Would you rather...

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Amber, Jun 18, 2009.


Which one?

  1. Lose the one you love

    23 vote(s)
  2. Live with someone you don't love

    19 vote(s)
  1. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    ...fall in love only to have them taken away from you,
    or never fall in love and be forced to spend the rest of your life with someone you don't care about?
  2. Day~Dream Kingdom Keeper

    Aug 29, 2007
    Exploring the cosmos
    I would rather fall in love with someone, and lose them. Cuz I guess it's better to have loved and been loved, then to not have loved at all.
  3. Flurry of dancing flames8 Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 20, 2009
    hmmm i would live with someone i dont love because...

    i would live with someone i dont love because u said that we dont have to live with someone we hate....... so yeah i guess so buuuuuuuuuuut i have never cared about anyone because i dont show emotions i just harass ppl instead soooooooooooo yeah watever i chose option one buuuut it doesnt matter so i also chose numba 2 bnot really i chose numba 1 buuut i chose number two because the pain of losing someone you love is unberable
  4. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Wow. I can say a lot about this.

    My answer to this changes often. But...I don't know.

    One side of me wants to say that I'm glad I've falling deeply in love with someone. And then I'm glad that I've been able to feel that overwhelming love and enjoyment due to someone else. I'm glad I was able to cure my loneliness and find someone I fit with for that time, and who I felt accepted and attuned to.

    I'm glad that I got to live that bliss, and know those feelings. I don't regret falling in love one bit, I don't regret all of the happy times and all of the sweet memories and all of the love I was able to share.

    But another side, a more bitter side, is just really angry about it. That side of me wishes that I hadn't ever even met the guy or started talking to him. That side of my wants to forget everything, including the good memories that make me feel nostalgic, lost and broken inside. I want to forget the horrible things. The comments and insults that almost literally tore me apart. I want to forget the stupid promises made and the stupid future we built. I want to forget everything and I wish it had never happened.

    That side of me hates everything that reminds me of it. Of the happy and the sad times. That side of me makes me feel so angry about everything! About the world! Makes me want to scream at couples, at lovers, at the one's who seem oblivious to the pain and suffering love can put you through. And that side likes to play pretend. It likes to think that it never did happen. And it makes me hide away, and fake everything. It makes me pretend that I don't miss it. That I don't need it.

    Either way. Those sides tend to balance themselves out. I accept what happened, the heartache. And the side that misses all of those happy feelings is finally ready to feel them again. I think I've changed a lot because of my last relationship, but I can say now that I'm glad it happened. The bitterness will pass as long as I don't let it consume me. I'm feeling better about it already.

    So yes. I'd rather fall in love and have the person, the feeling and even my near sanity robbed of me after, then to have never lived the blissful happiness at all.
  5. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Never fall in love and live alone, thus avoiding all unnecessary social entanglements.
  6. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    I guess the second option.. I wouldn't want to go through heartbreak

    Like I dated this guy once, and after that he wouldn't talk to me, and his friends kept blaming me for nothing happening (my brother is his friend too) and I really liked him, now his name pisses me off. I also don't trust love... it scares me

    I would probably try to make a friendship out of the person I don't like​
  7. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007

    I would probably fall in love.
    Only because,you have that person with you and when they leave, you think about them.It might bug you that you can never see them again, but on the other hand, instead of heing sad and lonely you think about all the good memories you shared with the person.

    If you become sad and lonely and never fall in love then and live with someone you don't love, you can't even remember any good times because there never were any.

    EDIT: This is if you don't fall in love with the person you are living with, that is.
  8. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    It's a very hard decision for me.

    I've never had a boyfriend which many find hard to believe. Don't really know why. But, if you fall in love, it can sometimes lead to heartbreak. Can depend on the relationship with the person. But, if you fall in love but the person doesn't love you back, then that's even more of a heartbreak figuring the person will never love you; possibly only as a friend.

    Honestly, it's a very hard decision. Having the person taken away, it's a heartbreak knowing you will never see them again. But, having the spend the rest of your life with someone you don't care for, all you could possibly have are bad memories.

