I know right, who cares? : D Oh well, so it's A- level results day today (I don't know if anyone else got theirs today?) but I came out with AAAB (B in biology) which did mean that my results weren't good enough for Cardiff to give me an offer for medicine. This does mean that I shall be having a gap year filled with fulfilling life fulfillments (which includes work and medical work experience and the joys of reapplying). This makes no difference to any of you as I'd be here regardless of whether I was at University or not but I thought I'd give you the update anyway. Yes, I shall be having a GAP YAHH!
Well, I'm glad you're taking it well (because AAAB isn't bad AT ALL). This also means we'd probably be heading off to college/uni at the same time, so that's pretty cool. Also, that video exudes posh...
Wow, you're taking it pretty well. Hope you do your best next time! And Let me ask you something, which is harder? Physics, Biology or Chemistry? Mine is either Physics or Chemistry.
Well, I never did physics so I can't comment on that but out of the other two I would say Chemistry, the biology exam is harder but the stuff you have to learn is easy in comparison. I don't know how many hours I spent doing chemistry work over the last two years but it was a lot more than my other subjects and I just managed an A but that is just my opinion : D I also find the concepts of physics hard to grasp but a lot of maths is involved and my brain doesn't deal well with maths. Also, a sad update- due to getting a B in biology, most UK med schools will no longer accept me so it's going to be even more difficult to get a place when I reapply.