Would you like KHV's Top 10 to return?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008

    News has been a little slow of late, and in hopes of increasing some activity, I've been permitted by staff to see if site members would like to see the return of "KHV's Top 10." For those who don't know, the Top 10 was a countdown of several Kingdom Hearts related subjects from the votes of site members. The reason it was discontinued was due to a lack of votes, which caused a weak consensus to go on.

    So in hopes of reviving these editorial pieces, I'd like to see how many members would pose interest in seeing the return of these fun little countdowns. Subjects can relate to recent news on upcoming titles, and any graphic artists can have their hand at volunteering to produce visuals. So if you would like to see a return of this, please post your interest below, or like the thread.

    The initial thread with a link to all previous countdowns can be found here!
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Feb 8, 2014.

    1. Calxiyn
      I really missed these! I was hoping they would come back! :D
    2. kingdomheartsgeek
      I dont see why not. No problem
      I like reading top 10's so I wouldn't mind it!
    4. Hayabusa
      I'm all for this. Something about numbered lists interests me.
    5. DuelRoxas16
      first time hearing about these and im really interested
    6. 61
      Yes I loved doing that. I love putting things in lists... I don't know why.
    7. Plums
      Sounds good to me! I always liked seeing the Top 10 that everyone ultimately came up with. :D
      Don't let misty see this, or you'll be buried beneath all her graphs.
    8. Nowaki
      I would be interested :)
    9. Light-Rune Maven
      Light-Rune Maven
      I would love for these to come back. In fact, it was just awhile back that suddenly realized: "Hey, we haven't been doing the top tens for some time now..."
      I didn't cimplain but I secretly missed them.
    10. NemesisPrime
      I am interested though my videos are not the best though but I'd try!
    11. Krowley
      KHV's Top 10 was a countdown for fan favorite choices on Kingdom Hearts subjects.

      What you're referring to is the Top 5
    12. Twero
      I haven't heard about this Top 10! Let me check!


      Woah! They're really good! And well done (specially the banners for the Keyblade wielders) and well written!

      I'd love to see this again! Maybe about Top 10 Disney characters? Top 10 Keyblades? Top 10 Sora's partners? This and many others!
    13. Shinichi Izumi
      Shinichi Izumi
      Hope it does, if it does I'll support it and vote whenever I can, but the KH community in general is kinda slow ATM so yeah...
    14. Misty
      That's really why we'd like to do these things! KH news is painfully slow and probably will be for some time, so things like the Top 10 keep us interested in KH while we wait for KH3.
    15. cstar
      I really liked reading the top 10's although I never voted for any of them. It would be cool to see them back and maybe actually vote this time.
    16. Shinichi Izumi
      Shinichi Izumi
      Exactly why you guys have my total support for all of these things, It has been a drag, I'm sure things will pick up with the 2.5 Remix (Being that KH2 is mine and other peoples favorite game ever) But it's gonna take so long, I'd say It's a good Idea also bringing back the Top 5 and inventing new Events, and Putting the 2013 MEP together would also help, but that's my opinion.
    17. Misty
      We're working on all of these things as we speak. ;)
    18. Cloud4012
      I would like this to come back I loved this contest.
    19. Railos
      I'd love to see this come back. Though honestly, I haven't noticed it's disappearance, but it is a lot of fun, and it'd be great to have it back.