Why you should not waste your money on the new Devil may Cry: Devil May Cry

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Trigger, Jan 14, 2013.

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  1. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    I'm not like I'm a huge fan of old Dante's design, but it looks like someone put more than one thought into it. In the end, I just put generic above contemptible on the hierarchy of bad designs.
  2. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    judging a video game based on looks???
    idk I just don't get the hate, I can understand fans being disappointed that they've moved the series in a completely new direction but if you love the old games so much, play them. Ignore this game ever happened, stick to what you like. That's what I do with The Old Republic. I understand legitimate complaints like "the dialogue is poorly written," "the gameplay, well, there isn't much to it," etc., but boohoo-ing over not liking the redesign is just... silly? to me.

    but whatever. My interest is the game was partially stemmed by liking the new look, so I understand snubbing it because you don't.

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    Now if I had to say something I do not like about DMC is how it looks like its screaming, "WERE HARDCORE!!!!!!!!!!!!**** YEAH"
  4. Tyrant Valvatorez Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 10, 2010
  5. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  6. Trigger hewwo uwu

    Oct 6, 2006
    Corridors of Time
  7. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  8. Tyrant Valvatorez Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 10, 2010
    This is just proof that Ninja Theory hates original DMC and all of its fans.
    Fuck you Ninja Theory.
    No seriously, I've never swore out a game company besides EA, this is just magical.
    I'm just going to play DMC HD to remember the good memories I had with the originals, I hope I'm not the only one.
  9. ThisThreadIsNowCurazy Banned

    Jan 6, 2013
    Evading and Taunting
  10. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  11. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    This thread is just silly, and people being butthurt over DmC are silly.
    Game's out. If you don't like it, don't play it.
    If people enjoy it, then let them enjoy it.

    God gamers have to be like the worst community ever.
  12. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
  13. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    For me it's not a matter of the game at all. It's a matter of something hideous being allowed to exist and be accepted. I really dislike ugly things and it is from an artistic design standpoint that am displeased.
  14. Tyrant Valvatorez Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 10, 2010
    Ok guys, I've got an idea, lets reboot the Kingdom Hearts series.
    Sure the fanbase is staying strong.
    Sure we still have a million more plot holes to fill but fuck it, lets reboot it.
    Lets make Sora this little annoying shit who shoves the camera in his face and begged to be liked.
    Lets make the story so "DARK AND EDGY!" lets make it about how "THE WORLDS ARE EVIL!" and Sora, Donald and Goofy are these rebellious douchbags.
    Also we're going to replace such a great original soundtrack with the most talented person in the music industry: Skrillix.
    Lets also re-do Sora, dye his hair black and make his clothes look like he just had a hangover last night, kids love that shit.
    And finally, lets ditch the series and hand it over to a different studio who knows EVERYTHING about the series.
    This is going to sell great and I'm sure people will love it.
  15. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  16. rikusorakairiown Contributor

    Jul 24, 2009
    the new dante and vergil are flat out insults, the "new" weapon system is pretty much a copy paste of heavenly sword heavy/light system (angel/demon), "it has new areas and enemies" is not a valid defense, any sequel or reboot should have these. he story telling is worse then DMCs, which was god awful, the only good thing about DMCs were the so awful its bad moments "I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE ONE TO FILL YOUR DARK SOUL WWITH LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT" and the parts where it didn't take itself seriously and just tried to make you laugh (the shakespeare parody in DMC4)

    DMC2 Dante had the best outfit of all, and druncle Dante is a ****ing sexy beast. I would.

    >new dante changes hair colour when powering up
    >call old dante weeabooish

    Hey guys remember on the fly style switching? And being ale to completely nullify damage with royalguard?

    And the games being difficult?

    Yeah, that was great.

    DMC1-4 was a great trilogy. Shame 2 doesn't exist.
  17. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    I'm really tempted to play 2 just to see how bad it supposedly is.
  18. rikusorakairiown Contributor

    Jul 24, 2009
    it's awful, it's press devil trigger and shoot to win.


    To dump or not to dump, it IS slightly outdated

  19. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    Do it.
  20. rikusorakairiown Contributor

    Jul 24, 2009
    Slightly outdated.

