with your car and Toyota cannot sue you. What other people do has no relevance to this argument.

    That doesn't apply here. Geohot released the hack knowing full well that someone COULD POTENTIALLY enable piracy, but he took precautions to stop people from doing it (which have succeeded, you cannot pirate with a geohacked ps3), and did not know for sure that it would happen.
    It's the same thing when you sell a gun. No matter what, you KNOW that you MAY POTENTIALLY BE SELLING A MURDER WEAPON, but that's not your intended purpose in selling it and all you can do is take precautions like background checks to stop it from happening.
    Okay, now obviously you didn't read what I said. IF you sign a contract when you buy apples, that's one thing. YOU DON'T SIGN A CONTRACT WHEN YOU BUY A PS3.

    It's debatable whether or not geohot has a psn account, therefore he has one. Nice fallacy.

    Name one law that he broke other than breach of contract. And no, you cannot download a cfw to allow piracy because geohot's keys do not provide enough access to create a full virtual filesystem. People have tried, it doesn't work. It would require more hardware hacking and finding the rest of the keys
  18. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    So, yes. The spam-zone is the new section to discuss serious things. I was right. To think your post count could go up a bit if this actually was in the discussion section.

    But the element of spam makes it all the more better, and random.
  19. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    If I had my way, it's what the entire forum would be like.

    Guys, if we're arguing law, can we lay off the host of analogies, and start arguing with laws? It's complex enough without trying to prove a point by drawing half-functioning parallels.
  20. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    It should be obvious that I am not arguing with laws that exist today. Adhering to them is meaningless in a discussion of property rights and ethics.