Winter time

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by In explicit Angst, Jan 10, 2009.

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  1. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    It was 11.50. Ten minutes and the Christmas vacation would start. Teenagers were sitting nervously on there seats. Students new that the vacation was going to be great. Trips to other countries, snow fights and Christmas. Everyone where going to get out of the boring town they lived in... Well everyone except the once who couldn't afford for any trip. Or the once who's parents had too much work to leave the town.


    - No godmodding
    - Be active!
    - You may have up to six characters
    - Only teens

    OC form:

    Played by:
    How good at school:


    Played by: Roxas-Chick
    Name: Luna Sakurajama
    Age: 17
    Female/Male: Female
    Personality: A quiet, shy, but very brave girl
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Hobbies: She likes writing poems and songs. Also she like's ice-skating
    How good at school: A C student

    Played by: Roxas-Chick
    Name: Heidi Light
    Age: 16
    Female/Male: Female
    Personality: A girl who almost never speaks. She isn't really the nicest persons in the world
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Hobbies: She read's almost all the time
    History: Her mother died in a car accident caused by some drunk men. That's why she hates men.
    How good at school: An A student

    Played by: Roxas-Chick
    Name: Talia Wing
    Age: 15
    Female/Male: Female
    Personality: Talia is very cheery, but can get hurt easily. She is very brave and likes doing reckless and dangerous things. She dresses in punky clouts
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Hobbies: She does martial arts and has a boxing bag at her room which she hits and kicks a couple of hours a day
    History: She used to be bullied when she was younger
    How good at school: A D student

    Played by: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Leon Stone
    Age: 16
    Female/Male: male
    Personality: quiet but secretly caring in strange ways
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Hobbies: drawing, basketball, cooking
    History: He was always a average student in most classes, he excelled in basketball and cooking but has never entered a match or cook off.
    How good at school: straight C student except in home economics
    Other: he has a sweet tooth

    Played by: Divine_lunatic
    Name: Jayden Harper
    Age: 17
    Female/Male: Male
    Personality: Witty, talkative, appears to be care-free, and seems to have an emotional age of 12, although he has his deep moments. Likes the company of females, but not interested in a serious relationship. Easy to get along with, but can be a fearsome enemy, if you get on his bad side. Believes in the motto 'live in the moment'.
    Appearance: Younger version of the guy in my avvy.
    (in case I change it and yes I no it's small: )
    Hobbies: Guitar, playing flight simulators (among with other video games), snowboarding.
    History: Son of a farmer, but moved to the city after parents divorced four years earlier. Befriended Hannah Soren (see Char.2) quickly, despite differing personalities.
    How good at school: Not bad, but not a exceptionally good student either, since he doesn't bother to study too hard. So, about a B-C average (7-8 in Finnish system)
    Other: Heavily based on Wes Janson from Star Wars >.< He just happens to be pretty much my favorite fiction-character evah.

    Played by: Divy
    Name: Hannah Soren
    Age: 17
    Female/Male: Female
    Personality: Quite, stoic, yet quite sensitive, thoughtful, and somewhat of a worrier. Usually prefers to be alone, although she adores her best friend Jayden.
    Hobbies: Reading, writing, theatre, choir.
    History: Had a 'normal' childhood, although she has always considered herself an outcast at school.
    How good at school: A-B average, pretty good, when she puts effort in her work.
    Other: –

    Played by: Crimson
    Name: Holden Grey
    Age: 17
    Female/Male: Male
    Personality: Jokes around a lot although he's sometimes serious. He likes getting into arguements and fights as well.
    Hobbies: Guitar, reading, thinking, fixing things, and whistling.
    History: He's always been somewhat smart but has never applied himself to anything other than his hobbies. Holden's parent push him too hard and just criticize him for just about everything he's ever done and they've basically rubbed his older brother's flawless record in his face.
    How good at school: B student.
    Other: Sometimes likes stealing things...>> <<

    Played by: Roxas Sora51
    Name: Zack
    Age: 15
    Female/Male: Male
    Personality: Zack is very laid back and will crack a joke every now and again
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Hobbies: he can play the drums really well he just gets too nervous to ever play in front of anyone...
    History: Zacks parents died in a car crash, so from the age of 8 he has lived with his grand-parents...
    How good at school: B-C student
    Other: none

    Played by: Spunk Ransom
    Name: Cale Sullivan
    Age: 16
    Female/Male: Female
    Personality: She can be very kind unless you get on her bad side.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Hobbies: Singing, computer things, being with friends.
    History: Cale has had a pretty normal life, just think average teenager.
    How good at school: A/B Student
    Other: Nope.