    Falling in love is a slight fear for me. I'm afraid of falling in love. I'm afraid that who ever I fall in love with, that person may not feel the same way. But...I don't know.
  9. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    I would have to go with living with a person you don't care for. Mostly because I would not like to be heartbroken and it would be very sad to remember that person if you knew that you would never see them again. I guess I could try to be friends with the person I'm living with.
  10. Hunter (MAVERICK) Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 17, 2009
    In your head
    live with someone i dont love cause losing a loved one is to unbearable
  11. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    Hm, I'd go with the second one. Living with someone you don't love. Having the one I love being taken away from me would be like ripping my heart out and having an elephant stomp it 1 000 000 times!

    well, maybe not that dramatically, but I would be upset.

    As for the second option, spending your life with someone you dont like is great, especially if they dont like you that much back. You would be basing a relationship on 'just friends' which is sooo much more fun than "ZOMG! I LOOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH AND I NEVER WANT TO LET YOU GO!!!"

    Serously, that sounds like another chick-flick in the making, so yeah I'd go with the second option.
  12. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    Thats a hard question but i'll go with number two. I was watching an episode of criminal minds, where a guy watched his girlfriend get killed by a gang and he had a breakdown and turned into a monster and chopped their limbs off them.He kept calling her cell phone and saying sorry when the mobile phone was in an ornate wooden box he kept. He kept calling it just to hear her voice, the only thing that he had left of her...
    I couldn't bare the pain of knowing that, that was all i had left so i go with option 2.
  13. Mielé Banned

    Oct 27, 2007
    I chose lose the one you love, despite how much it fucking kills to get your heartbroken, but I can't imagine a life without love, because being loved by someone is probably one of the best things to have, even if you end up losing it.
  14. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    ^ This just about sums it up for me.
  15. Anixe Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 28, 2007
    Dim Sum Palace
    I've personally been through a lot of hardships concerning around Option #1. I had many friends when I was little but some of them moved away or decided to ignore me as we got older. I suppose I wouldn't be as shocked to see the one I loved died because these hardships would have made me become stronger.

    I guess in the end of it all I would say something like "At least I was loved, not hated."
  16. Shuhbooty moon child

    Mar 12, 2007
    That's kinda hard.

    If I didn't like the guy well shit I don't care I'd boss him around.

    But I voted for losing my only love because I can always just go and look for him..

    Or just get over him because that's why they call it a first love there's always a second.
  17. Kites Chaser

    Nov 25, 2008
    This is a hard decision.

    I probably would want to know what the ramifications are because life always has consequences for actions. I don't know, I bet it'd be nice to fall in love and have that person be with you forever and it not be a joke, but I kind of fear love because it seems like you never know if it's a lie, if it's certain or not.

    Then again, I'd hate to be with someone that I just didn't love at all. It's like a waste of life and memories if you have people around that mean nothing to you.

    I can't choose, there's so much psycology behind it that it makes me uncertain.
  18. Shuhbooty moon child

    Mar 12, 2007
    Think with your heart; not so much as your brain silly.

  19. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    well lets see i'd go with option one because thats whats happened recently.
  20. Cleopatra King's Apprentice

    Mar 9, 2009
    Skyway Avenue &lt;3.
    Ok then. Since you brought it up...

    I would be heartbroken if the first option happened to me. I would also be able to get over it and maybe move on. I'd be glad that I was able to feel that emotion for that one special person in my life. I'd hate it that they were taken away from me. I'd be scared to lose them, very scared. I would be in tears for months, not wanting to go out, being anti-social, wanting a lot of "alone" time to recover. But then I'm pretty sure I would move on.

    When I would be able to move on, I'd find another love. I'd be sorry to my first love (the one that I would've lost), it would never be the same, but it'd be better for my heart I guess. If I find that they're better than the love I lost, I'd survive. If they're really close to that, it would all end well. Living with the next best person in my life, brings me to the next suggestion...

    Being with someone I don't like, or will never love is hard. I'd cope at first but then I'd probably go into a mental asylum sooner or later. Why would you want to live without someone you truly loved? I guess some of you are okay with that, but I personally would hate it. What's the point? Would you rather not love someone at all and never ever find out what its really like? I would never do that to myself because 1: I'd be killing myself on the inside. 2: I'd be thinking of suicide at some point or another. &3: It'd be like throwing my life away.

    I'm sorry, but I think option 1 would suit me better than option 2.