Why did khv change to xenforo anyway?

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Shiki, Apr 22, 2014.

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  1. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I highly doubt my listing of the specific improvements and advantages of XF would change your mind at all and I just woke up & don't really feel like typing an essay on my phone but among them

    Responsive design
    Better seo
    Cleaner URLs
    Better support
    Better development community
    More secure
    Frequest quality updates
    Experienced Dev team (XF was created by the guys behind vB after internal disagreements about the direction to take vb4)
    Alerts system
    More stable
    Better error reporting
    Better styling system

    I could be far more detailed and specific but this is the subject of many long threads on XF sites and not something I'm just going to pull out of my ass to satisfy people who will probably never like the software. What it comes down to is user experience. If you somehow feel it is better on vB then that's your business. I know XF was a good choice for the staff team and it's allowing us to take the site in great new directions. But by all means, lament the broken and unused rep system.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2014
  2. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    I'm sure your job under the hood is easier. I don't doubt that you like it for that reason and good for you, but as an end user, I've seen no tangible benefits from this at all. The site still looks bad. I still had to give up a large amount of site history without being warned or given any options regarding that and was brushed off like a hanging burr when I asked about it. I still can't customize my posts per page. I still can't see members in a given section. I can't change my birthday. I still have to deal with a bad text editor and the ****ing likes system. So yeah, I don't have a reason to change my opinion of xenforo from the perspective of an end user. Like that list you toted out like it mattered, it doesn't apply to my experience for the most part and when it does it usually just annoys me like seriously who actually wants alerts? So don't act like people who don't like it are just being ignorant or stubborn about it. I don't like what's been done with the site and regardless of whether it's on xenforo or vB or whatever, it's the specific changes that ruin it for me and the fact that my concerns are treated like they don't matter.
  3. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    They are hardly brushed off. We released new styles every year since moving to XF, this year will be no exception, and every year we learn more about working with XF's styling system to make them better. If they're not to your design tastes then sorry? But hopefully a future style will be. Customizing posts per page will never be possible given the link structure of XF so don't hold your breath on that one. You can change your birthday by messaging an admin if it's inaccurate. Back on vb members had suggested features similar to the alerts system, i personally love it and i think other members do too, but you can easily turn it off if you don't want it. Due to suggestions made about the likes system and the advantages people cite of rep, @Plums and the rest of the staff are working on setting up a new system. What a lot of these complaints about XF boil down to is "I miss vB" or "I liked this about vB" and that's all well and good but XF is not vB. It is its own software with its own goals and intentions and while we do try to replicate a lot of the better functions of vB, we can't shouldn't and don't wish to keep old systems just for the sake of having them.
  4. Trigger hewwo uwu

    Oct 6, 2006
    Corridors of Time
    the only thing i disagree with here is the alerts. i like knowing when someone has replied to/quoted me and having a direct link to the discussion in just 2 clicks.

    but who gives a **** cause light theme when
  5. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    If you don't like it, deal with it.
    Good to know.
  6. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    As amusing as this little catfight is, please ladies settle down

    Such behavior is unbecoming of two of the site's longest-running and most respected veterans u <u
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2014
  7. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    If you don't like it, deal with it.
  8. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Turn and face the pain

  9. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    The only thing that bothers me about the change is a change from HTML to BBcode when posting but I have dealt with that, I miss rep but we are sorting that but personally I am just a lot happier that the site is more secure. It wouldn't benefit the users at all if the site kept getting hacked and, like the big hack of 2010, have to restore the site to an older version losing a few months of posts/rep etc.
  10. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future
    So, functionality < security? Is that the reason?

    Let me make my own thoughts on the list Misty gave earlier. From the view of an end user and not an admin.

    Responsive design
    This only matters to admins/coders, from what I understand, so end user doesn't matter here.
    Better seo
    I had to google this to understand what the heck it meant. Who cares if the search engine is better? VB had a search engine was nearly the same, I actually don't see a difference.
    Cleaner URLs
    URLs haven't changed at all. They're the exact same as many URLs from VB.
    Better support
    Something that the end user doesn't need since we don't need support from Xenforo, but we do need support from site staff.
    Better development community
    End users don't benefit from this either.
    More secure
    Well at least I know my password that is unique for this site is secure?
    Frequest quality updates
    I'd love if we actually got notices of these updates because I haven't seen anything different.
    Experienced Dev team (XF was created by the guys behind vB after internal disagreements about the direction to take vb4)
    That's good and all but that doesn't help the end user other than the supposed "updates" that make it "better".
    Alerts system
    I guess this is okay to know when somebody quoted me or mentioned me. So far, this is the only thing that has been for the end user and functional from what I've seen.
    Indeed, faster, but prone to broken images and other things if they don't load correctly. And besides, wasn't the site fast on VB too?
    More stable
    If by stable, you mean crashing my flash player at random times when I'm loading a page, then yes it achieves that.
    Better error reporting
    I'm going to assume you mean staff reporting things to the Xenforo people.
    Better styling system

    Right...perhaps we could get more than 2 styles?

