Why Does the world give a good man death....

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Peace and War, Sep 12, 2007.

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  1. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Emotio......and the bad man the gun that killed him?'
    Its a proverb, I made up.
    I made it when I was reading an article in the local paper, it talked about a Black 19 year old who had a brother that had facial and speaking problems, when a group of guys had insulted his brother, he stepped up and defended his brother, and one of the people insulting his brother pulled out a kinfe, he defended his brother from the attack and took a mortal wound in to his stomach, he feel to the floor and was bleeding, his freinds called an ambulance and got him to hospital but he died 6 hours later.
    Now I ask the questions, Why does the world always have to take good men like him away, and lave us with these murderers?
    Will these gang b@stards ever fight on their own, without being weak and fight in a group?
    I see no point in people who only think about themselves thinking to have a right to kill, for no reason people are killed just to make a point. Will you B!tches ever feel like fighting me without a gun or knife? Then we'll see how tough you are! Without you cowering behind your numbers, lets see if you've got any muscle and courage to stand up on your own 2 feet!
    Sorry, that is only for anyone who is in a gang that kills others, because you won't be safe from me, I'll stand against you any day!But eeryone can answer the questions and add any of their own on the topic.
  2. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    One of the many questions I have about religion, why do the innocent (relatively speaking and in context of course >_>) and good people suffer and die while the evil and immoral life on without punishment? If God cared at all he would step in and do something but noooooooooooo.

    As for gangs, they exist because people want to feel like they belong. They also want to feel safe in numbers and behind the name/reputation of the gang they are in. Personally I think anyone in a gang is a weak coward who isn't capable of living without help =/.

    Also, a lot of what you just said happens all the time everywhere, it just goes to show that life is unfair and sometimes not worth living *sighs*
  3. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Making it a normal occurance is even worse...
    I can understand what most of the people who livedi in thee war say. 'They should make the army maditory like in our day to teach these teens about discipline and war.' But I don't think that its the best way to solve the problem.

    And I still want to know even though you feel like you belong, that makes it even worse that someone kills someone, just to be in a gang, I feel so mad!

    And relegion really doesn't have much to do with it really, (though I understand what you meant) because most people in gangs follow no relegion, just the get money any way you can.

    And don't talk suicidal on me now Bunterx, you still need to live, you've got years ahead of you to help people, don't give up on them yet!
  4. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I never said I wanted to die, just that living can be a real pain :P.

    Some gangs can be based on religion and (although I currently have no evidence), I would assume that they use religion as a basis for their actions.
    Gang warfare is also evident in other animals. Although it would probably be classed as clan warfare it is along the same lines. Animals join (usually family groups) to be safe in numbers. When a member of the group is threatened the rest of the group defends them. It's the same with gangs, although their motivations tend to be more complex, things like money. Actually now that I think about it things like pride, revenge and territory would be fought over by animals as well =/. I suppose it's partly instinctual as well then.

    Then again, some people are just criminals.
  5. the muffin man Banned

    Jun 16, 2007
    Drury lane.MUFFIN MAN! DUUH!
    Right on bro!I'm with you.XD.Seriously now,i agree with peace and war,the right to take one's life isn't given to anyone.But some areas in many countries are like this,and we can't do almost anything about it.Only the government can.But to tell you the truth,i think we should be grateful for not living at a neighbourhoud like this and not thinking how to stop it,because in my opinion , this isn't possible.First of all,do you know how much drugs are sold at those areas?So you can see,that some people,usually drug dealers,wouldn't have any benefits from that.Ah, money makes the world go round after all...
  6. Thir13en King's Apprentice

    I know what you mean.

    There's a guy at my high school that always acts tough and mighty when he has people around him, but he's always a little (and I mean little, he's only 5 ft) **** when nobody is around to help him.

    He's not in a gang but he's the closest I have to what you mean. But yeah, I've had some experience with gangs in my town. Someone that went to my school was shot and killed for a gang initiation. And I'm f***ing tired of it all.

