Why'd you make your username what it is?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Misty, Nov 27, 2006.

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  1. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  2. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    A'ight, a'ight, a'ight... Here's how it goes.

    I was watchin' Austin Powers, Goldmember, see? And then I saw that part where Beyonce goes all, "Cuz I'm FOXXIE, CLEAPATRA, and I'm a WHOLE lotta of woman!" and I just cracked up. It was my favorite part of the whole movie. Aaaaaanyways, I was trying to figure out what username I would use for KH-vids and I remembered that line. I was ABOUT to use the name “Foxxie Cleapatra,†but I wanted to be a little more original, so I mixed thing up a little bit, and, voila!

    2Foxxie4U was born.

  3. Claryssa Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 9, 2006
    In my own little world.
    My username is my name... I am lazy and I like my name. XD Dunno why, I think I think I like the spelling more than anything. 'Y' is better than 'I'!!! I'm glad my mom didn't spell my name with an 'i' in it.

    So... yeah, basically I'm lazy. Even though my username is Claryssa, I prefer to be called Clary as it is easier to say and type. (Yes, some people have trouble saying my name. XD)
  4. KairiSoraKeyoflight Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 30, 2006
    spazzing out somewhere probably
    kairisorakeyoflight was my youtube name and i love it exept its way to long where did it come from lets see now well im a huge KairiXSora suppoter so thats the KairiSora part comes from and Keyoflight Key for Keyblade of is not important and light that has to do with the key blade too and well my name is long and some even make it longer (kairi on skype for example) so my nickname is Kaira kairi sora Kaira

    Sorax, well last time it was Sorasaxor, but it was too long, so i decided to short it out, and there you go Sorax!
  6. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    At school i came up with a nickname for my self since people could say my name right ot was making fun of it so i came up with Annieo then befor I joined this site I was thinking of what my name would be if I was a nobody so I just added the x to make Anniexo and that is why my title is I'm the nobody of my self lol
  7. ??? Banned

    Oct 10, 2006
    My AMV production company ive invented

    im gunna ask to change it to Epic Fail Guy

    ps if you can pm me
  8. ~tReAh867~ Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 18, 2006
    Ferngully?... no, wait, that's not right...
    ive never really been very good at coming up with names... so i thought i would make something based on kingdom hearts to make things easier for me.

    i used the word heart and tried to write it backwards: traeh... but i guess i was completely out of it when making it and i ended up keeping the e and a in the regular order, hence treah. as for the numbers, i just like 'em and i have them in most of my other screen names. and the squigglies and uppercase lowercase stuff is all just to make it look pretty!

    so you have ~tReAh867~! ;)
  9. Rouge Angel92 Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 30, 2006
    Waiting for my heart to heal
    Rouge is not an elephant. I'm baka neko. Although I do have a pretty good memory. And I don't think it's dorky as long as you like it then it shouldn't matter.
    Me and my friends didn't choose my nickname because i had a good memory. We chose Rogue because I've never really belonged anywhere(I guess none of us do in our own way.). I'm not a leader yet I'm not a follower. I just go and do ny own thing. No one really notices me so I'm sort of feel like an outsider. Understand my username a little better now?(sorry this took three posts)
  10. WarpObscura Traverse Town Homebody

    Warp came from my love of teleportation. Obscura from Vega, not from the Camera.
  11. Van the Deathseeker Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 19, 2006
    Not far from where you dwell
    I made mine becuase I like the Deathseeker Class in TableTop RPGs. and my name is Vaughan. short form Van.
  12. Scarnox Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 24, 2006
    Well, I guess if I'm gonna explain my username, I'll have to tell you my real name. So here's how it all started. I was messin around with this anagram generator one day, and I had tried all of this different stuff like anagrams with my real name and other ppls names etc. THEN I though "Hmm, what would my name be if I was a nobody?" So I tried it out( here's the part where I reveal my name):eek: :eek: :eek: I typed "Carson x" And voila! It came up with Scar Nox and, come on, how cool sounding is that? I decided though, to make it one word because it's my nobody name. So from that point on, I have used Scarnox as my username or part of my username for just about everything. So there you have it, my username explained, and my real name revealed.
  13. Rufus Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 25, 2006
    Houston, Tx
    I got the name rufus from a comic i read :P
  14. Niami Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 9, 2006
    Ok, when I was in 6th grade, the 7th grade cheerleaders went Miami, Florida. When they came back, they were bragging alot until finally, the dumbest one yelled out loud, "We went to Niami, Florida and u didn´t!" I was in drama with the 8th graders and they never knew how to say my name, and they were all there when the little blonde said that, and I was dubbed "Niami". If I don´t get my way and get that username, I´m Niami94. 94 cuz ,1 time, I tried to write 93 but my fingers hurt and they accidently wrote 94 and I liked it better!

    My fingers hurt now, too...
  15. MaliciousRelik Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 19, 2006
    Behind the shadows of your eyes
    How did I get my username? Heh, this si going to take a while

    Well, when I was smaller and even now....Peoople have called me Malice, because of how i acted torwards others. I show you what you show me...you be a pain in my *** I do it right back, you are nice and i am nice..respect issues and such.....Relik is a term for "he who surpases time" I have been called Relik plenty of times so

    MaliciousRelik and here I am......I am not neccessarily Evil, but I will hjave my moments when I need to...I am like a sentinel in a way but other than that I am a nice guy.

  16. Antidote Façade

    Nov 26, 2006
    I called myself this cos my moodswings at the moment are: sorrow, loathing, hate, sadness, and it's the name of a sad song I like. Infact it's my fav song. PS not emo ;{ just had to get that last bit out there.
  17. Xigbar The Freeshooter

    Nov 24, 2006
    In a house.
    OK i like Xigbar the end...lol
  18. kurouxingusu Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 29, 2006
    I LIVE?!?!?!?
    My username is in japanese it means black wings cuz I always thought It would be cool to have wings and black is my favorite color and I love japanese stuff cuz I think it sounds cooler in japanese so I looked the words black and wings up on freedict.com and well there u have it
    oh and my friends thought if I were to draw myself with wings they should be black rather than any other color it was unanimous:D :D :D
  19. Anderson (☞゚∀゚)☞ You've lost the game.

    Nov 11, 2006
    Mt. Silver
    My favorite character is Roxas, so that explains the first part. Dual comes from "Dual Keyblader" or "Dual Keyblades", whatever you want to call it. I was also thinking about Yu-Gi-Oh! at the time for some strange reason, and I don't like spelling D-U-E-L. (XD) EX is something I remembered from Megaman Battle Network game I played.
  20. Dimetrix Destiny Islands Resident

    Dimetrix Bladeheart. Really cool name....no?Well, heres the deal. Dimetrix Bladeheart, No. III in Organization XIII. OC from my Fanfiction, Kingdom Hearts Requiem, which has an entire Organization of OCs, took me hours to think, Dimetrix is by far my favorite one.
    Go read it XD
    Oh, and I use my OC names for almost anything on the net. But so far, if it isn't Dimetrix Bladeheart then its Lenarix Flameheart
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