Why do some people say that the Disney should be taken out of Kingdom Hearts?

Discussion in 'General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts' started by Spyells, Jan 1, 2008.


Do you think the Disney should be taken out of Kingdom Hearts?

Poll closed Jan 11, 2008.
  1. Yes

    4 vote(s)
  2. No

    51 vote(s)
  3. Tone down the Disney so the rating can be T for teen or M for mature

    20 vote(s)
  4. Add more Disney

    4 vote(s)
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  1. Repliku Chaser

    I will say I didn't play KH till after a year after its debut because of the Disney factor. I was just like 'wtf' and I even razzed the game for a while because I could not imagine why Nomura would make such a 'sell out' game with Disney to ruin Final Fantasy characters. Yep, that was my opinion and it was shared by a lot of people in my age group. However, I bought FF X and saw KH on sale for 20 bucks, so I decided to go ahead and give it a try after some other friends had been talking about it for some time. To my surprise, I was bored to death with FF X and put in KH and was just blown away by how complex the storyline was and yet there was this cute element that made me chuckle at times. I had thought I had outgrown the Disney stuff, but it did bring back memories and well, I couldn't have asked for a better game that year.

    So, as people say, some gripe about a game they had never played and having sat on that side of the fence for a while, I do see why. However, I've also gotten quite a few of those people to do what I did and go pay the money for it and give it a whirl and no one ever came back to me complaining once.

    I do think though no one wants -more- Disney added because the game would then become too cheesy campy while the actual deep meaningful plot line would just disappear. So, I can see why no one is voting in that way. Somehow, as I've said elsewhere, Nomura is a genius and managed to do just the right blend of things and even if some worlds might irritate us a bit, all in all, he's done a miraculous job of what I had once thought to be rather impossible. Kudos to the man.
  2. Nobody's Shadow Kingdom Keeper

    Jun 4, 2007
    In a room where it's nine in the afternoon.
    Personally I think Kingdom Hearts is fine the way it is. There is a relatively good balance between Disney, Final Fantasy, plus all the new concepts and characters created specifically for KH, which is why I don't see much of a reason for throwing it off. For all the people who wish for the elimination of Disney in KH, perhaps this really just isn't the game for you. The appeal of Disney to the younger generation of kids is much too high to remove it. Also, the way I see it, even if Disney was removed, Kingdom Hearts really doesn't have much of a purpose without it. The story line would probably be rearranged so much that it would be nearly unrecognizable as part of KH. I'm sorry but KH just isn't KH without Disney.
  3. Anixe Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 28, 2007
    Dim Sum Palace
    Basically put, Kingdom Hearts is nothing without Disney. I say that it's still really enjoyable for the older audiences with the Disney tone to it. As it is, there really shouldn't be changing the content of Disney in the game. I can't really imagine Kingdom Hearts being better any other way in my opinion. Just cuz people say it's Disney and all that kid crap doesn't mean the Disney parts shouldn't be out of it. It's unique and it should stay that way.
  4. Emo Pengwin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 5, 2007
    In your underwear
    Personally, I think Disney elements make up way over half of the entire game. Yes, there are other things in there, but where would almost all of the worlds go if there was no Disney?

    As my grandma says: Get to old for Disney, you're getting too old to live.

    Even with Disney in there, it pleases both kids who love the cuteness, and older players as well.
  5. Heaxrt17 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 22, 2007
    Kingdom Hearts without Disney isn't Kingdom Hearts. I can't imagine KH without Disney. It'll be like another FF game or a completely new game. Some people say that is childish and that I'm stupid because I play KH, but they have never played it. Well, I thought that too. When KH was released, my friends and I were like: Oh another Disney stupid game, but I was wrong. I decided to buy it because a lot of peolple was saying that it was an amazing game. Since the first time I played it, I got totally hooked. The storyline was more complex than I expected and Disney made a good job with it. Like Demyx said, don't judge anyone by appereance, and in this case, we can't say that KH is stupid because Disney is in it without having played it. Most of the worlds that appear in the Kh series are Disney worlds. Donald and Goofy give a special touch to the story. Disney adds some comedy to the game. Nomura made an excellent job mixing Disney with FF and adding new characters like Sora, Riku, Kairi and the Organization, that created KH. It's a good game for both kids and old players. So, why take out Disney of KH if it forms a big part of the game.

    I think that it will be bad if Square adds more Disney to KH, it's well balanced and with more Disney the plot will be ruined.
  6. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    As I'm sure its already been stated, if Disney was taken away, it would be another forgettable RPG. Personally, I don't care too much for the FF series at all. That, and the bond between Sora, Donald & Goofy was the best part of the series, IMO.
  7. All of you are correct, KH wouldn't be Kingdom Hearts without the Disney factor in it. Every world is based on a Disney movie, the king and his subjects are Mickey Mouse and the gang, the Kingdom Key keychain resembles Mickey's head, it just wouldn't have the same magical quality. And I think is original. People never thought that a Disney game mixed with Square Enix could ever succeed, but it proved everyone wrong in the end, and was a commercial explosion.

