The movie is rated G for... Spoiler Get your a$$ to the movie theaters and see this motha ******* amazing movie!!! =3 I just realized I spelled winnie wrong. DX my childhood memories are now cursed forever
my life is cursed forever. I can not believe they are actually making a whinnie the pooh movie. If I were to ever set eyes on that I will run screaming in the bathroom and start puking for 20 straight marathon hours. Seeing the trailer for even a second was bad enough for me
Spoiler Anyway- I haven't watched a Disney Winnie the Pooh movie in ages. I did recently re-read the books, and they're actually quite nice. I might go see it, although if I do "Get off my a$$" it will probably be to go make more toast. I might watch it out of theaters.
Movie is only 69 minutes long. And you're going to use up the same amount of money you use to watch a two hour movie. Have fun.