Why do some people say that the Disney should be taken out of Kingdom Hearts?

Discussion in 'General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts' started by Spyells, Jan 1, 2008.


Do you think the Disney should be taken out of Kingdom Hearts?

Poll closed Jan 11, 2008.
  1. Yes

    4 vote(s)
  2. No

    51 vote(s)
  3. Tone down the Disney so the rating can be T for teen or M for mature

    20 vote(s)
  4. Add more Disney

    4 vote(s)
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  1. The Notorious AJM Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 12, 2008
    Gaia Online
    Practically the whole plot was based on Disney movies; taking Disney out would just make the game's story empty.
  2. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    hahahah kingdom hearts rated M for mature....
    mature is like:

    now think about kingdom hearts with those words...

    ~Anyway back to topic...I dont think disney should be completely removed from the kh series, because we need to travel to disney worlds...but I do believe that as the series progresses we will see less of disney...especially in BBS and 358/2 days...since you dont have disney characters as party members, you'll see a considerably less amount of disney characters...
  3. Flamedancer Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 16, 2007
    Wandering about, pondering life
    I'm sorry, but people who say that Disney should be taken out of KH should be hit over the head with some kind of blunt object. (Maybe one of those crazy big lollipops you get from DISNEYland...heh heh...)

    I think it's brilliant the way KH uses Disney. All the games show the darker sides of the movies. (We won't mention 100 Acre Wood or KH2 Atlantica). Heck, you could use Dumbo to blast away Heartless in the first game! If you take it out, what will you have? Traverse Town, Twilight Town, and Radiant Garden? We're getting a game all about the Organization, and even then it shows clips from Wonderland! (Slightly off-topic:Nintendo DS--$129.95... Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days--$29.95...Marluxia running around Wonderland with all those flowers--Priceless.)

    And Kingdom Hearts rated M? This is what comes to mind:

    Sora: (Holding Piglet's bleeding corpse in his arms) SEE, POOH! THIS IS WHAT THE HEARTLESS CAN DO!!!
    Pooh: OH, H*LL NO!! *turns to Heartless* YOU MOTHERF***ERS!!! YOU WILL PAY!!
    We won't even get into what Tigger and Kanga are doing...
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