I missed this piece of news. This year, he said "Japan is over?" :/ http://www.icv2.com/articles/home/11741.html
"...the collectors, who want to own the authorized DVDs of their favorite series, and a much larger group, the consumers, who just want to watch as much anime as they can for free." That is true, to a certain degree, but they're not really losing money that way. A lot of the people who watch anime online (myself included) have gotten into shows they otherwise wouldn't have: my main example is Naruto. I absolutely hated the english dub on Cartoon Network; if DPWolf hadn't recommended it in Japanese, I probably would never have watched it. I buy the DVD box sets now so I can watch it on the television in the native language. Same with Death Note. If I watcha series online and didn't like it that much, then I obviously won't buy the releases on DVD; they're not losing money, since I would never buy soemthing I'm unsure of in the first place.