Are the Premium and Basic prices the right way round? Because the cost in dollars is same for both models.
Games to cost $59.99, just like PS3 and XBox 360 EDIT: And Australia will be getting it November 30th
Thank you, gerbil. Hmmm, I think that as per usual the price of the console for Britain won't correlate near the exchange rate, wherein it should be selling at around £180 (which compared tot he £170 of the original Wii isn't a bad thing at all), it's gonna be something like £220 more likely. The Price of another controller being jsut over £100?! No way, Jose! I'll likely get this when it releases games I care about and reduces its price for the first time. Till then, see you late, WU.
The Premium Edition comes with Nintendoland. I was at Gamestop yesterday, and they had prices up for Arkham City and Scribblenauts, and they were $50.
Here's some info on replacing the WiiU gamepad: wonder how much is "undisclosed fee?" Any guesses?