Wii vs PS3 (Mainly all opinion)

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Donaut, Aug 25, 2007.

  1. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    This was written as a report while I was spending the night at my good buddy Trevor's house. This was the first time playing the PS3 and the Wii in a long time, so I decided to put this up for your pleasure. Before you go on, I just have to say that most of these topics are of opinion. If you actually care what I have to say, then I'll appreciate it. =D

    1. Now let's start out with the money concept. There basically is no contest in this category. Let's look at the Wii. With $250 you get the wiimote with nunchuck, the wii system, and Wii Sports. Playstation 3....$600! That is a large amount of money that you might be missing. You could buy many things with all of that money. You could actually buy almost three Wiis with the price of one PS3. Money is no contest in my mind.

    Wii: 1 PS3: 0

    2. Let's move onto the graphics. I think this is also another no brainer. PS3 obviously wins this category because comparing PS3 graphics with Wii graphics is like comparing the N64 with the PS2. It is something that you don't need to actually stop and think about. The PS3 with it's size allows it to fit that processing ability into it to make the graphics great.

    Wii: 1 PS3: 1

    3. Now, here's something that kind of bothers me, and I know that some people don't care about this, but in the overall scheme of things I think that the size of the system really does matter. Now the PS3 is massive! It's the biggest system I've ever seen. It's almost ridiculous how big it is. I mean think about it. Would you rather have a system that you need a whole backpack to travel it around in, or one that could fit into a baggy pocket? Now true, for the size you pay a price for the graphics, but for the graphics you pay a price for the size. So you would either like to have a little convenient system, or a giant system with force to pick up that you have to pay alot more money for. Well, at least for me, the size matters. And I'm sure a majority would agree that size matters for a console.

    Wii: 2 PS3: 1

    4. This next one is based purely on opinion, but that's what this whole rant is, isn't it? =D The controllers. The PS One, two and three all have the exact same controller design. The NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube and Wii have all had different controllers. Now, they were derived from the controller before them, but that's the thing about it. Each time they revolutionized the controller to make it better than the time before that. It kept getting better and better until we got the bluetooth sensitivity of the wiimote. And it's awesome. It's the best controller I've ever seen. It has to be the best controller I've seen Nintendo make. I mean, some people like the style to hold the playstation remote, but why the same thing THREE times? Wii wins that one. I just have to say that Nintendo has done more thought on this than Sony. The wiimote rules. The playstation controller is just getting old.

    Wii: 3 PS3: 1

    5. Next up is the internet connectivity. This is the thing that makes the system have extra quantities that you like about it more. Now, the Wii I think is just a little bit better on this one. You have the virtual console, which has NES, SNES, N64, turbo graphics, and Sega Genesis. That is what makes it great. I mean, yes you need more money, but then you can buy them over the internet. Plus it has the weather channel, forcast channel, internet browser and the shop. And it still has so much more room for growth and it's just great. Now the PS3. Yes it does have internet connectivity, but it can't hold a candle. And yes it does have a virtual console.....playstation games. Fin. The end. It doesn't have much for selection, and it might have over 1000 games, but I don't really care. It just has one system on it. And if you got a PS3 for $600, I'm sure you had a Playstation one at one point in time. I just have to say that the internet connectivity is not as good as the Wii's. And just a reminder, if you're looking for facts in this article, you're not going to find it. As I said before, this is all opinion.

    Wii: 4 PS3: 1

    6. This one is actually really high on my list. Backward compatibility. Now the Wii doesn't have that great of it because Nintendo started to use CDs when the Gamecube came out. Playstation had CDs from when it was first released, so the PS3 has backward compatability with the other two systems. Now, there are a couple of glitches, but what system doesn't have that? And the Wii can only play Wii games and Gamecube games. And right now I'm not counting the virtual console, because I'm thinking about all of the games I already have. I want to think about all the NES, SNES, and N64 games I have on my shelves. On backward compatibility, PS3 wins. It just does.

    Wii: 4 PS3: 2

    7. Now last but certainly not least, how many have been sold. Playstation, Sony if you will, have only sold 4.32 million systems(thanks gamefreak103). Now Nintendo, has sold 10.57 million systems(once again, thanks gamefreak103). This is another no contest. By more than doubling Sony, Nintendo beats out PS3 in systems sold.

    Final score.

    Wii: 5 PS3: 2

    Now, remember. All just opinion. So what if the Wii won, whoop de doo. The thing is it's all totally my opinion. PS3 lovers could twist it so the PS3 would win. It's all gonna be a never ending war between the systems, which I think is totally ridiculous. If you want to buy a PS3, but a PS3! If you read this whole thing and thought, "The Wii won, so I'll buy a Wii", then you're an idiot. Buy the one that you want to buy. Don't go off and buy it just because some guy on a forum said that the Wii was better than the PS3. Now it seems that everyone who makes these argues about the Wii is stupid or the PS3 should go suck a c0ck. It's just immature and stupid. If you really like the console you want to buy, then go buy it. I really don't care and nobody else should either. And that is the end of my concept on Wii vs PS3.
  2. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    internet connectivity I don't agree with at all.

    The online play for the Wii is poor at the moment, I mean friends codes, lack of online games. Other than Virtual console it's crap at the moment. =/ While the PS3 has PSN maybe not quite as good as Xbox Live yet, but better than what the Wii is offering.

    And backwards combatilitiy, is a win for the Wii not PS3. The Wii has virtual console and all GC games work on it. Unlike the PS3 which isn't fully backwards combatable yet, alot of games still don't work on it.

    And 3 to me isn't a big deal. =/

    As well as units sold, it's too early to say Wii has won that. The system wars as just begun.
  3. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    I even said I wasn't talking about the virtual console for the Wii. I said that I want to care about the games I already have. Not the ones I have to buy if I already have it. And I don't recall telling that the Wii has already won. I just announced how many systems have been sold.
  4. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  5. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    I didn't mean win as in won the wars, but really it shouldn't be a point IMO, at least not yet.
  6. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006