So as you know, I go to a private school. Well, this guy I like, his name is Vernon, sits at my table. He has an "emo cut" hairstyle, taller than me, bisexual, and talks in a gay voice. Anyway, this girl, named Brooke, walks into the cafeteria. However, I did not know she was a girl, since she had a boy's haircut and a REALLY flat chest. So I ask Vernon if she was a boy or girl. BIG mistake. He gives me a scary look, and says, "That's my sister." So I start panicing, and of course my friend Kaitlin got the story mixed and told Brooke I said she was a boy (which is TOTALLY irrevelant to what I asked). She started cussing me out to the point her friend dragged her out of the cafeteria.
Gay voice I can understand the issue, but what's wrong with emo hair? I find it quite attractive myself.
I'm more concerned about the fact that you're friends with this Kaitlin girl. She had no reason to just waltz up to Brooke and say that, mixed up story or not =/.