If it's backwards compatible, yes. Your PS3 instructions manual should say if it is or not. If you lost it, try inserting a PS2 game, if you have one.
_Moved To Tech support. But this one is pretty simple to answer, actually. It depends on the model. 20GB and select 60GB models have hardware emulation and can play PS2 games well. The 80GB and some particular 60GB do software emulation, which can play a good majority of the games. Any model beyond this doesn't. Including the 40GB model, which doesn't have it. So basically, if your PS3 is 20GB, 60GB or 80GB, it can probably play it. If not...well, tough luck. It's a feature you can't add by paying for it separately.
Pretty much this. Of course, if you're unfortunate enough to not have a PS3 that can play PS2 games... You could always buy a PS2, they're pretty cheap now, and it'd be worth it to be able to play older games. :/ That's the only other solution if your PS3 doesn't work for PS2 games anyway.
Sort of right. They initially had support of PS2 games on the first models, however they stopped after a while. So it depends on when it's made. First ones have it.
Then I do believe it is one of the few that has backwards compability. It really urked me that not all PS3 has it, so you're quite fortunate.
Also if you jailbreak your ps3 or install custom firmware you can get it to work no matter what kind of ps3 you have. There are a lot of down sides to this though. I highly recommend it if you play a lot of one player stuff but if you are online some of the time then it would not be the ideal choice.
I've been told that it's only like the first series of PS3 that were made that are backwards Compatible. Unless it's one of those, I don't think you'll be able to play a PS2 game on it
That is half true... Like my 60gig, I got the day it came out. That originally was the only backwards compatible one. (They did the 40gig too, but that one wasn't b/c) Then they stopped making the 60gig b/c (I'm one of the lucky ones who got it) Anyway, they've been making new models which are b/c... that aren't the original 60gig one. so... depending what he has, it might very well be able to play PS2 games. It isn't just limited to the original PS3 consoles.
I believe most of the newer PS3's aren't backwards compatible. I was quite pissed off when I found this out since I paid for a 160Gb model and can't even play KH2 on it.
I'd probably recommend that anyways. There are a lot of games for the PS2 that are really good that aren't on the PSN
Newer models of the PS3 CANNOT play PS2 Games. But seeing as you say you got it 2 years after it came out,there is a possibility you have a Backwards Compatible one.