    In the end, I might be nitpicking, but I'd like to see a list of things that are new to xenforo that we didn't have in VB or things that were improved in the move. So far, I don't see much of a difference.
  11. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    SUFFERING ITT: we're all Summer of 2012 Saxima
  12. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future
    I have no idea what you mean.
  13. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    SUFFERING there there
  14. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  15. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    No, it doesn't. Re-size your browser and see what happens.

    Better SEO means better search results.

    Yes, they have changed.

    Yes, we do. Better support from XenForo means the staff here can support us here better.

    Yes, we do.

    That isn't the only area where security is a concern...

    We do get notices.

    More experienced development team means fewer errors. I've yet to hear of a critical bug being found on XenForo.

    Speed is more determined by the server than the forum software, BUT the forum software also plays a small role. As for the images, that's to be expected of images that were posted before the move to XenForo.

    That's most likely on your end.

    No, things like server errors.

    Styles have nothing to do with the forum software.
  16. A Zebra Chaser

    Jan 24, 2013
    "Making it easier for the site staff to work on the site has no impact on the end user"
    Because that makes sense.
    Clearly if it was harder to work on the site absolutely NO impact on the users.
    None at all
  17. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    idgaf im just here for the people and stuff
  18. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    This is getting kind of silly. :v A lot of people like Xenforo and a lot of others prefer vB -- tbh, from my standpoint as simply a user on the site, I couldn't really care which we were on (even tho I like Xenforo a wee bit more). While vB did have a ton of add-ons compared to Xenforo, the latter is assembling new ones all the time, and there is a pretty dedicated group of dev junkies willing to crank some out. That said, despite that, there are things from vB that are lost that I really would have liked to have kept (my albums, my user notes, two way VM convos, etc.). In the grand scheme of things, I'd rather have lost all of that than have it and go through more time warps again.*

    And I mean, while it certainly won't replace the lost things, the suggestions forum is always open for getting back old features that everyone wants. I know I was very up for tables to come back despite tabs being better in every way. While it will likely cost money, the site is for everyone here, and I do like to think we generally try to work consistently by that. If you want some stuff back, suggest away! Even if you've said it in the past, it's also in the past. I check the Suggestions forum multiple times a day, and try to reply whenever I feel like I have something to add/have my thoughts down. The things you want to see on the site are up to you to put forward, and they will at the very least be given thought and discussion.

    *For those that weren't here, the Time Warp of 2010 was a hack where we ended up losing like 2-3 months worth of content back on vB. Fortunately that was still when I only posted in Spam /shot

    Responsive Design
    This is basically so the site's size responds to the screen you're looking at it with. There were mobile designs in the past, but all of them were **** and you couldn't really do nearly as much with it as you can now. The responsive design does have some improvements that could be made, which are noted.

    Better SEO
    The vB search (and Xenforo's before the last update) were both awful, lol. the vB one from then was better than Xenforo's initial one, but the new one is much faster & accurate in my experiences at least.

    Cleaner URLs
    It's not a huge change, but they have gotten smaller and hella neater.

    vB URL: http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.p...sergroups...&p=3613286&viewfull=1#post3613286
    XF URL: http://kh-vids.net/threads/dear-blue-purple-red-green-and-orange-usergroups.120139/#post3613286

    Better Support
    I think Misty meant more along the lines of support for the site itself. Handling/sending in reports is much smoother, the XF updates always add functionality & redoes the base code, whereas vB basically sprinkled new stuff onto ancient code as libre said. If you think there could be better support from staff, that's fair & you can feel free to talk to one of us about it so we can see where things need to be fixed.

    Better Dev Community
    They make the add-ons. Stuff like the Post Macros, all the BB Code, Video Portal, the Pins, Social Groups, People Viewing Threads...those are all pretty hefty stuff, and come straight from them.

    More Secure
    tl;dr it is very hard to crack Xenforo, which means there won't need to be downtime for getting the site back up from a hack & no one gets affected.

    Frequent Quality Updates
    Misty usually posts a thread in Community News whenever we update the XF software with a list of things included.

    I don't even remember how quick vB was, lol, but there have been no frequent DBEs which is all that matters to me.

    More Stable
    I've had this happen too, but only when I've had near 30 tabs open at once with Skype in the background & having not turned my computer off in a few days. It also depends on browser, if you're using a buttload of add-ons in Firefox, you will probably have frequent crashes and slow down.

    Better Error Reporting
    The ACP auto logs all errors the site runs into to quick reference (which doesn't happen all that often).

    Better Styling
    It's easier to make styles on XF than for vB. There's only two now since the old ones were deprecated due to not being compatible with the responsive design. And there is usually a new skin every year or so, so there'll likely be more of a range of selection from this point forward.
  19. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    ...so when are we getting the next style?
  20. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    On the next anniversary, obviously.
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