Why was myspace ever created? I mean really what was made for? Myspace has gotten so bad so why was it created?(and don't get smart with me you smart mouths out there!)
To socialize. Just like every other social networking site. Simple as that. It just seems to be focused more towards younger high schoolers and kids younger than that.
I highly doubt Tom has any regrets launching Myspace. I read somewhere that he has made close to $900 million just from ad revenue. But yeah, he made it with I think two other people as a social network for friends. Even if it is now completely overrun with pedophiles and cam whores.
Not necessarily. After a while, it became a contest mainly between Facebook and Myspace, but Facebook was initially launched just for Harvard students, then more college students, then open to everyone while Myspace has been open to a larger population since its launch, I think. I personally think Facebook is for older (and dare I say, more educated) people than Myspace. They both have done enhancements to their sites to compete. I've always seen myspace as a cheap amalgam of other sites and services. As for Twitter, it's pretty much Facebook/Myspace without apps. It's helpful to let people know exactly what you're doing. On facebook and myspace, your status will be drowned out by notifications, apps, games, etc. They all have their quirks. I just prefer Facebook.
It was to keep connected to others that you may not see everyday/don't see at all/haven't seen in ages :p Nowadays (where I live any way) no one goes on Myspace, they're all on Facebook which is basically the same thing
to chat with people and meet new ones and find old ones people find old friends and/or family members there all the time! i personally like it and am glad it was created because it got me new friends and stuff like this kid i barely knew from my school added me and we started talkin and now we hang out almost everyday and i got to meet some people from my school better and stuff so myspace was a good creation even though its not that good anymore
Every site that gets bought by Google ends up failing miserably. Look at Youtube, fails. Myspace, fails. Once Facebook gets bought then the remaining social sites will be the ones that are popular.
I wouldn't blame Google. Every website gets fazed out eventually, just as Myspace was to Facebook. Not to mention that Myspace was fated to go down. It had a whole slew of piracy, borderline child porn, pedophiles, etc.
I use it to keep in touch with people. I've moved quite a bit in my life, and I like keeping in touch with people that I don't have the time to sit down and talk with on the phone. I really don't use it for much else, I never update my status, page, pictures, any of that stuff.
myspace was just a fad. facebook is the fad right now, next is most likely twitter, then another one . it's how the internet works.
Well at first it was a socail group but it cause to death of some teens /childrens/ adults on my psace and it gets bad results some people still get on my space though even people who just joined there.
^ This We are living in a web 2.0 era (in which we are all connected together through invisible strings) , in which us the internet society gets bored after a certain amount of time, and we all get herded like sheep when we hear about the next 'new thing. Myspace is simply dying out slowly because people believe that facebook's 'the thing' right now. Trends change though, and something else will pop up eventually.'