    All you @$$holes who think youre all that and join gangs to act like you have something in your pathetic lives! Listen up! Why don't you stop hiding behind others and fight without an advantage! Don't think you deserve to take someone's just because you mess up your life! I'm right with P-A-W!
  7. Repliku Chaser

    I've asked myself the same question a few times. I've known too many people who have died or read way too much about it from just standing up for someone. It's very tragic. Don't forget that guy. He was a great person. I always try to remember about people like that and even write about them a bit so I don't forget. It's the good people that don't get the attention they deserve in media etc. I can see why you are really mad. It's very disheartening to see someone like that lose his life while the jerks who did it are walking around. I hope they were caught and got some jail time at least.

    Growing up here in NY I mostly wandered and went 'between' gangs. I also lived out in Illinois for a while in my junior and senior year at high school in this stupid town where a lot of people from Chicago gangs would come down there after getting out on parole and such. I never had too much trouble with gang people because I had self-confidence and didn't show any bias to anyone really or fear, and hung around with various people. I hate cliques so I refused to be in any.

    However, I can say that I did have some altercations such as one time a person pulled a knife on my friend, and I grabbed the knife and beat him up, and didn't quite realize I'd sliced my hand grabbing it, but went to get some stitches later. I also had to hit some guy that smacked my sister for no reason and did it right in front of the other members who were laughing. 3 hits and he was grabbing his groin and face. I don't like violence. I really don't. However, when you see how some people live, you can understand how some kids get drawn into the gang stupid stuff. I am very glad to be away from that life now, but I could have easily been sucked into it. Poverty is a big reason for some kids to go into gangs, as is protection from family, enemies who stalk you, rapists, other gangs, or bullies. They teach you in a bad way what martial arts classes teach in a much more positive way, which is a self-commanding nature, self-esteem and all. Of course they teach rather to be arrogant, carry weapons, and bad mouth like you are tough, but in its way, it makes people think they are braver and can take animosity easier and isn't it nice that someone 'has your back'?

    I don't like gangs, but living with them all around and talking to a lot of people in the gangs, being the free roamer I was, I did learn a lot and see why they exist. I do hope one day such things will die down, and adults will stop taking advantage of teenage boys' and girls' insecurities so that they don't rush off for the gangsta life style and also get prison time etc. I know if I ever have kids where I would send them for self-esteem and that would sooner be a martial arts class.

    Someone above said military stuff, but I think good old martial arts discipline would do the trick easier and if a teacher found out the kid was in a gang, he/she could kick his/her butt. =:)
  8. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    The world simply is not a fair place. When you realize that you transcend the entire issue altogether.
  9. hahannuh Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 22, 2006
    I don't want to go cliche on you but I'm warning you I'm too optimistic and I'm religious.

    I do agree with your point that this good man's death is terrible and he did not deserve it. But then again, who deserves death? These murderers? Of course not, because if we see death in such a cruel matter (as we did with the 19-year-old) how hypocritical is it to wish for these criminals to lose their lives. Those numb to the idea of killing, they are the ones deserve the most love. Because I believe every human is capable of being good, put simply, living a balanced and moral life. And for the man who lost his life for his brother, do not only mourn for his death but moreover admire his strength. There will always be evil in the world but good will shine the brightest in the darkest of areas. And it takes people who understand this concept (like you and me) to live it and spread it. To represent their ideas and morals not by speech but by actions. For actions do speak louder than words, seen perfectly by this 19 year-old brother.
  10. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Saying death is bad is untrue, without death, they would be too many people on earth, no way to begin life because of over population, and so on. I only wish that the rare type of person who will stand up for those who can't, but I still believe people who are capable should stand up for themsleves instead of letting others, but in this case it wasn't, a man died for his brother, maybe not the first time, but still it has happenned, I would have liked to know this man more, but sadly life is unfair so think how death is....
  11. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    life's not fair, when there is people there is fights, when there is fights there is blood and so on. People just don't know how to accept people from a different country/race/regilion. So they get rid of them of the easest way they know, killing. that man's death was unfair, he was only trying to protect others, i would do that if some i love was in that position.
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