Why is Your God(s) True and Others False?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by jafar, Apr 5, 2009.

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  1. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    What happened to Steven was a Placebo effect. The thought of believing that something will work, such as how Steven believed that God will heal him, healed him. It's the belief itself causing him to have healed.

    Anyways, it wasn't whether or not why your God is false, but why yours is true and those of other religions are false.
  2. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    This. If you believe in something strongly enough, you can make your own hair fall out. It's not exactly proof to me.

    Also, and this is just my opinion and doesn't apply to all churches, sometimes the pastor/prayer leader/whatever you may have will plant someone in the crowd, especially in larger churches, that isn't really sick, but faking it, so when he is prayed over, he is "healed". This would have the effect of strengthening the belief of everyone there, and making the placebo effect that much stronger. Again, this is just my opinion, and my theory, please don't flame me for it.
  3. RoxaSora2010 Nulla è reale. Tutto è lecito.

    Dec 29, 2007
    I got lost on the road of life
    Oh, I was waiting for this. So, I don't believe in God, no offence for those who do believe, but I'm more...don't know, a scientific guy, I believe in what I see. I think that the "God" is a figure invented by the humans to find an explanation for those things that they couldn't understand in those times, when the technology didn't exist etc.
    Anyhow, back on topic, I think that people who believe in their own God/s don't want to believe in anything else 'cause they're faithful, and I find it a good thing honestly.
  4. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    This is really the scientific definition of religion - an attempt to explain currently unexplainable phenomena, which would explain why all the major religions are thousands of years old - they all started before the age of science. I mean, if Jesus had lived (and I do believe there was a teacher named Jesus (or Iesu (Latin), or the Hebrew translation) in today's world, would he have gotten very far with his message? If people can already revive the dead (defibrillators, CPR), would raising a newly dead person be hailed a "miracle"? Many of his miracles would be called magicians parlor tricks.

    Now, if someone honestly believes that their religion is true, and it makes them a better person because of it, more power to them. If their religion tells them to go to war with "heretics" (crusades, jihads, other holy wars), then their religion is wrong, IMO.
  5. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    Well, if you grew up with parents who are Christians, then you are, almost literally, born into the church and at that age, you don't really question them since they're your parents and you know they wouldn't try to hurt you or lie to you. So, if you are used to something from a young age (broght onto you by your PARENTS, no less), you wouldn't start questioning it, you know? That doesn't necessarily mean all Christians believe all other religions are totally out the window, it's just that they were raised into believing in something, so, why deny it? Like, if something is fed into you all the time, then of course it is going to stick in and you'll start believing it. No one probably sat down to say to christian children "HEY! ALL OTHER RELIGIONS ARE FALSE BESIDES CHRISTIANITY," sure, they may imply it, but I doubt they'd say this bluntly.

    Bottom line to the question: Because we were raised to believe that religion and believed to stay loyal to that one religion and not stray to any other ones.

    Also, I'm Christian, too, but I'm more of a open-minded Christian.
  6. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    no offence but god is a DICTATOR. He is no different than Hitler. here`s my reasons. his bible says that psychics and shamans are automatically seen as DAMNED or as a satan worshipper =hitler saying jews are evil. HE demands that people worship him or when they die they burn forever = hitler making it law that people follow his beliefs or they die.

    i personally believe that the pagan and wicca religions are the true good people re:igion because they dont threaten you with their beliefs.
  7. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    But psychics and shamans choose to proclaim themselves as such. Jews didn't really have a choice, they were born into the holocaust.

    Also I think that it's horrible that a few people following a mainstream religion can act stupid and **** the image up of the entire group.

    And if you would open your eyes, God isn't saying that at all. The only way to heaven is through a relationship with Jesus, yes, but also according to the bible, Jesus is one with God the Father and, more importantly, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the essence of creation, and therefore exists in every part of it. Therefore, by loving and caring for everything in creation and working towards the good of it, you can get into heaven, regardless of your religion.
  8. kitty_has_claws246 Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 10, 2009
    Piercing the heavens!!!!!
    Well, what you described is basically a cradle catholic. Someone born and raised in the church. Here's a dilemma then. I'm a cradle catholic and right now, I consider myself mostly atheist than anything else. Being raised catholic does mean that for about 10 or more years of your life your going to follow that faith blindly and loyally. But once you start to question things, teachings that were spoon fed to you in past get thrown away really quick unless you can find a way that they are true.
    I'm not alone in this either. In the Catholic high school that I go to, many of my friends were raised in the church and also are questioning their faith.
    True lasting loyalty comes from believing for yourself and not because someone told you that was the way it's meant to be.
  9. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    its not the psychic`s fault if a spirit comes to them. for example a kind of person you were preaching about could have that kind of faith and yet god would say they're damned just because that person is a psychic

    another way god is like hitler.
    in the book of revelation it says that there will be a final battle between god and satan. god's army would be led by jesus and the true believers as the fighting force. but in the bible it says if we kill we`re damned when we're going to have to kill satan`s forces anyway. = hitler destroying anyone in his path.

    just to mention i am a christian just so u know
  10. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    It depends if you actually believe that people can be psychic. I do, but since I see it as a gift, I don't think people are damned. Where does it say God damns psychics?