    Played by: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Jessica Stone
    Age: 17
    Female/Male: female
    Personality: kind and sweet the oposite to her brother
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Hobbies: Listening to music, gossip, playing with hair
    History: She is Leon's older sister and also the one who covers for her brother when he does dumb things. She looks after him ever since their arents died.
    How good at school: straight A student
    Other: n/a

    Played by: Roxas-Chick
    Name: Haley
    Age: 16
    Female/Male: female
    Personality: A cheery young girl
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Hobbies: Reading and drawing.
    History: Use to be a yanki
    How good at school: D-C student
    Other: Is in love with Shizu. Is based on Gentlemen's alliance manga's Haine Otomiya.

    Played by: Roxas-Chick
    Name: Shizu
    Age: 16
    Female/Male: male
    Personality: A quiet, but friendly boy
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Hobbies: Reading
    History: -
    How good at school: A student
    Other: Is the student council's president.
    Is based on Gentlemen's alliance Shizumasa Togu

    Played by: Friendly_Heartless
    Name: Riley
    Age: 16
    Female/Male: Female
    Personality: Cheerful and happy most of the time. Sometimes can suddenly act sad the next day, but always tries to keep a smile on her face. Gets along with others quite easily.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Hobbies: Playing piano, writing own stories, hiking sometimes too. Sings when she's alone and listening to her MP3 player.
    History: Riley's mother has mental illnese. Her family never realized it until just recently. While Riley was growing up, her mother would sometimes get out of control because of all the illusions she was seeing. So Riley experienced and whittnessed some pretty scary stuff. She won't let that surface though, and keeps it to herself. She really doesn't want others to worry about her. Besides, her mom is on medication now. Things should start deing down a bit...
    How good at school: A - B student. Her strong hold is Language Arts. It's almost at a college level.
    Other: Sometimes Riley likes to be alone, and sometimes she just likes to mix and mingle with the crowd. It depends on her day.

    Played by:The road to Darkness
    Personality: quiet and collected. mainly shows no emotion because of past
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Hobbies: being with friends
    History: thought to be a cutter or emo at first but he is just misunderstood, but expelled from his old school for breaking a students leg in a fight. right eye is blind from the fight. eye still opens just hazy grey. just an average transfer student who wants to fit in.
    How good at school: C/D student
    Other: he has trouble with school and not caring. friends come before school work.

    Played by: Haru66
    Name:Haru Francis
    Female/Male: Male
    Personality: Haru is a silent student but he never loses his grin most of the time. He is also a very happy person and likes to show his happiness to others.
    Hobbies: Thai Boxing, Football, Studying.
    History: Haru grew up in a family who focuses hard on his education but this isn't his really family, It's a foster family. Haru's family abanded him infront of the foster home.
    How good at school:A+ student.
  2. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Played by: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Leon Stone
    Age: 16
    Female/Male: male
    Personality: quiet but secretly caring in strange ways
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Hobbies: drawing, basketball, cooking
    History: He was always a average student in most classes, he excelled in basketball and cooking but has never entered a match or cook off.
    How good at school: straight C student except in home economics in which he has an A
    Other: he has a sweet tooth
  3. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    'Kay ur in ^.^
  4. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    I haven't RP'd in ages properly... I guess this would be as good of a start as any XP

    Char. 1
    Played by: Divine_lunatic
    Name: Jayden Harper
    Age: 17
    Female/Male: Male
    Personality: Witty, talkative, appears to be care-free, and seems to have an emotional age of 12, although he has his deep moments. Likes the company of females, but not interested in a serious relationship. Easy to get along with, but can be a fearsome enemy, if you get on his bad side. Believes in the motto 'live in the moment'.
    Appearance: Younger version of the guy in my avvy.
    (in case I change it and yes I no it's small: )
    Hobbies: Guitar, playing flight simulators (among with other video games), snowboarding.
    History: Son of a farmer, but moved to the city after parents divorced four years earlier. Befriended Hannah Soren (see Char.2) quickly, despite differing personalities.
    How good at school: Not bad, but not a exceptionally good student either, since he doesn't bother to study too hard. So, about a B-C average (7-8 in Finnish system)
    Other: Heavily based on Wes Janson from Star Wars >.< He just happens to be pretty much my favorite fiction-character evah.

