why is mmx the favorite

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by 61, Dec 10, 2015.

  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I've really been leaning towards getting a Megaman game or five from the e-shop. Not X, obviously. I just feel like I can't fully enjoy those games on an emulator.
  2. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    Yeah, it feels better than on a PC emu to me, although I guess it's still emulating lol. Assuming you mean the 3DS eShop, you can get X if you're willing to settle for the GBC games. I've heard mixed things about the first one & never really got around to it, but I can vouch for the second one (I have a few beefs but in some cases iirc I enjoyed it more than the SNES counterparts it drew from :v).

    I also really like the way games look at native res on the 3DS screen; I'm not 100% on if all types of 3DS do this but the screen's pixel structure is such that with 3D turned off my original model has natural 'scanlines'. Imho 8-bit games are gorgeous if you don't blow them up & even GBC games look like they were prettymuch meant to have them (apologies for my screen, some dust on it lol). I just like scanlines in general, but something about the 3DS's, even if they're not "real" in the same way as a CRT's are, seems less 'off' to me than a filter. I dunno, I can't describe it very well haha.
  3. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    @Stardust i think scan lines are only for the classic 3DS. I have the New 3DS and I don't usually have scan lines.

    Though I could be wrong I haven't played the GBC games in a while

    Also A+ for Shantae
  4. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    It's an inherent quality of the screen, so if the New 3DS has them afaik even 3DS games should show it (so long as you have 3D turned off). Sounds to me like it doesn't have that effect, in that case.

    It looks like the XL also has them, but the 2DS does not (disclaimer: I didn't make these comparison shots so I can't be certain hah). It may depend on specific model as well.