I still don't get how people get hung over, no matter how much I drink I remember everything perfectly and I never have a headache. I want to be hung over. ): I still say use half an alarm clock
I barely remember last night after I started downing ****. x3 I have been sick all day ._. I envy you. **** you dude Bl
No you don't. Make the most of it while you can. The moment I hit 20 I stopped having the ability to never get hangovers. I still remember 99% of the time I'm drunk, but I now have to take care on how much I drink to avoid the damn things. =(
I rarely get hangovers. I love laughing at people that do =D It is rather glorious. Although, I quite often have trouble remembering the drunken times. Sometimes that's a good thing though =p
Haha, sounds like you fun last night indeed, but maybe you should be a little more careful next time? Know your limits? xD Well I'm not saying I want everytime just that I want to experience having blackouts and being hung over. It sounds awesome, waking up not knowing where you are or anything. On normal occasions I'm happy with my resistance though.
When I was in Amsterdam I passed out after half a glass of wine. I have low limits. Low, low limits. I get that just from falling asleep on the living room couch. I wake up and start walking to where my bedroom door would be and trip over the couch.
Wat. That much man? ::L: Seriously I've drank waaay more and I'm underaged >.> What? xD it was a girl's 15 Year old party? xD (The counter part for your sweet 16 ones xD)
I have never had alcohol underage. The legal drinking age in Holland is 16. It feels so weird to be offered beer in a restaurant.