Why do some people say that the Disney should be taken out of Kingdom Hearts?

Discussion in 'General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts' started by Spyells, Jan 1, 2008.


Do you think the Disney should be taken out of Kingdom Hearts?

Poll closed Jan 11, 2008.
  1. Yes

    4 vote(s)
  2. No

    51 vote(s)
  3. Tone down the Disney so the rating can be T for teen or M for mature

    20 vote(s)
  4. Add more Disney

    4 vote(s)
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  1. xekushi Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 27, 2007
    some place else
    Those people are idiots that enjoy Kingdom Hearts but don't wish to appear childish. Or atleast thats the impression I get from what you've said.
    But to remove the Disney from kingdom hearts is like taking Harry away from Harry Potter. Even though the connection to the Disney doesn't seem to be as important in KH2, it is one of the founders of the game and without is your left with something completely differnet.

    Actually had Square made the concept of KH all by themselves it would've been harder to make populer. Not only Would the have to make original worlds which would cost both time and money, you'd have to be in each world long enough to develop and get to know each and every character from these worlds.

    They could do a weak stroy behind each world like Valkyrie Profile but then I don't see this making a very popular game. Using Disney provides KH with massive advantages like the fact that we aleady know the backstories to most of these characters and that thereby saves a huge amount of time. Also theres hundreds of worlds that can mix with the KH concept making it easy to come up with new worlds
  2. Daisy the Sorceress Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 10, 2006
    Moving from England to Wales and back again
    Wasn't Disney the reason that KH was born in the first game? Didn't it come about because Square and Disney found out that they both worked in the same building?

    If it weren't for Disney, KH would be just another FF game. KH has some quite dark moments and Disney helps make the game really light-hearted at times. That, and Disney brings back some really nice childhood memories.

    That, and KH actually turned me back into a Disney nutter.
  3. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Disney is the only reason there is KH. It would just be another game just like Final Fantasy without it.
  4. tc831 Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 23, 2007
    not at all i love the idea that we can explore Disney worlds i loved the Disney movies as a kid and i also love kingdom hearts so it like Disney for older people however saying that sometimes i wish that the disney was a bit less because its a good story line and i am usally more intrested in the main story with sora, kairi and riku

    yes there would be no kingdom hearts with out it and the disney magic is awsome but we need more of the story or more disney but involving the main story more
  5. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    Without Disney, Kingdom Hearts would be stupid and pointless. I never would have gotten it.
  6. ralfobob Moogle Assistant

    Jan 31, 2008
    The World That Never Was
    i dont see any thing wrong with kingdom hearts its better with the disney chacters
  7. RedHot1994 Traverse Town Homebody

    The disney characters are some of the best things about Kingdom Hearts!!!!
    They need to keep them in the game!
  8. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    im a really big fan of disney so id be really mad if they would end up taking out disney.the reason i love the game so much is because of disney.actually if they would take out disney id probably rent it to see if i d like it or not.also what makes the games funny is donald and goofy.
  9. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    What will we do?

    Take the disney out! Get Nomura on the Phone!

    He says that the new worlds and main-characters will be:
    Donald will be changed to Harry Potter
    Goofy will be changed to some bum I found on the street.
    Mickey will be changed to Henry the VI
    Minie will be changed to The stripper I found with the bum on the street
    Daisy will be changed to The guy who sang Numa Numa Dance
    Pluto will be changed to the dog that was watching the Stripper and Bum.
    And the rest of the worlds will be changed to:
    Chicago, fifty bazillion years ago
    Pittsburgh, the industrial part.
    Random Pencil store
    Random Dollar Tree
    And The Final Boss world will be Sea World.

    There you go! Everything that would happen if Disney was taken out! four people got their wishes yay! I guess they must have...... Wished upon a star...
    (Leaves humming the Disney Tune: When you wish upon a star, whistling at different spots)

    P.S, and face it! You love 100 Acre woods because there's no fighting and strategy for the most part.
  10. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    My cousin and I had a conversation about it. We both love kingdom hearts, hes like 20 so don't get kinda like were best freinds or anything on me but yeah, he said it wouldn't be kingdom hearts without disney, if they take that out then they would probably get more money to have better graphics like final fantasy but the story would never be the same. Though Mickey is the only disney character that needs to stay, along with malificent. That is all.
  11. superkiwi Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    You take the Disney aspect out of it and it isn't a Kingdom Hearts game anymore...
    Plus I got Kingdom Hearts in the first place because it had Disney in it
  12. laurenspoohbear Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 14, 2007
    i thought the disney in the game was a good twist. If i wasnt for that i would not have found the game.
  13. Black Sinner Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 2, 2007
    I always thought the mix of Final Fantasy and Disney was a good thing; it had never been done before, so it attracted a large audience. Maybe the game should mature a bit to keep up with us, but the Disney aspect shouldn't be removed.
  14. Hero Form Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 12, 2007
    Seriously guys, without Disney, this would just be another Final Fantasy game.
  15. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Not to mention...

    Not to mention that Disney is not all Kiddy Fun Land.
    Port Royal in KH II alone brought the game from E to E10
    Not to mention all of the Other PG and Above Stuff Disney has done besides Pirates of the Caribbean.
    So when you think about it, 100 Acre woods is really the only purely Kid thing about the whole game series.
    And let's face it, 100 Acre Woods is nessacerry to beat because of all the items you get:
    Nature Spark- KH I- Bambi Summon, kind babyish but it still gets you items and MP when badly needed.
    Orchailum- I think in both games- needed to to get the Utlima weapon in both games
    And other rare minerals too numerous to mention.
    Plus, I was like, I dunno, 7(?) when KH I came out and I was out of the whole Pooh Phase, and I still liked all the Mini-Games in both Games.
    I think half of the reason most kids complain, and I've talked about it with friends at school:
    They either:
    Liked Atlantica in KH I, but hated the musical in KH II
    Hated Atlantica
    Hated 100 Acre woods.
    Everything else, no problem.
    And truth be told, I'm not going to Lie, Tigger and Eyore are still on my list of Favorite Disney Chacters.
    A tie between Goofy and Stitch at top.
    So, If they take out the Disney, people who complain about it, won't even like it.
  16. EaXsHmI Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 18, 2007
    Places >.>
    You say that like it would be a bad thing? o_o

    I'm not saying that I'd prefer if Disney was removed, but I'm sure this game would have sold well regardless.

    I do like how they're making Mickey a total BAMF. Major thumbs up on that. :)
  17. KHfan321 Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 9, 2007
    I like it with disney but it wont ever become rated T or rated M with it but if disney gets gone then i think thats te end of KH
  18. Absol Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2007
    Why would anyone want it to be rated mature...o.o
  19. Daae Moogle Assistant

    Jan 29, 2007
    Every time I hear people complain about how kiddish Disney stuff is I have to wonder if they've ever actually seen a Disney movie. Especially the older stuff. Anyone else remember Maleficent calling on the powers of Hell to take out Prince Philip? No wonder she's one of the main villains in Kingdom Hearts.

    And also, I love the E/E10 rating, since it means I don't have to worry about my little sisters seeing something they shouldn't when I play (like I do with a game like Devil May Cry). Actually, they love watching me play Kingdom Hearts...and so do my parents, which is rather amusing. My dad keeps commenting on how great the gameplay looks.
  20. EaXsHmI Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 18, 2007
    Places >.>
    Yeah... now that I think about it... Kingdom Hearst just would not be Kingdom Hearts if it wasn't for Disney... I also wouldn't have played it, because I found out about the game through Disney. XD

    Anyone remember those old Disney commercials with the guy sneaking around in the Disney headquarters? :P
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