    DmC: Devil may Cry is the fifth game in the Devil May Cry series and is being made by Ninja Theory, the creators of Heavenly Sword and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West. Capcom specifically hired a western development team in an attempt to 'make it more attractive to American and European players' [1].

    So, why are people so mad over this reboot/alternate universe/whatever?

    The reasons can be set into 3 different categories:

    >Writing and Design
    >Capcom and NT
    >Gameplay and Technology


    ====Writing and Design====

    -Dante's new appearance (henceforth to be referred as Dante) was designed by Ninja Theory's
    Creative Design Boss Tameem Antoniades
    He is also now a Half Angel/Half Demon
    This ruins the motif of the series as well as symbolism from this game and before.
    Dante was always about embracing your humanity, because he believed it made him stronger for it.
    Dante isn't even part human, neatly removing this character intricacy.
    Ebony and Ivory were direct representations of this embrace. They were handcrafted, human guns that Dante suffused with his own demonic power and some of the strongest weapons in Dante's arsenal, even outmatching Force Edge in DMC1.
    In DmC, they are just random demonic artifacts that Dante found in his pockets one day.

    -Tameem's inspiration for Dante came from his theory that Dante is 'no longer cool' "But you know, what was cool 12 years ago - I think that was when the first game came out isn't cool anymore. If Dante, dressed as he was, walked into any bar outside of Tokyo, he'd get laughed out." [2]

    -During the initial trailers of the game, Dante looked surprisingly similar to Tameem. Almost
    exactly like a younger version of him, in fact. Not only that, but according to Ninja Theory
    staff, Tameem usually has some form of reference or cameo in all of their games. Dante's design
    might actually be an extreme version of such a self insert. Claims to that were of course, denied,
    and Dante's design was repeatedly changed throughout the trailers to look more similar to his
    voice actor Tim Philips.

    -You can watch the remaining development of the design process, as well as a dissertation on why
    Dante is a bad character here ->

    This video is putting it as best as it can be.

    -The story of the game revolves around a completely different universe, with names seemingly only
    tacked on to make it a Devil May Cry game.

    -It's all about how the government is controlled by demons who corrupt and brainwash mankind with
    their media, and their evil drinks, and they false advertise cheeseburgers and run orphanages to
    torture children. Dante is teamed up with this world's anonymous activist freedom fighter group,
    complete with demonic Guy Fawkes masks.
    They are the ones who see everything for how awful it is. They are the good guys, you should
    believe them.

    -The writing is almost comically awful in places. Notable examples include:
    "**** YOU!" "**** you! "**** YOUUUUUU!"
    "Me, a god. Versus you! A piece of ****."
    "You are dead, just like your whore mother." "I didn't know my mother but if you're calling me a
    son of a ***** you wouldn't be the first."
    Note that these lines are all spoken and presented completely serious. This is not intended to be
    tongue-in-cheek, sarcastic, or whatever.

    =====Capcom and NT=====

    -As stated before, Capcom wanted a western developer outside of the house to take helm of the reboot
    to appeal to a new audience. Ninja Theory was chosen because of their track record of games which
    were universally praised for their excellent dialogue. Now, here's the funny part:

    -Ninja Theory didn't write those.
    Rhianna Pratchett wrote Heavenly Sword, while Alex Garland was brought in for Enslaved.
    The former had to COMPLETELY REWRITE THE SCRIPT when she joined the project.[3]
    As for the latter:
    "I guess if I were to make a criticism it would relate to character and consistency. Making
    sure characters are true to themselves, and true to some kind of larger truth, which
    relates to the recipients of the narrative. That is to say, the player. Us. For example, I
    think the first serious discussion we had about the narrative was on the very first day
    that I, Tameem and the level designers all sat down together. We got to a section where
    Monkey was walking down a walkway, and he sees an escaping slave trying to pull himself up
    to the walkway. And instead of helping the guy up, Monkey kicked him in the face and sent
    him to his death. They thought that projected the idea that Monkey was a badass. Whereas,
    to me, it projected the idea that Monkey was a bit of a ****."[4]
    This is reflected in Dante, who knocks bouncers out for doing their jobs, slaps soda cans out of
    peoples hands and calls people "ugly sacks of ****" as a greeting.

    -So, they're out from a writing standpoint. And neither of those two games were ever praised for
    their shallow, mediocre gameplay.

