Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Xella_XV, Jul 5, 2011.
Why do you cook bacon and bake cookies?
Oh... oh, my. You've just unraveled the universe.
Why do you park on a driveway but drive on a parkway?
Why do we ride bikes on the sidewalk and walk in the road?
Why do we go on the computer and eat a sandwich? amidoinitrite? :lolface:
Why do we ride the subway and EAT at Subway? isn'tthatalsoreallyunsanitary...?
If Quizzes are quizical then what are tests?
Testicular. ._.
If ice cream is soft, why is ice hard?
Ha, double post xD You must be proud.
Becuase its called Icecream ergo soft,creamy.
Why do we drive cars here but in soviet russia they drive us?
Why is a raven like a writing desk?
Because Ravens are blantantly flat and wooden and used to lean against.
I tip my mad hat to ye... X)