Then allegedly decides to leave it in a bin. Sorry, but a baby ain't no tampon. I'm surpised no one noticed she went into labour. o_o
You have to get permission from a doctor, I believe. It is surprising no one saw her in labor, or having the baby. I mean, its not like its in any way subtle.
Hm... something similuar happened like this before, but it was different. >< Wow... poor lady and poor baby. Glad they're okay though.
They actually say that a baby born in a plane is able to benefit from that. From what I was told, free flights as the baby gets older.
She may not have known she was going into labor. Believe it or not, there have been cases where women who gone into labor thought they needed to go to the bathroom.
wow...that is a strange thing to do when your pregnant, last year when my mom was pregnant, she couldn't lay on her side and how could this woman even get onto the airplane, unless she didn't have the prego belly that mos women have (no offense) its just a good thing that they both are okay... Hahahah....that is funny, i wish that i could fly for free.....lucky
Depends on the birth. I know someone who almost flushed their kid down the toilet, thought they were just having a huge **** :v Oh lol, if not the labour, how did people not notice the blood on her clothes the airport staff mentioned? I mean, she could have concealed it, but it would have been pretty hard. Jeez, putting your baby in a bin is just...blargh. :/
How did the people on the plane not here her screams? I mean, i heve been on a plane before and you can hear some "strange" noises coming from the bathrooms....don't ask....
How did nobody notice that? That's stupid... That's so stupid. xD I mean, if a lady that pregnant got on my flight I'd be looking out for her. D:
Not to be insensitive, but sometimes, obese women don't even know they're pregnant in the first place. That, coupled with the thing someone else mentioned about not knowing you're in labor, would mean that she did this completely unaware. The blood, yes, would be hard to conceal, and why did she leave it in the trash? It's interesting to me that she is not being charged with anything (like.. child endangerment, abandonment (is that a crime? I hope so), etc).
^ Sometimes even women who aren't obese can be pregnant and not realise. There was an article I read, I'll see if I can track it down. A woman had two three kids, with two of them she never gained much weight and she never even went out of her dress size, her periods carried on as normal and she had no symptoms, yet both the babies were born healthily both times. :/ who the **** puts their baby in a bin though, even if you didn't realise you were pregnant, what the ****.
Oh wow o_o that's really sad she would just put it in a bin ): I wonder if she'll still be able to keep the baby.
I am kind of hoping that she doesn't >> I mean if she dumps it once who is to say she doesn't again, though admittedly she had just had one hell of a shock so probably wasn't in the best frame of mind. I just hope that if she does get to keep the baby that both of them are kept an eye on by people. For her sake and the baby's.
yeha, i know, that's what i kind of meant.. it would be stupid for any legal system to let her keep that baby
isn't there a law that says that if you are pregnant, you can't be in a plane because of the speed and pressurization?