Now that the 3 conferences are over, the BIG HUGE news of E3 is now over as well, and I am still hungry. Microsoft and Sony both gave excellent presentations, (I was rather disappointed by the presentation of the Nintendo one), all 3 companies have a LOT going on in the next year or so, Microsoft definently seems to be hanging onto it's spot as top runner, while Nintendo continues to pump out the cute and the fun. Sony, while it showed a lot of good games, (God of War 3 Trailer anyone?), I was STILL not satisfied by this. Tell me, should we be satisfied by what we've seen so far, or should we be expecting more?
lol, im not even sure if they can call this an E3. All those poor people that went over there just to hear what gaming sites already reported on except with charts and graphs. I just hope the Tokyo game show doesnt suck when that time gets around.
i'm not satisfied by what came up i hoped that more things where accomplished/etc... i was disappointed i still hunger for more news