Why do some people say that the Disney should be taken out of Kingdom Hearts?

Discussion in 'General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts' started by Spyells, Jan 1, 2008.


Do you think the Disney should be taken out of Kingdom Hearts?

Poll closed Jan 11, 2008.
  1. Yes

    4 vote(s)
  2. No

    51 vote(s)
  3. Tone down the Disney so the rating can be T for teen or M for mature

    20 vote(s)
  4. Add more Disney

    4 vote(s)
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  1. Spyells Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 25, 2007
    Soaring through the fields of my dreams
    I’ve been noticing lately that members of another Kingdom Hearts fan site of which I am a member, feel that the Disney elements of Kingdom Hearts makes the game childish. Disney is part of what makes the game so unique. I don’t know whether it’s because these people are being teased or if they forget that many of the people who play Kingdom Hearts are in fact children. I also hear people complain that they want the rating for Kingdom Hearts III to be rated T for Teen or M for Mature. But if these people are really bothered by the ‘low’ rating then why don't they just play other games with more 'suitable' ratings. I’ve also noticed that many people on that forum (and by all means I only mean a few not all) talk bad about the game. But it is a Kingdom Hearts fan site. And usually those people are the first people to complain about the Disney and the ratings. Playing Kingdom Hearts is a personal choice that wasn’t forced on anyone, so why do people say these things if they ‘dislike’ the game so much? I’ve been told before that Kingdom Hearts is childish and stupid and that I’m stupid for playing it. But why should I care what everyone else thinks? I like the feel of Kingdom Hearts. I like both the serious parts and the silly parts. That's what makes Kingdom Hearts what it is. The fact that characters like Winnie the Pooh can be put in a serious story such as this. A story about light and fighting the darkness and it makes sense. This is why the game is so different from other games. That’s why I love the game. So why do people make it a big deal about the Disney and the ratings? Is it because they are embarrassed to admit that they enjoy a ‘children's’ game, or is it because in order to feel older they want to play games with more ‘mature’ ratings?

    I’m just asking some questions because I’ve noticed this around the forums lately. Please don’t flame me, but I would love to hear you opinions. :)
  2. Repliku Chaser

    Hmm...Kingdom Hearts was founded on the concepts of both Disney and Final Fantasy. It would seem ridiculous to me to take out the Disney concepts within as that would make it a totally different game series. I can see the desire to tone down some of the Disney but in the end, I think if people look hard enough they can see the grisly undertones that the Disney tries to tone down. Kingdom Hearts has some very serious elements in it that for a young kid, this will most likely be missed. For an older teen or adult, if you mentally strip away the Disney and look at the base story, it's very complex, deep and meaningful. You can take a variety of things from the underlying plot. Nomura, to me, was a genius when doing this because the stories of all 3 games would make the rating a lot higher than it is if the Disney was stripped away.

    So my opinion on it is to leave the Disney, and yeah, at times the cuteness gets to people, including me, but at the same time, those of us who are more 'serious' and all can indeed look and find the theme under the cuteness. I do hope he continues to do stories like this if Kingdom Hearts goes beyond a KH3 game because it does make it suitable for many ages and people can take what they want from the games. I think it would be a lot more morbid and they'd have no choice but to make the games M if they removed the Disney and well, even though at times I twitch by the adorable things that happen, it also makes the game a bit more light hearted and funny too.
  3. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    I dont see whats wrong with it. Its a mix of cuteness and seriousness.

    Goofy and Donald add a comedic element to balance out the seriousness of the eternal struggle of light and dark.

    Besides, where else in history can Micky Mouse be considered awesome by adults, teenagers, and 6 year olds in the same story?

    They shouldnt change a thing.
  4. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    I have to say there are moments when the Disney is a bit 'ZOMG Overload!!!!' like when Donald and Goofy are jumping around in the background with springy effects when Sora and Riku are being serious that bugs me for some reason... But if you took the disney out then it wouldn't be Kingdom Hearts. It'd be another Final Fantasy, not that that's a bad thing but it would lose the game it's uniqueness. Which is what gave it it's popularity.

    However looking at the trailers, secrect movies, interviews and, to some exent, the games themselves there is a patteren emerging that they are slowly getting darker. Perhaps to show the growing divide between Light and Darkness?
  5. SImpression Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 23, 2007
    I personally think Final Fantasy characters should be taken out. Not Disney.
  6. Zeftnon - The Superior Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 12, 2006
    Press Ctrl+W to find out...
    Yeah, quite a lot of people say that Kingdom Hearts is pretty childish. I think it's because they judge the game too quickly - and it's not just about the Disney elements. Kingdom Hearts became popular because all the unique things put in it are all simple ideas enhanced by creativity. For example, keys and doors were successfully tied in with the heart even though they have practically no connection to each other in real life. The battle between light and darkness have also been made more interesting in Kingdom Hearts when "twilight" was put into the conflict. Really, it's the way Nomura mixes up all of these elements that don't relate to each other that makes Kingdom Hearts such a unique game. Unfortunately, some people just look at the cover of a Kingdom Hearts game and don't bother to play it. They think that just because Mickey Mouse is the king or the main character's weapon is a giant key, the game must be pretty stupid.
  7. .Kairi. Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Too close to the guidos
    I don't think that Disney should be completely taken out of it because it makes the game unique. Of course there were times when there was just too much Disney in it for me, and there are some worlds that I didn't like, but even those parts of the game keep it from being another Final Fantasy. Sometimes people who hear that I play it say I'm childish and that the games is stupid, but most of the time they've never played the game before. It really shouldn't matter what other people say, especially since they are probably mislead when they see the Disney aspect of it. There is more meaning to the games when the Disney is taken away, and that's what makes it unique.
  8. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    Welll, KH is awesome with Disney, but without it it wouldn't be much of a game. I mean, think about it. What is there to do? Go from Destiny Islands to Traverse Town and then go to the End of the World, fight Ansem and the game will be over?