    I think the reason people don't want the Disney in it is because of the restrictions. There's no blood, there's no cuts or scratches when really fighting, the tone of it has to be kept childish, no cursing, edit things out, etc. And while it is tempting to let it be more mature, KH would then unfortunately turn like every game out there, and loose what made it unique.
  8. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Well, I guess some people think Disney should'nt be in KH because they think it's lame. What they DON'T realize, is that without Disney, KH just wouldnt be that entertaining. To each their own, I guess. Personally, I think it's a good thing.
  9. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    When I first started playing Kingdom Hearts, I didn't even know that Final Fantasy was in it. Go figure.

    I really think that Disney should remain a part of Kingdom Hearts, if not become MORE of a part of it. Kingdom Hearts II was fun and all, but it had less basis for all the worlds, really, and I liked that about Kingdom Hearts 1. It's not the fights and Final Fantasy characters that are fun, it's the worlds and the characters in the worlds.

    Kicking out Disney or even toning it down just wouldn't be the same...What would they do instead, really? Final Fantasy worlds? While this might be fun, it would create an entirely different feel, if you know what I mean...

    And Kingdom Hearts wouldn't be Kingdom Hearts anymore.
  10. Insane_Squrriel Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 5, 2008
    Villiage Hidden in the Heart
    That's exactly how I was. I mean, I just bought KH a month ago. I've beat it, and am getting KH2 soon.
  11. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    I say tone it down. I know this is really a "bad" answer, since it is a kid-oriented game, but I'd love a bit more violence in Kingdom Hearts... as well as some more Final Fantasy cameos *coughswear-happyBarretcough*.
  12. Tammylita Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 30, 2007
    I live in a pineapple under the sea...Wait.
    Personally, I agree with what most of you have said.

    I don't want to remove Disney entirely.

    But replay the game some time and tell me the cuteness doesn't begin stifle you.

    I'd like to tone down the Disney just a bit. Get rid of RLM's (Random Laughing Moments) and some of that cheesy dialogue. Then add a bit more violence and dark overtones. Just enough to satisfy the older audiences but not enough to make parents uneasy.

    ...Oh, and some of that 'implied yaoi' for the fangirls. XD
  13. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    I don't think Kingdom Hearts would be as much of an experience without Disney... it would just be like a Final Fantasy game... and that means it's not a whole new concept (except most of the action I guess).

    I don't mind the Disney parts toned down... but not too much or else it just wouldn't be the same.
  14. Twilight's Rose Banned

    Nov 10, 2007
    between Light and Dark's garden; Twilight Garden
    Expelling DISNEY from KH series would TOTALLY ruin the atmosphere that the series have! I mean, whats a whole adventure full with DISNEY characters and in some sequel you find some random invented worlds! Now thats ruining a perfect series! KH series is an action-packed, RPG and Adventure games! If DISNEY is removed then, I kiss bye bye to my KH!
  15. namine-kairi Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 8, 2007
    Your wardrobe :3
    If they took Disney out of KH it would just be another boring old game because you would go to traverse town and destiny island a couple of cut scenes through then to the end we go end and in the same in the second one but twilight town and hollow bastion, but seriously take the disney out of the kingdom hearts is like taking the apple out of the apple pie not going to happen. KH is great just the way it is if it didnt have disney in I'd give my'n to the blender.
  16. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    Put it this simple. If disney is out of KH there would be no KH. end of story
  17. Spyells Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 25, 2007
    Soaring through the fields of my dreams
    This is something that I posted on another forum to a similar topic in early 2007. I just found it saved on my computer and I decided to repost it.

    I've always loved the magic and the power of Disney. Disney brings to life things that children can only dream of. I know so many adults who love Disney just as much it's not even funny. I love Mickey mouse and the fact that he can kick some ass. Awesome! I also love all of the Disney classics. I like running around the various Disney worlds killing Heartless. And the story fits so perfectly with all of the Disney ones. I just love this game. If the Disney was taken out of the game I wouldn't play it anymore. I think it's cool that Donald and Goofy can fight. I mean it's mind blowing. I'm use to seeing Donald just stutter and chase his nephews. (I love those little guys!) And Goofy I always thought of him as a screw up. Never trusting him with my life, never the less a shield or a sword (Reminds me of Neville Longbottom) . Without the Disney being in the game the game to me wouldn't be as fun. I get tired of playing all of these games that have the same story and plot. Kingdom Hearts is different because of the Disney. That's why I continue to play the game and also it's why I registered at this site.
  18. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    I personally don think disney should b taken out of the game, but I don approve that Kingdom Hearts should borderline E10+...it deserves more. So I think disney should b toned down but not out.
  19. Hero Form Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 12, 2007
    I think that removing Disney from KH is STUPID, and I totally agree with Spyells.
  20. Spyells Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 25, 2007
    Soaring through the fields of my dreams
    I don't think any topic I've ever started got to page four before. I'm happy at the moment because of the responses that this thread received. I'm glad that we are all discussing this. I've noticed this so much around the forum lately. And even with this topic open for discussion the people who talk bad about the game the most never post their opinions. Now granted there certainly has been a few that have, but I would like to hear more feed back from the other side. The poll results here and on another Kingdom Hearts fan site that I am registered, nicely shows that the majority agree that the Disney should remain in Kingdom Hearts. Many say as long as the Disney is toned down they will be happy, but at least they don't want it completely gone. I'm glad to hear people support my opinion, but with all of the posters that still complain about the Disney, I would like some feedback from them.
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