    -Furthermore, Tameem fails to realise the 'point' of DMC:
    'Ninja Theory creative design boss Tameem Antoniades said the essence of DMC's look is "all
    about cool".'[2]
    Not only is this incredibly vague, it completely misses the point of what made the games so
    successful. Stylish, over-the-top, quick gameplay with a clean cut, sharp main character that's fun
    to listen to and watch.
    Only basing a design concept about "cool" tends to go wrong very quickly, as everyone has different
    ideas about that.
    Just to give an idea what this means, this is what Tameem said when he was asked about Bayonetta, a
    game made by the director of DMC1, Hideki Kamiya and what is considered to be the spiritual
    successor to the DMC franchise:
    "I think it's awesome...But in terms of, 'Do I think it's cool?' No, not at all. I think
    it's caricatured and over-the-top and very 'Japanesey'...that's not what I want." [5]
    This makes it apparent that Tameem is ready to throw out the reasons that the franchise was
    popular to begin with in a vain attempt to make something that he thinks is cool.

    -It also probably isn't a good idea not to antagonize existing fans. However, this does not bother
    Tameem as he openly says that he does not care about how fans are reacting to Dante.

    'I instead assumed the snarky journalist persona, and without thinking asked, "So, how do
    you feel about the fan reaction to DmC?"

    Tameem looked at me a moment and took a drag of his cigarette. Then without blinking, and
    without pausing to exhale the smoke from his mouth he said, "I don't care."' [6]

    He then went on to redesign Dante to look less like him, completely revamp his personality and give
    him a DT that changes his hair color to white. Well done.

    -Capcom were the ones who asked NT for a complete redesign. Original concept sketches were far more
    similar to the old Dante we know and love, but Capcom responded with "If we wanted the old Devil
    May Cry, we wouldn't have hired you."

    -NT insisted on using the Unreal Engine 3. Capcom was ready to let them work with MT Framework, the
    engine that ran the beautiful DMC4 at 60fps and spawned Dragon's Dogma, one of the best releases
    this year. Ninja Theory, however, didn't want to learn a new engine, since they already familiarized themselves with UE3, so they declined.

    -Regardless, they still got stuck halfway through and had to get Capcom's help to fix the combat
    system. Since they were on UE3, the team Capcom sent struggled with helping them fix the combat system.
    Their choice in the engine hindered development severely.

    -It's hard to really pinpoint a fact on this, so take the following with a grain of salt.
    In some interviews, Tameem stated that he wasn't actually a fan of DMC. He played a bit of 2,
    and that was it. However, in other interviews, he states how he LOVES DMC, how happy he is that
    his team gets to work on this project and how much it influenced his work.

    -Tameem admits we have already seen at least 70% of the game. From the achievements, we can see
    that there are 6 bosses (Rage, Poison, Bob Barbas, Spawn of Mundus, Mundus, Vergil), 3 of which seem to
    be endgame related, 1 who could possibly be a tutorial boss similar to the first Dante fight in DMC4, the other 2 we have already seen. We've also seen all weapons bar one, so this
    seems consistent. The only thing we haven't seen a lot of are different environments, as so far, we've seen 1 complete level and bits and pieces from 5 others, which all shared settings.

    So, we have a design concept that is ready to throw away everything the established series is known for.
    A dev team that refuses a proper engine and gets stuck regardless. A creative design boss who doesn't understand what made the games popular and is ready to spit in the faces of the fanbase.
    Surely, this wouldn't affect the gameplay in any negative way.

    ====Gameplay and Technology====
    -The game runs at 30 fps, which is all the engine, UE3, can handle, even while heavily limiting the
    amount of enemies.
    Note that DMC4 and the special edition of DMC3 ran at a perfect 60 fps.

    -The control layout takes heavy inspiration from Heavenly Sword

    This affects the game in a multitude of serious ways
    Launching now requires a dedicated button (B)
    Stinger now requires a double-forward+attack input (which makes the attack slow, clunky and
    hard to consistently pull off)
    Lockon lets you keep an enemy in your sights as well as letting you know what you are going to be swinging at. In DmC, you can only guess. Furthermore, it changes how you move. Locking onto 1 enemy gave you a central point that you could strafe around. It made directional inputs easier and allowed you to dodge into specific directions.

