Wonder Womans new look.

Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by reptar, Jun 30, 2010.

  1. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    The X-Men were originally created as an anti-racism allegory.

    As for the others, many of DC's heroes were created during the golden age of the late 30s and 40s, including Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman. That said, Wonder Woman is one of the most progressive characters to ever be created. She was a feminist character created during the 1940s and has stayed relatively relevant to this day. While on the subject of the golden age heroes, Superman originally stood for just truth and justice, the addition of "The American Way" wasn't until the 50s. Even then, today, Superman is mostly seen as the spirit of Justice while Wonder Woman is seen as the spirit of Truth. Can't remember what Batman is the spirit of, though.

    Still, if we're comparing DC characters and Marvel characters, its not secret that Marvel stories tend to be more focused on realistic character interaction while DC's tend to be more about the conflicts of good and evil.

    Also, Aquaman wouldn't be seen as lame if people were to pay attention to him from the modern age and not the silver age. And I think you have The Atom mixed up with Captain Atom. Captain Atom is a much less high profile character while The Atom's ability is shrinking. Its hard not to be seen as lame until you realize that Ray Palmer is supposed to be a detective and support for the other heroes. You know who else is supposed to be a detective hero? Batman.

    EDIT: Actually, I'm not done here: Marvel has a kid with spider powers, DC has a young artist with the last power ring of a group dedicated to protecting the universe (Green Lantern Kyle Rayner,) it has a child who transforms into a hero using a genie's magic (Captain Marvel,) a super powered young woman who is unable to find her place in the world (Power Girl) and a teenager with a scarab shaped artifact that encases him in alien power armor that allows him to join the heroes he's always looked up to in their battle against evil (Blue Beetle Jaime Reyes.)

    One More Day and Civil War sealed the deal for me.

    For Civil War, the story was basically a giant soapbox that used Iron Man (a neutral good character, I might add) as an allegory for conservative leaders and basically treated him as lawful evil, while using Captain America (a lawful good character) as an allegory for liberal leaders who the writers apparently feel are always right. While I know most comic writers tend to be liberals, as a liberal leaning moderate who agrees with some of the ideas, I DON'T WANT MY COMICS PREACHING TO ME.

    One More Day, on the other hand, is a perfect example as to why editors are not writers. The entire reasoning for One More Day is that Joe Quesada HATED the fact that Spider-Man was happily married. Why? Don't care. No one else had any problem with Spider-Man being married. Humorously, there was a DC series that had a similar editorially driven set up because the editor hated what came before it (in this case, 52). That series was Countdown to Final Crisis, a series so bad that Grant Morrison wanted absolutely nothing to do with it when he wrote Final Crisis and effectively rendered Countdown and all of Countdown's tie ins discontinuity. The lesson: If you **** up a story by making it too editorially driven, render it non canon if you value your readers.

    Besides, DC stories tend to be a lot more fun.
  2. Johnny Stooge Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 5, 2009
    You didn't "grow up" with Wonder Woman. I'll be anything you weren't a kid during the '70s.

    William Moulton Marston was far from that type of person. He was a psychologist and strong supporter of feminism and that's exactly why he created Wonder Woman because he noticed the lack of a strong female icon for young girls to look up to. Her costume wasn't designed for the cheesecake factor, but to evoke the sense that this is a strong and beautiful woman. Not to mention she's an Amazonian warrior.

    It's an alternate reality storyline so at some point, things will be restored eventually but as far as I'm concerned, this can take as long as it likes. I haven't had the chance to pick up #600 yet, but I'm committed to giving this a shot. I read Allan Heinberg's arc and I thought that was great, but he didn't last. And Gail Simone's run just didn't do it for me. Wonder Woman needs whatever she can get right now and JMS was utterly fantastic on Thor so on Wonder Woman I expect the same level of greatness. And I would not hold One More Day against JMS, that was Joe Quesada.

    I'm sure that part has already been worked out. JMS is also writing Superman, so I'm sure he has plans that'll allow for this alternate Wonder Woman to work in.