    Well, I don't know why in the world they would want Disney taken out of Kingdom Hearts.
  9. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Go, Disney, Go!

    If they did take out Disney from Kingdom Hearts, the game would probably end up a combination of "Final Fantasy" and "Tales of..." series. There'd just be a bunch of custom characters that would end up fighting in a real-time RPG.

    Personally, I don't see anything wrong with Disney being there. It's part of the charm. Where else would you be able to fight alongside Tarzan or Captain Jack Sparrow; be able to swim and fly in Atlantica or Neverland; revisit old memories in Timeless River or Space Paranoids; or be able to beat up villains that really tick you off like Jafar, Ursula and that snot-ragged Oogie Boogie (who I STILL don't consider Disney)?

    And I don't find anyone annoying. Granted, Sora and Riku have their bull-headed moments, but that's what makes them human. I'm assuming people approve of them too (i.e. yaoi).

    So, no. Disney's just fine as it is. Whoever says otherwise should stick with playing other games.
  10. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    If the Disney was taken away, the game wouldn't be the same. It would be just another boring kill-everyone game.
  11. khmaniac101 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 3, 2007
    Aqua'a bed *fuhuhaha*
    it would suck if they did first of all thats all the comedy taken out and there need to be some type of comedy relief at some point. also the higher ratings would just defeat the purpose of the games (which is a bridge for kids to get into RPG's and for older kids to have a reprieve from the hard hitting and dark rpg's of today)
  12. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    I can't help but think that without the Disney characters, Kingdom Hearts would be one heck of a depressing game. I mean, there were even a fair share of tearjerker moments WITH them. For a game like KH, the Disney characters are essential. Ninety percent of the game worlds are based off of them; the Final Fantasy characters just make small cameos, smaller yet in comparison to the Disney appearances...If you took the Disney out, you would take out the meat of the game =/...
  13. Raina Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 13, 2007
    I don't think they should take out disney ,but they should make it a little bit more teen related
  14. stripy4 Traverse Town Homebody

    Disney is what makes Kingdom Hearts different from other games series. It gives it a sweet and comedic side. Also, if you took the Disney out of Kingdom Hearts you would have to change the design of the Kingdom Key. It would be totally different, and wrong. I think that they've got the Disney factor just right.
  15. Xennex Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 11, 2007
    the Castle of Disaster
    psh, chyeah~ i think Kingdom Hearts would probably be a better game without all the Disney stuff *shrugs* i mean, sometimes they do go overload, that i agree with, Demitryx. >.> *attacked by all the 'keep-disney' fans* GAAAH!!! X__x anyway, yeah, even my parents think that having Disney in KH is weird O.o so yeah...

    KH WITHOUT DISNEY!!! >_< lol
  16. JapAnimeFanatic Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 7, 2007
    Radiant Garden
    i couldnt agree more, if you dont like the game simply dont play it, and the reason why it has disney is cause it was made for ALL ages
  17. Amethyst Grave Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jul 7, 2007
    My Violet Prison
    I think they should tone down disney a little, not take it out completely. The disney did get a little annoying at times but theres no point in taking it out completely.
  18. Falling Star Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jul 21, 2007
    a place beyond your wildest imagination
    If they took out disney then people probally wouldnt want to play it anymore.the game then would probally be bloody, use of alcohol, and other things,(if rated mature) then the only ones who would want to play it would be adults and such and im pretty sure that their are alot more kids that know about KH then adults do
  19. kingdomkutie Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 26, 2007
    in my head
    I totally agree with a lot of things that were said. Like the fact that playing the Kingdom Hearts games is a choice and if you don't like that there is Disney in it, then don't play it. It's as simple as that. Also, I agree that without Disney being a part of if, Kingdom Hearts would be a pretty boring game. Disney makes up most of the game and it's part of what keeps people coming back for more Kingdom Hearts. Sure, it has like the perfect love story with Sora & Kairi. Sure, it has a serious story that most people wouldn't comprehend, but it's the Disney aspect that stirs things up & keeps it interesting (imo). And if people want a game that is rated T or M, then go find another game to play. No one said that you have to play Kingdom Hearts; no one is forcing you.
  20. Spyells Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 25, 2007
    Soaring through the fields of my dreams
    The poll results are pretty much what I expected them to be. But I am a little surprised that the poll option 'add more Disney' hasn't received any votes. The poll received at least two votes for that option on another Kingdom Hearts forum that I am a member of. But the other results are just what I expected them to be. But maybe the poll results will shift in the next couple of days. Anyway, thank everyone who's stated their opinion thus far. And I thank the rest of you in advance who will reply to this topic in the future. :)
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