Birth by Sleep Worried about the future

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by xaldin7th, Sep 17, 2009.

  1. xaldin7th Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 14, 2006
    Although I am, as a KH fan, happy that we get a new game that makes the series a lot deeper, looking at some more recent projects of the similar kind it makes me worried about the future of this game and the series in general.

    While it is clear that making a past before Sora makes the series grow in maturity, the danger is that it will become something like Crisis Core. Crisis Core, while a game that is quite solid and has brilliant moments, has complicated the FF7 story so much that one is not able to see FF7 with the same eyes as before because too many unnecessary characters were brought in (Angeal and the overly shallow Genesis) and too many things that are NEVER mentioned in FF7 have appeared and they seem quite important.

    The problem was that the entire compilation of FF7 has turned a story with a beginning, end and SENSE into something that has way too many characters, way too many plot twists and WAY too much info. In other words, it has become COMMERCIALISED!

    I am afraid that something like this could happen to KH, that it may become too big for it's good.
    Another problem. When watching the trailer to this game, I was impressed with the seriousness the presentation had compared to other KH games. However, as soon as the Disney worlds became popping on the screen they seemed too out of place, which KH as a series must not allow. If the story becomes too serious for it's own good, Disney would be too much of a counter balance and that would miss the entire point of a KH, wouldn't it?

    Tell me your thoughts.
    (and sorry for the English at certain points, its not my mothertoungue)
  2. the muffin man Banned

    Jun 16, 2007
    Drury lane.MUFFIN MAN! DUUH!
    No, it won't be like this. I don't think so. In bbs things get unfolded, so we can move on to KH3, which will be a true sequel.
  3. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I don't think BBS will.​

    Days kind of did.
    Although explain Roxas' dual wielding was good, they whored the game around Xion, who I find to be an unncessary character.
    What I like about BBS (so far), is that SRK don't have a big role in it, it's mainly focused around completely new characters. It's like the same universe, but different story and different heroes.
  4. Mr. Pumpkin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 19, 2007
    ^ This.

    It might be the same world(s), but has not much to do with the KH series so far. It helps us understand the meaning of the Keyblade, and maybe why Sora was chosen for it anyways. New heroes, different story (although the MX name bothers me, and the similarity in clothes too..) and a more serious look because it is the past, where everything was a lot more complicated (I think). For some reason I don't think it was all peace just like it was in the beginning in KH1 before the Heartless came.
    I think with this story we will understand KH3 more (Nomura did say that the 3 games are connected to a new story)
    It won't be that commercialised as you think it will be, IMO.
  5. daggerd Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 30, 2009
  6. the muffin man Banned

    Jun 16, 2007
    Drury lane.MUFFIN MAN! DUUH!
    Well, those 3 gamess fill plot holes so that KH3 can have more expanded story without getting too complicated.
  7. Vaxing Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 19, 2008
    I'll only consider KH commercialized when they start releasing hastily made gimmick games just to make a quick buck (coughcoughDirgeofCerberuscoughcough). until then it's just expansion. so long as the writers do a good job explaining and connecting everything it wont feel like it's too big