    We are not supposed to kill other human beings, but satanic forces aren't counted as humans apparently. The "true believers" are people who believe in Christianity, so if someone from Buddhism goes against them, are they part of the satanic force?
  11. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    People choose to proclaim themselves as psychics though. Just because they may see a spirit (IF they exist), that doesn't mean they're psychic, from what I've heard that kind of thing happens to people all the time if they believe it. They are proclaiming themselves as having superior capabilities that make them no longer human, and if they choose not to consider themselves as a normal person well good for them but blessed ar the meek for they shall inherit the earth.\

    Where are you seeing this. Until I see quotations I'm considering this bullshit seeing as I've read all through Revelations and don't recall that. The bible isn't meant to be taken literally anyway. I don't see Satan as an actual being, more as a metaphor for evil in general or possibly as an aspect of God. Even if he did exist, he doesn't anymore, the crucifixion (which is essentially God's RESET BUTTON) made sure of that. Anywho, keeping this in mind, it is easy to say that this could be interpreted as the more righteous of the world will join together to fight the evils of it.

    Also, if you were Christian you wouldn't be saying these things about God, lol.
  12. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    1. jesus,s crucification wasnt god`s reset button. jheudas was possessed by satan and pretty much turned jesus in to the romans. watch god vs. satan on history ch. to see what im talking about

    2. where is a place where i can quote the bible. i burned mine.

    3. i am christian its just god took somebody from my life when i was in 2nd grade, pm me if u want the story
  13. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    1. Yeah, no. Jesus' crucifixion was God's way to eliminate the sin that came from the Fall of Man, and to allow the freedom of forgiveness, a rewriting of the previous covenant that he realized we wouldn't fufill and changed because he loved us.

    2. Why did you burn your bible? Because you think God hates you and the world?

    3. At the Fall of Man (When "Adam" and "Eve" "ate" the "forbidden apple") humankind essentially demanded their independence from God. God, loving us as a father would a son, allowed us this freedom so that we could continue to flourish and be what we can become, as he allowed us to do by creating us in his image. Eons passed, and we realized how ****ed we really are wallowing in our own sin and corruption. The sin and corruption created by our hierarchies creates chaos and sadness in Creation, and we turn around to blame the God that was so loving as to allow us our freedom. And God, instead of lashing back at us to show us his power, loves us enough that he makes the best possible outcome of each tragedy that befalls us. So it's not God's fault. God didn't take anybody away from you, but he loves you so much that he will try to make your life better out of it.
  14. RoxaSora2010 Nulla è reale. Tutto è lecito.

    Dec 29, 2007
    I got lost on the road of life
    Just a little question I thought. If God cares and loves so much humans (example, Jesus used to say "Forgive and love your enemies" and such), why did he "create" the pain and bad things like that?
  15. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    I reiterate, he did not create all of the pain in the world, that was the fault of the Fall of Man.
  16. Cleopatra King's Apprentice

    Mar 9, 2009
    Skyway Avenue <3.
    Everyone has different religions. No-one I know has ever said that their god/s are true and others false. It just depends on your nationality, where you live and your lifestyle. And I'm with the Orthodox Christians, so I believe in one God, Father almighty, maker of heaven and Earth, and all things visible and invisible, etc, etc, etc.

    In the end whether or not we go to heaven or hell, if there is such a thing, will all depend on how well we obeyed the religion we chose.
  17. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    And I interject that free will, the object that led to the "fall of man" and all his vices, was created by God. Really, now it's an issue of whether or not God is as capable as we give him credit for, whether he even cares about us, let alone if he's even aware of our existence. Of course this all operates under the assumption that we were created with intention, and furthermore assumption that it was God that created us to begin with.
  18. kitty_has_claws246 Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 10, 2009
    Piercing the heavens!!!!!
    And I'll give you the example of a mother and her child.
    God gave us free will. Think of it as a mother who lets her child fall down and get hurt. She could've stopped that from ever happening by keeping the child in a playpen for their whole life. But she didn't out of love for her child. She wanted the child to live, even if that meant the child might fall and get hurt. God gave us free will for the same reason, so we can experience life and live, even if that means pain and suffering come from it.
  19. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    True, but there's a difference between bruising and inescapable tragedy. A mother would do her best to stop the child from wandering into oncoming traffic. Free will only goes so far as to provide the vices that we choose. No one asks for cancer or poverty. And if such things are a means of God teaching us something about life, it's simply that he has very little stake in it as a whole. I would even go so far as to argue that he has a very limited concept of it.
  20. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    I think that it's more of a loving father/rebellious teenager relationship, if that makes any sense.
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