World Suicide Prevention Day

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Laurence_Fox, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    More information

    I'd like your thoughts on this matter and if you feel comfortable, sharing personal experiences you may have on the subject.

    And please, keep your thoughts Intelligent and mature. This is a heavy subject.
  2. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Recently a boy in the year above me committed suicide (it was announced in assembly as a tragic death >_>). It was apparantly because he had came out to his mother as being gay and she had rejected him.

    I have always said I will never kill myself. Sometimes I feel like I don't want to live anymore, that's true, but I don't want to die either. I think of what it would do to my family and my friends, I would never be that selfish.

    The numbers stated above are scary. I think the thing that will cause most damage and be the hardest to cure/prevent is depression, which can lead to suicide. There is just so much in the world to get depressed about and people have a lot more time to spend thinking, they are starting to realise how bad life really is =/
  3. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    it would be ironic if someone commited suicide on the prevention day. but on a serious note, i think ppl who commit suicide are selfish. they dont' even think of the impact it has on other ppl
  4. TabbyRoxas Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 4, 2007
    Australia. It's Hot there.
    Suicide is for Emo's. But its saddening. I agree with Evilman (BloodyJab?) They are selfish
  5. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    just be happy nananananana
  6. Joseki Traverse Town Homebody

    theres nothing wrong with killing yourself if you want to die. I don't understand why we need some big day about it -_-
  7. Repliku Chaser

    Suicide is a sad thing, but it is also a self-absorbed thing where the person is not thinking about anything other than him/herself. This is not to say I can't understand why some elderly people would do it, because maybe they've lost loved ones they were close to for years, or perhaps their physical pain as age sets in is something that they aren't getting true help for. I can understand it for these people more than I can for those I have actually known do the deed.

    For the people I do know who passed on from suicide, they were 16-young 30s. Some I knew well and others, only vaguely, but I can say that for all of them, they were distancing themselves from things for some time and just not a part of life. Some hid their pain but when I thought about it, I could read it more clearly that it had been there but they just didn't want to talk about it. They didn't feel anyone would listen and the sad thing is some people that commit suicide have families etc. I know a friend who's father committed suicide and I don't want to go into the scene as this is a site for various ages but the marks left on the family were bad. She has a lot of mental issues from it and we've been supporting her, but she's also learned to be very strong-willed, to the point of stubborn now.

    I don't consider these people -emo- really, since emos express their sadnesses and desire attention and some want a way to feel better but can't find it, while others seem to enjoy being in that state of mind. I don't really want to judge emos though either as I find it's a stereotypical group and the term over-emotional in the negative works for that which I think people talk about. These sorts are just drama hogs, and most if not all won't actually do the act of suicide.

    True people who think of suicide seldom go noisily. They just want an end and that's that. It is self-absorbed, sure, but I don't know if I'd go so far as to say it is totally a 'selfish' thing. The reason I hear many people say it is selfish is because the person isn't thinking of others and the impact of what their dying will do to others. This isn't always the case. Most just feel they cannot cope with life and want out desperately. It becomes a driving force to them and it is an obsession. I would not want to hold it -against them- if that is what they are going to do, but it is natural for those left behind to ask why and just how could they do such a thing. I then feel if I did that, I might be selfish about it. I can't tell anyone they have to live even if I would miss them. I can encourage them but in the end if someone is really serious about suicide, they usually know people will try to stop them whether they 'care' or not and so they do it in secrecy or really swiftly so that no one has a chance. Movies will make these things more dramatic and color them up but the reality just seems quite different to me.

    In the end, I don't think a day for 'World Suicide Prevention Day" is going to make a difference to those who actually are serious about doing the act itself. If anything, it is like how I feel about funerals. You go to a funeral to say farewell and cope with death. I have no idea if the dead person knows you were there or not or cares. I doubt someone who is going to do suicide does either. They aren't thinking outside of their own situation. It would seem more to me like they'd be more likely to say that people don't understand and this day is a hoax but is set up for others who remain behind as victims, or those who fret. It's a nice thought but if it actually reached those who wanted to do the act, I'd be surprised.
  8. Joseki Traverse Town Homebody

    I'd like to start off by saying wow - You're ignorant.

    It's self absorbed, agreed. I'm self absorbed, so are you. We are all out in the world to take care of ourselves and do whats best for us. You cannot be sad or upset when a person commits suicide if it is truly what they wanted. I love darky, if he said "hey John, I'm killing myself" I wouldn't say a word to anyone. I'd let him do it because I love him, and because I respect his decision's as a human being with the RIGHT to end his own life.