    I disagree. DC characters are timeless and far, far more versatile. Look at Batman: Brave and the Bold. Try finding a Marvel character to do something like that with and not have it come off as corny and forced. Then look at The Dark Knight. Look at Red Son Superman, then look at normal Superman.

    You can't do that with Marvel characters, because they're constantly pushing an agenda that updates their characters into be current and edgy. And this is across the line of characters.

    DC don't need to do that.

    DC is also far more universal, with Superman being a protector of the entire world and their heroes being spread out everywhere. Marvel is just in New York.

    I grew up with all the Marvel cartoons, same as everyone on this board. But I've read DC stories, I know DC characters and they are far and above anything Marvel has to offer as far as I'm concerned.
  3. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    I already acknowledged Quesada's role for One More Day, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. Likewise, I'm already aware that its going to be restored later on, but I wanted to start on a more typical Wonder Woman storyline. Of course, I can't say that I'm not bitter about One More Day, so as illogical as it may be, that doesn't help matters.

    I'm sure the story will be fine, but I simply have little interest in it. Granted, I may force myself to grab Wonder Woman #600 when I go to grab Brightest Day #5 on Wednesday, but still.

    Yeah, even if it was meant to be permanent, I doubt the fan backlash would have it stay around for much longer than this particular storyline. I was more just expressing my confusion on the matter of how it fits in with the rest of the DCU.

    EDIT: Speaking of Superman, are we entirely sure that JMS understands Superman? A lot of writers do tend to forget that he is a lot more "human" than most heroes and try to play up his Kryptonian heritage. Not say that's the case here, but its still a possibility.

    EDIT2: On second thought, regardless of long this lasts, I have one thing to say about it: What is the point if you're just going to undo it in the end?
  4. Mr. Van Whippy ♥ Biscuits and cookies

    Jan 5, 2007
    On the road
    I wonder now with that alternate time line how will the other heroes will be affected. Are they going to get new costumes as well...?

    i think Batman is just a darker side of Justice. At least this pretty much what it was said about him in Trinity.

    I haven't read Civil War (yet) but i've heard quite a few complaints about it. And i somewhat agree with you on the preaching. Marvel gets ridiculous at times.
    I found out a few weeks ago and i still find this very weird.

    ^This lol
  5. Johnny Stooge Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 5, 2009
    There has been no great Wonder Woman story in the five years since they relaunched Wonder Woman. This is about as good as it's been.

    It was good. It wasn't solely the JMS story. There was a Gail Simone and George Perez story, a Louise Simonson story and Geoff Johns and Scott Kolins prelude to the JMS story. All padded out with pin ups by people like Nicola Scott, Francis Manapul, Jock, Greg Horn and a beautiful two page spread by Phil Jimenez.

    With stuff like this I don't think fan backlash matters. Wonder Woman has never been a high selling title and no one was talking about her before all this. If everyone complaining about her costume had been buying her book, this wouldn't have happened.

    JMS knows Superman. That I'm sure. He's made it clear countless times that Superman is his favourite character and that this is the one book he's been dying to write ever since he started in comics. It's hard to fake something like that if you don't understand the character.

    umm, welcome to superhero comics.
  6. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    So Gail Simone's critically acclaimed and fan loved (granted, fan reactions were pretty mixed) run isn't considered great?

    Except when it comes down to things, I doubt this will have much of an effect on sales. If you're trying to make more sales, do something to make the character interesting. Its lazy writing to completely retool the character in an attempt to make her interesting.

    And its one of my complaints about the comic book medium. Status quo is god, even when it should not be. Sure, the forced retool of Wonder Woman here isn't as bad of an idea as some of JMS's other stories (*cough*onemoreday*cough*), but I still don't like it.

    Also, I've heard conflicting reports on JMS's agreement/disagreement with One More Day.
  7. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    I actually quite like her new look, I didn't particularly like the old one because it was too "Americanised" with all the stars and stripes and stuff, and it was a bit too revealing.

