How do I remove individual programs? In the Add / Remove Programs, I only see Windows Essentials. I wanted to remove Live Movie Maker and Live Messenger, but not Live Mail.
What trash bin? Like I said, there are no individual things for Windows Essentials' programs, just Windows Essentials itself. I've got: Windows Live Mail Windows Live Messenger Windows Live Movie Maker I would completely have to uninstall Windows Essentials to get them uninstalled, but I want to keep Windows Live Mail.
You can choose which ones you want to uninstall when you hit "Uninstall" on Windows Essentials. A window should pen up asking if you want to remove one or more programs from it. From there you can pick and choose which to keep/toss.
Im pretty sure every Windows has a trash bin icon on the desktop. Unless Im mistaken. Otherwise, try what Plums says.