    Old people don't kill themselves because they've lost loved ones or are in physical pain or any of that ****. They kill themselves because they are sick of living, period. I'm pretty sure I'll end up killing myself when I'm around 80. I'll probobly just be sick of living life. It happens. If you've been around 80 years, you'd probably be pretty bored with it all too.

    You're talking like its the person who committed suicide's fault that their relatives and friends are weak/narrow minded individuals who cannot respect a simple and well-planted and thought of decision. Wow, "Im so hurt, hes dead now, even though I want to be selfish and keep him on this earth against his will!" Seriously guys, its not your call, and being sad about it to the point where it effects your life is just pathetic on many levels.

    What are you doing even bringing "emos" into this. How many fking "emo" kids do you know kid? Its a music and fashion scene, and has nothing to do with depression. There is no matter of opinion on this. You're just another ignorant stereotyping *** who doesn't actually LISTEN to the people from the crowd, and just goes on making arrogant assumptions about them. They don't dress that way for attention, they dress that way because they like how it looks. And believe it or not, cutting ones-self to them feels good. It doesn't effect you, so lay off them. Further more, you yourself stereotype this crowd of people, then go on to be self-justificational in acting like you're above such behavior, when you yourself are guilty of it. Sickening.

    anyway, the rest of your comments are arrogant and ignorant without any sort of realistic connotations whatsoever aside from attempting to be inteligent banter based entirely on a screwed and judgmental opinion.
  9. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    But think about it, many people kill them self, because the bad things that happen to them make them feel like sh!t and that there worthless, so they don't see the point in living, I should know bullying made me feel like that and many times I felt like killing my self, but I knew that the pain would stop, so that why I carried on living, so before you call them selfish try putting your self in there shoes. I do admit it can be somewhat selfish, but you really need to see it from their point of view.

    Also, it's not just for emos, I'm sure many people who have killed them selfs were never classed as emo, because I know for a facted in Japanese history some people were order to kill them selves, or they would kill them selves so the people they were fighting couldn't kill them.
  10. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    What part of Intelligent and Mature went over your heads?

    The Day was meant to perhaps educate the general public on the matter of suicide which has become sadly commonplace in the world today. People go through with it and others are like: 'Oh so and so killed themselves yesterday. That's sad.'

    Mostly people don't announce it. Darky(for example) would never go, in all seriousness: 'I'm gonna kill myself now, kthnxbai.'

    Mostly they give subtle hints in what they say and in what they do. 'I don't need this anymore.' 'It doesn't matter where I'm going.' etc.

    The worst thing you can say to someone having these thoughts is: 'You're stupid/dumb/crazy/etc.' That would just make them more likely to do it.

    It is a serious topic of discussion, not something you can just brush off lightly. Since Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death.

    Please THINK before you make your posts on this topic. If I wanted a debate, I would have posted this in the Debate Section. =/
  11. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    I know some of the posts aren't very mature, but if you talk about something like this, then people will have a little debate about it.
  12. Joseki Traverse Town Homebody

    obviously, and furthermore maturaty is relative. =)
  13. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I agree with Joseki, for the most part, on this one.

    @L_F: Joseki used me as an expression-like example, not as a literal statement (about me wanting to kill myself).

    And about the topic of this day, I think it's completely unneeded. Making a day to make us 'think' about death, is completely stupid, and makes us paranoid and afraid and sympathetic for something that does not need to be placed in our lives.

    People die yes, but it is their decisions. "They would like it if you would still remember them," indeed, but when people start committing suicide BECAUSE of this holiday, is when **** goes down too far.


    EDIT: And don't get me wrong, these people who died by their own hands, are not to be forgotten, just don't publicly announce 'suicidal' news to the country. Makes you depressed.... by 'you', I mean us. XD
  14. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    The purpose of this thread was missed.

    I already PM'd someone to close it.
  15. Joseki Traverse Town Homebody

    what was the purpose? To let people know about a day drawing attention to death? -_-
  16. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    Death is a natural part of life. It shouldn't be a taboo.

    I'd just hate to see suicide taken so lightly.

    DA, you can close this now.
  17. cronoking Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    Whipping out Bakusaiga
    The reason Fox posted this was to get feedback on your thoughts about this and the fact that suicide rates are rising higher. Fox wasnt looking for people to argue with as this isnt the debate corner. She wanted people to take this very seriously.
  18. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    *Closed under request of author*
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