    Char. 2
    Played by: Divy
    Name: Hannah Soren
    Age: 17
    Female/Male: Female
    Personality: Quite, stoic, yet quite sensitive, thoughtful, and somewhat of a worrier. Usually prefers to be alone, although she adores her best friend Jayden.
    Hobbies: Reading, writing, theatre, choir.
    History: Had a 'normal' childhood, although she has always considered herself an outcast at school.
    How good at school: A-B average, pretty good, when she puts effort in her work.
    Other: –

    By the way, if I come up with a character later, can he/she be added later on?
  5. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    'kay ur in, and yes, you can add characters later on....
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Played by: Crimson
    Name: Holden Grey
    Age: 17
    Female/Male: Male
    Personality: Jokes around a lot although he's sometimes serious. He likes getting into arguements and fights as well.
    Hobbies: Guitar, reading, thinking, fixing things, and whistling.
    History: He's always been somewhat smart but has never applied himself to anything other than his hobbies. Holden's parent push him too hard and just criticize him for just about everything he's ever done and they've basically rubbed his older brother's flawless record in his face.
    How good at school: B student.
    Other: Sometimes likes stealing things...>> <<
  7. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    'Kay, you're in *edits thread*
    After one or two people join, I think we can start.....
  8. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    Can I join?

    Played by: Roxas Sora51
    Name: Zack
    Age: 15
    Female/Male: Male
    Personality: Zack is very laid back and will crack a joke every now and again
    Hobbies: he can play the drums really well he just gets too nervous to ever play in front of anyone...
    History: Zacks parents died in a car crash, so from the age of 8 he has lived with his grand-parents...
    How good at school: B-C student
    Other: none
  9. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    Ofcorse you can join!
  10. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Twidles thumbs? Has we begun?
  11. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    Well there is 9 characters and 5 RPers..... So you may start!...
  12. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Its your roleplay so you should start XD
  13. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    hmph..... well ok then.....

    Lilly looked around the class. Everyone was nervously staring at the clock. Her head turned back to the teacher when she started speaking louder.
    "Wont she just stop babbling?!" Lilly thought to her self

    Ooc: By the way. Same age people: Same class
  14. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Leon leant back on his chair and closed his eyes putting his feet up on the desk. He ignored the teacher and the others in the class and kept his ears ready for the bell. He too was anxious to get out, nobody likes school.
  15. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    Heidi was listening to the teacher. But she didn't understand what did he mean by saying "I know we all are going to miss each other"
    Who would she miss? There pet bird maybe. No one else. The class had mostly guys in it. Selfish, ignorant, sexist jerks!
  16. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006
    Played by: Spunk Ransom
    Name: Cale Sullivan
    Age: 16
    Female/Male: Female
    Personality: She can be very kind unless you get on her bad side.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Hobbies: Singing, computer things, being with friends.
    History: Cale has had a pretty normal life, just think average teenager.
    How good at school: A/B Student
    Other: Nope.
  17. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Leon opened one eye and looked around the class. He noticed Heidi across the room and could see somewhat frustration. He smirked slightly at this and closed his eye again as he lent back into his ignorance.
  18. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Holden stared down at the paper on his desk. He had always hated tests, they were a waste of time in his eyes. It could be worse. I could be an idiot. He lazily wrote down a few things on the paper with his left hand and sighed as he finished his work. With his right hand he began tapping lightly on the desk, not so loudly as to make the teacher bother him about it but just loud enough to annoy anyone around him.
  19. Smackdoodle McGiggles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 4, 2009
    this is my first time doing something like this... but is it to late to join?
  20. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    Ooc: You both may join

    Lilly had done the test already. Some students didn't even notice the paper laying on there desk.
    "Why the heck would the teacher do a 'Before Holiday' test?..." Lilly thought

    Heidi peeked at her phones clock. It was 11.55
    "Five more minutes" she mumbled very quietly"

    Ginny was drawing a sunset on a sumer day on her notebook.
    "Why cant everyday be summer?" she asked her self
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