    -Styles have been completely removed from the game
    These added a heavy amount of depth to Devil May Cry 3 and 4. It allowed you to choose how you played and customize your play even more. Do you want to focus on swords or guns? Do you want to focus on dodging and teleporting or do you want to be a Royal Guard and reduce all damage to 0 if you were good enough? Do you want to use your DT meter to slow time? Or to create a Doppleganger?
    4 even gave you 5 different styles at once that you could switch between on the fly. This provided years of replayability for Dante and is still regarded as the best combat to exist in an Action game to date.
    New things and technology to use this system were found out for years and integrated into pro-gaming True-Style Tournaments.

    -Weaponswitching is gone, instead, you equip a different set of weapons by switching stances
    The Angel Stance gives access to the Scythe Osiris and the bladed throwing weapons Aquila.
    Osiris is worthless. Plain and simple. It lacks the damage, lacks the speed and the control to make it a worthwhile weapon. It's supposed to be used in midair, but it can't do anything that Rebellion or Arbiter can do better.
    Aquila is hilariously broken. Once thrown, it darts between multiple enemies, dealing damage and subsequently stunning them in place as every attack in the game tends to. The amount of hits it delivers can be upgraded as well.
    On a DMD stream by Capcom Unity, a non-upgraded Aquila was observed to control a single enemy for 7 seconds, with more enemies being controlled for 5-6 seconds.

    The Demon Stance gives access to the Ax Arbiter and the Hulk Hands Eryx.
    Arbiter is undoubtedly the most overpowered weapon in the game for solely one attack: Tremor.
    Tremor has a quick startup, has a fairly large impact and UTTERLY DECIMATES everything in its way.
    Having the +damage bonus from a perfect demon dodge allows a Tremor that hits just 2 targets to catapult the style straight to SSS while instantly killing the enemies. Without Devil Trigger.
    Spamming the attack can get the player up to a SS rank while crushing everything in its way without any danger.
    Eryx is a worse version of Arbiter. It's in the same vein, slow but heavy hitters, but it's slower than Arbiter, has less of an area of effect and does less damage. The game often forces you to use it to progress, but it has little actual application outside of that.

    -Combat now puts heavy focus on two different things:
    There is a demon and an angel pull. The former moves the enemy to you, the latter moves
    you to the enemy. This allows you to stay in the air indefinitely, tying into the second
    focus: Aerial Combat:
    Aerial Combat is easy to do, incredibly easy to uphold, and the safest way to fight in
    this game. Almost every melee mook will be completely helpless once you take to the skies,

    -Devil Trigger not only gives you more damage, higher speed and health regen like former games, it
    also now causes every enemy to be knocked into the air and stunned, giving you a ridiculous amount
    of time to just wail on enemies as you like. The DT gauge also decreases more slowly while you are

    -Style points are now almost purely based on damage.
    Time does not affect a combo ranking any more. If you leave a combo with a SSS rank, you'll start
    the next combo at an SSS rank. The only way for your style rank to depreciate is to get hit.
    As mentioned before, heavy demon attacks are completely broken and supply you with ridiculous
    amounts of style points. It's entirely possible to go from a B to a SSS ranking in. ONE. HIT.

    -Enemies are incredibly stupid. Similar to Assassin's Creed, demons will now form a proper line
    before attacking. And anyone who wants to attack will politely ask for 3 seconds with very loud
    noises and a glowing weapon before actually proceeding to hit you. This continues for every single
    enemy we've seen so far, including ranged enemies who actually form a blinking laser between you
    and them, again, 3 seconds before attacking.

    -The game, as a result, is piss easy.
    This does not change with a higher difficulty setting. All that changes is the spawn setup of
    enemies and their damage output. It does not change their behavior and does not make them any
    faster. This was observed for every difficulty in the game save Heaven or Hell and Hell in Hell, which only add gimmicks to the game without actually making anything harder.

    -Not only the enemies are complete pushovers, this applies to the 2 bosses as well.
    Poison has an incredibly broken AI that is incredibly easy to force to use a specific attack.
    This sideways swipe has a 1 second long parry window. Attempting to parry the arm with any attack
    during this window will cause the boss to be stunned and defenseless, leaving herself open to any
    When asked about this, Tameem responded that there is nothing to fix.
    That person just has awesome parrying skills and there are other ways to fight the boss, so the AI
    isn't broken.

