Me and my friend are in a fight right now, but I don't believe it's my fault. I have been feeling down for the past week, seeing as both my parents are going away but not together for the first time, and also the fact that this will be both my first birthday and christmas where I don't know what's going on because of their split. So yes I have been "Mopy", in her words, but she has been angry at me for it. I don't understand why, she is like the only person who didn't try to cheer me up. Some people distracted me from my worries, bringing up random funny topics that will make me smile, others tried to talk to me about it... which has helped a lot, because I'm not used to talking about my problems and it makes me feel like someone cares, but she always brought me back to my problems asking me, "Why I'm so mopy", and stuff even when I'm in a good mood. Oh and then she decides to do the WORST THING POSSIBLE. I had to take my passport to school because of my Japan trip and my teacher needed a photocopy of it, so I showed it to her in class (Because I told everyone my photo from when I was 12 (lasts 5 years) was going to be funny). So I showed it to her and I'm like. "I like my passport because it's purple" (I'm english and Australians are blue) and she goes and says... "My passports better because it's not English" THAT REALLY HURT. I take racism VERY SERIOUSLY because I was bullied for my accent when I was little, and she knows that. She also sent me a text full of swears and stuff. I don't know what to do. I'm going to have to cancel my birthday party because half the people on the list are close to her and willl shout at me if I don't invite her... the one thing this year I was looking forward to...
Honestly, if she would say things like that to you, send you text messages full of swears, and not even care about what you're going through, she is not worth your time. you have other friends, right? so just ignore her. she doesn't really seem to like you very much anyway.
Pfft. She doesn't deserve to be called a "friend". What a horrid person D= You should be sticking with the people who are there for you in your time of need. Those are the types of people who you should label "friends". (: Dont worry about her. And please don't cancel your birthday party because of one person you don't want to invite. You should stick with what you want to do. *Hugs* Im sorry about your parents...
I agree... that's just so rude Dx If she really was your friend, she's be the first one to cheer ya up when your feeling blue. One person who'd always be there for you at those times. And I agree with Misty and ObsessedWithSora, they're right~ ^w^
A real friend would try to cheer you up when your down,not send you a text message full of swears and everything else she did.She isn't worth your time.If you have other friends,be with them.Don't cancel something you were looking forward to just because of one person.Somebody like her isn't worth anybody's time.
I think I know why she's doing this.. seeing as we have been friends for 2 years. She moved to a different group at school. She did put one of those friends in front of me at one point. I guess she really isn't worth my time.
I'm sorry.I also have dealt with racists,it sucks.People don't respect you because of your,color,religion,or accent and so on.I hate that,I give everyone my respect,but some will shove it in your face.
I think you should reflect on the nature of your relationship over the past few years. How did you two get along? How did she behave around you? It's true that her behavior is totally inappropriate, but if she only just started acted like this recently, it may not be worth abandoning the friendship over. She may be going through some crap too, and is not dealing with it well. If you are certain that she is doing this solely for the sake of being cruel, then maybe you should be brave and confront her about it. Ask her directly what it is that changed. You probably are right about the "new group of friends" thing, but if not, then why lose a friendship for nothing? My main point is that you should consider all options before making a move that can't be fixed. Good luck!
If you don't rmember, i kinda had a split with DA, she didn't like me because I felt too depressed and she ditched me. Basically, get the hell away from her. She's not worth it, trust me. The texts of swears and the racist comments are all things that she thinks aren't serious and will brush off you quite easily, she thinks that, shes an idiot! A big fight like this and things with your friend like this happen, I suggest getting away from her and finding new friends, thats what I did.
You have every right to be "mopey" about your parents splitting up. Mine did six years ago and we (my family) are still all having issues with it. If your "friend" isn't supporting you during your time of need, she's not worth it. Also, because of that racist comment, she doesn't seem like the kindest person. I think that if all she does is put you down, she's not worth being around anymore. Don't talk to her unless she's willing to apologize for all the hurt she's caused. Don't sink to her level or anything, but you should just try to ignore her.
I would say that your friend here sounds like she may be going through some things in her life that make her somewhat self-centered right now. She doesn't want to focus on her own issues so you being 'mopey' is probably making her feel down too. She seems angry and is taking some things out on you and maybe she feels her own situation is worse than yours and that you are acting mopey for less of a reason while she prefers to not do that. In other words, she's more focused on other things and not recognizing your issues because she's thinking on her own and maybe other people's and that your situation isn't as bad as you make it. She may want you to be tougher and stand up for yourself and maybe even there is some jealousy on her part that you are better off than she is so she isn't relating. If the friendship is worth it to you, I would suggest trying to ask her how her day is going and what she is up to, because maybe she feels your being mopey is selfish and that you are self-absorbed right now. Ask her how to fix things and say that though you are upset right now, you will bounce back but could use a good friend and that you are there for her too and not just drowning in your own problems. She may have something going on she hasn't told you because you are down and she's frustrated. If the friendship has become strained enough where you are really irritated with her, you may want to tell her that you have issues but you will get over them in time and that her behavior really is not right and what you'd expect of a friend and that if she wants you at all as a friend, she should talk to you and not just insult you. Another thing is she may just be trying to get you to see you are really more down than usual and that it isn't good for you, but she's doing it in a bad way because she's rather cynical. I hope things get better for you and that you won't have to lose a friend you've known for some time. Friends do have fall outs and sometimes as they get closer, they can for a while move farther apart. The biggest thing here to do is communicate and tell her also to explain herself and listen whether it hurts or not. Of course, say something to the effect of 'I listen to you and you listen to me' so that your voice is heard too. You both may have negative things to say to each other in order to be understood but it could save your friendship, as long as you both consider each other's feelings.
I know this is a chick conversation, at least I think so, but I had a friend who was an idiot to me some years ago. If I were you, I'd tell her to back the f*** up and get out of your life.
I don't see how it's a 'chick' conversation. This happens to both boys and girls. Most things actually do happen to both genders when it comes to problems with friends.
Trust me, the only thing she complains about is her hair, Our grade is a small grade, so if something hwere to have happened either her or her friends (who are my friends) would of told me about it. I have been in and out of this for nearly a year, and every time I am upset, she has never comforted me.
Well then, I'd probably start thinking of her as that 'fair weather friend' that basically is there when things are on the up and up, but probably won't be there when the chips are down. So, basically if you are down, avoid her and when happy, hang around her. Either that or just move on from her altogether. You definitely could find some friends that are more there for you when you are happy and sad, as you would be for them. She's better off not as a 'best friend' but more an acquaintance that basically you know what you can expect from her. Fun to hang around but basically superficial to the needs of others. Some people really are just like that. :/
Well, I know I'm bringing this up again, but so has she. I learnt why my mum wants money off me, it's so she can visit her seriously ill father, I offered her $50 a week so she can go, but my (so called) friend doesn't agree Guess who I am the last bit broke my heart, she was meant to be my best friend so i finally blocked her im so going to be *****ed at xD