    Now her look looks more modern and less geared towards tennage boys (there I said it).
  8. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    Actually, Wonder Woman was originally created by a feminist that felt that girls needed a Superman like role model. She's never been targeted at teenage boys.
  9. Johnny Stooge Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 5, 2009
    Did you read it? I ended up dropping it several issues in. Now it certainly wasn't terrible but it did nothing to sustain my interest. Yes, I know Gail's fan enjoyed it but I doubt her run will go down next George Perez and Phil Jimenez's stories.

    But she hasn't been retooled. The story is that the gods have altered her timeline and the premise even starts off with an oracle telling her she has to fix it.

    Then this is a matter of opinion. I don't mind change.

    One More Day was strictly Quesada. Yeah, JMS' name is on the cover but the entire story was mandated from on high by Quesada. In fact, I'm pretty sure the only think JMS did was script the dialogue. It's why Quesada is writing One Moment In Time.
  10. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    I'll be fair and admit that I wasn't reading comics for the majority of Simone's run (and even now I mostly read Green Lantern.) Still, the critics loved it, a good portion of fans loved it, but hey, a good portion isn't everyone.

    Well, it IS a retool, just one they never planned to use permanently. I suspect that its a publicity thing. Start some controversy, rake in some extra money, fix it before it becomes to much of an issue. That's the main problem I have here. Its not to tell the next story, its to lure in readers with a controversial move.

    Its not that I don't like change, its just that this isn't meant to change anything. Its a publicity stunt.

    Like I said, I've heard conflicting reports, so I'm not going to take sides until I can be completely sure of what the full story is. Regardless of who's to blame, it doesn't change what One More Day is. Besides, I will always hold Quesada as more to blame for it than anyone else.
  11. Gobolo Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 26, 2009
    The sky
    I don't really care about the new costume considering that two things will either happen.
    1. The look sticks only for this arch
    2. The look carries on for a few more archs

    Regardless of what happens, a comic book hero's look is constantly redone whenever a new author or group of authors take the helm so to speak. Sometimes they almost completely revert to older styles - however they are always adding something to it. But the thing I think is important is not that the look is different, but that the look can influence the next person. There are a lot of nods of the head to what past writers have done, and if this arch does do a good job maybe later we might see an influence of whatever the new arch brings...
  12. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    That would be fine and all.... except it isn't just a new costume, its a total retool done for the sake of publicity. Its not to tell the next story, its to lure in readers with some controversy.
  13. woodstockfootball26 Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 29, 2008
    the way she dresses is a tradition there's nothing wrong with it and not modest??? Hahaha it's a cartoon about fighting people will care what the justice league looks like but I think the storyline will take your eyes off of that.
  14. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    Ah, right, thanks for reminding me of Power Girl. I have to wonder why everyone makes a big deal out of Wonder Woman's costume (even though her new costume has just as much cleavage as the old one...), but no one blinks an eye at Power Girl. Sure, there's symbolic aspect of her costume, the hole representing that she feels that she doesn't deserve to wear the "S" logo the rest of the Superman family (Superman, Supergirl, Superboy) wears, as well as the fact that she also has the hole there to show she isn't hiding anything from her enemies and its not her fault if they get to distracted to avoid her punching them, but it doesn't change the fact that she's got probably the most gratuitous boob window on her costume in all of the DCU.
  15. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Meh, it's about time they updated her look. Just sayin'.
  16. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    My guess would be because most people have no idea who Power Girl is.
    I mean, people with a small amount of comic knowledge should, but majority mainsteam people who don't read comics and all they know are from the old cartoons are just common knowledge. They know the big superhero names and that's pretty much it.

    A lot of my friends don't aren't even aware of the different continuities.
  17. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    This, is exactly.... what I was going to say.
  18. Roxasfan Xman Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    Traverse Downtown
    I really do love the original outfit, but this one is not too shabby. Reminds me of Cassandra Sandmarks's old YJ Wonder Girl Outfit in some ways.
  19. NamineKairiXion Moogle Assistant

    Jul 27, 2010
    Wonder woman looks diffrent tthan the orignal wonder women she looks like a teenager besides a woman >>' but i like her new outfit but i like the other outfit better.