    Bob Barbas feels more like a mini boss. He forms very badly rendered laser walls to stop Donte
    from reaching the giant DO NOT SMASH WITH YOUR NEW WEAPON WE ARE TOTALLY NOT WEAKSPOTS glowing red
    spots throughout the room. Smashing into them (the game forces you to use Eryx, this game's
    gauntlet weapon, in a specific attack), will stun the boss, leaving you free to wail on him until
    he comes to his senses and, again, you repeat the process ad nauseum until he dies.

    One more thing to note is that all bosses are constantly interrupted by cutscenes. This was already
    decided to be bad in earlier DMC games as it breaks the flow of combat and takes you out of your
    combos, ending them for arbitrary reasons.

    -The rest of the game consists of platforming. Either using the very awkward to pull of Angel Dash
    (jump, jump, hold LT, press forward, jump) to reach small platform after small platform hanging in
    empty space or forced, scripted sequences where the morphing city kind of tries to kill you. You
    can go up to 5 minutes without seeing a single enemy. Some missions contain more platforming than

    -The game forces you to use specific weapons for specific enemies.
    This goes against the experimentation aspect that every DMC game had. You were given a set of
    weapons and styles to work with and then left to your own devices, overcoming the challenges
    however you saw fit.
    In DmC however, Ice Demons force you to use Angel weapons and Fire Demons force you to use Demon
    Weapons. The night club stages even feature ground tiles that will damage you if you don't have
    the right weapon equipped.

    -Jump cancelling is back, but in a bastardized form.
    Cancelling an attack animation in the air by jumping is still possible, but only way before or way after the attack connects.
    The point of jump cancelling in previous games is to avoid the recovery frames after an attack connects with an enemy. This allows to either continue a combo or simply make it quicker, stringing attack after attack after attack together.
    This is no longer possible in DmC.
    Additionally, each time a Jump Cancel is performed (or just an Enemy Step for that matter [jumping off an enemy]), the enemy is locked into its vertical position in midair, meaning it doesn't fall to the ground even if it should. This factors into the nature of aerial combat, as discussed previously.

    -The mission rank is no longer your average performance, but based on score.
    Taking your style points as the basis, you earn multiplicators based on your rank in Style, Time
    and Collection. This means that Style points actually double-dip in the importance in ranking.
    Being both the basis for your score as well as a multiplicator.
    Collection is what replaced Red Orbs. Instead of depending on how many Red Orbs you gained from
    killing enemies or finding Orb caches, the game now checks how many collectibles you found during
    This is a well meaning, but horribly implemented attempt at encouraging exploration.
    Earlier DMC games had a Red Orb rank. These were hidden throughout the missions as well as earned from enemies. To get an SS Rank in a mission, it was necessary to plan the quickest route through the mission, while picking up as many of the Red Orb caches as stylishly as possible.
    Instead of deeply familiarizing oneself with a level layout, this new Collectibles system heavily incentivizes using a walkthrough on gamefaqs to find all
    Lost Souls(red orb caches, not so cleverly hidden), all keys (used to open up Secret Doors) as well as Secret Doors (=Secret Mission) once.
    After that, they never have to care about exploration never again, instead just speeding through
    missions as they will forever have a SSS rank for exploring.
    Blue Shards should be the reward for completing Secret Missions. They shouldn't be mandatory to
    earn a good rank.

    -Overall, Combat feels slow, clunky and shallow while the bosses and enemies are pathetic pushovers
    and the rest of the game insists it's Mario Galaxy.

    If you can somehow look past the terrible writing, cringeworthy dialogue, fan fiction story and mediocre animation, you'll find nothing but a painfully average hack'n'slash.

    This is not just a bad sequel to a well established franchise, DmC is the antithesis of the series.

    Recommended videos:
    DmC Demo Analysis
    Indepth tl,dr analysis of demo gameplay.

    Dante and the Succubus
    A demonstration of Poison's completely broken AI

    Dante and Gravity
    Demonstration of the Aerial Combat mechanics and the ability to stay suspended in mid-air forever.

    One dodge and three attacks result in a SSS rank.

    Glitch videos:
    Donte takes flight

    it's also set in an urban environment where you tackle a demonic business (sorta)
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