Why Did Jesus Die?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by jafar, Nov 7, 2008.

  1. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    So, I watched The Passion of Christ last night (because it was on tv for free) and while my dad was yelling at the television about how Mel Gibson's an asshole for making the Jews look bad in the movie, I was thinking about why Jesus died. I know there where political motives and all that, but I want to know why God (even though I don't believe there is one) would let Jesus die and suffer if he was his "son."
  2. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    I know sh*t all about religion, but I do know that Jesus and his "father" are actually one person, along with the holy spirit. They're actually the same person.. and so he let himself die, knowing his sacrifice would save the world. (apparently)

    Erm.. *knows very little about religion*
  3. Sorcerer_Jenkins Twilight Town Denizen

    ....... he is his own being. Jesus died so we can live :D
  4. Mielé Banned

    Oct 27, 2007
    Jesus died to save our sins. According to the priest.
  5. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
    In The Garden of Eden, when Adam bit into the apple, then Eve
    it was a temptation that led up to being banned from there.The original sin, or so they say.
    Jesus wanted to sacrifice himself to get save our sins,so to say 0_0.
    But as you can see it didn't work, all that great,
  6. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Jesus died to save the world and all the people from their sins. The fact that God sacrificed his own child to save everyone else is meant to show how much God cares for his own creations.

    At least I think that is what it is, I'm not a Christian so I can't say for definite.

    Personally I find it bullshit >_> since if we are all God's creations and children then why was Jesus more important? Technically he was a child of God the same as anyone else o_O
  7. Wulphie! Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 20, 2008
    Right behind you .
    Well, um, according to the Bible, God sacrificed Jesus to save us, or so we could live.
    That's what my Bible History teacher says.
    Guess we'll never know for sure.
  8. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    Well, that doesn't make sense, because wasn't Jesus also his creation? So wouldn't that mean he cared less for Jesus if he made him suffer?
  9. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    mhmm which is why I find the whole thing wrong.

    We are all meant to be God's creations, and we are all meant to be his children, so by sacrificing Jesus He is either putting Jesus above everyone else or He is putting him beneath everyone else. So we aren't all equal in His eyes.
  10. Repliku Chaser

    If the story is true... since well there is debate, there is a deeper reason.

    The Christian reason on the outside is that we had original sin because of Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit that gave them the knowledge of sin. God punished them, banished Adam and Eve from Eden and took away their immortality. This sin would pass on to all of the children that would come from them, for they were considered the parents of all humans...even if at times they met other humans. The story is sketchy but that's the down low.

    Jesus is believed by Christians to be the Son of God. He was also called the 'King of Jews'. However, during the time of his arrival, King Herod technically was the 'King of Jews' and also lands would be taken over by the Roman Empire, which is where Pontius Pilate comes into play as he was governor of the region where Jesus would be brought up on charges.

    King Herod tried to eliminate the prodigal child by having babies murdered which caused Mary to have to flee with Joseph to Egypt. They would return later. Jesus at age 12 began teaching people but in the end, it is not until Jesus is 30 that we see where he begins to be at odds strongly with some of the Jews who mainly were in positions of power. He made some political statements such as his position on paying taxes to Caesar but at the same time confronting corrupt men who taxed over the amount for their own personal gain. He made statements about the positions Jews should have on children, on women who did less than favorable jobs that of course men would put them in at the time such as Mary Magdalene. He, by the Christian accounts, drew many Jews about him promising them hope and that if they walked the right path, they would be rewarded.

    So, you can imagine now, with all of these people following Jesus because of miracles he would do, showing mercy to people who normally others feared, disliked or did not want around, such as lepers, bringing someone back from the dead etc, that well, he was gaining a lot of popularity. Others called him the King of Jews and said he was the son of God, which threatened the Jewish leaders at the time and of course their synagogues. The Jewish leaders simply did not believe in the people's claims and well, with good reason. If the story is true here, Jesus was in some trouble because of the challenge he was to the authorities. Pontius Pilate really did not care either way and said so with his famous 'I am washing my hands of this' when he let the Jewish leadership condemn the man who he thought was not that bad a person really. He merely wanted peace to well, stop an uprising of Jewish people because it would not have been pretty and he was supposed to govern the area. If it were lost or people died in droves, the Caesar would not be pleased with him.

    So, it comes down to the point that Jesus was a threat to synagogues, a threat to the belief of the Jewish establishment and to them, he had no real proof to show them of these 'miracles' etc. It was seen as a mockery, much as today Mr. Smith who founded Mormonism was seen as a traitor to the convention of Christianity. The Mormons were attacked at places and many fled to Utah to escape persecution. So Jesus was determined to be a false prophet and therefore hung on the cross.

    The significance of this is of course that Jesus acknowledges the people do not know what it is they do and he has his moment of asking God why he must die. He finds peace and acceptance knowing his purpose is to die and that this death will allow people a second chance to escape from the original sin as well as other sins that formerly may have condemned a person to Hell, regardless of how much they would change later. Basically, if the faith in Jesus was strong enough, because he died for our sins, we could be forgiven for sins we would do and also the original sin if we just believe in him and show change. His resurrection 3 days later symbolized an entrance to everlasting life in Heaven, which soon after he is resurrected and speaks to the women, he returns to Heaven.

    Hope that explains both sides of it, from the political reasons why in this tale Jewish leaders might do such a deed, but also as to what the significance and symbolism is.
  11. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    God came down to Earth as Jesus, a human being, who was made to live just like everybody once. Not once did Jesus use the powers of God to make his own life better, therefore, he suffered just like everybody else. His death could have been avoided, but he followed the will of his father, in which he, like any other person convicted of a sin back in the day, was condemned to death. His crime: saying that he was the son of God. However, unlike the weirdos who do that nowadays, he proved this through his miraculous acts, such as bringing Lazarus back from the dead, walking on water, and other acts, but, most importantly, his transfiguration, in which God came down Himself to tell the disciples that Jesus was His son. Jesus never imposed this fact on anyone, so it was up to the people to believe him or not. Those who didn't, became angered by Jesus, and, like anybody back in the day would have, voted for him to die. So he did.

    Basically, God, in the form of Jesus Christ, a human being like us, died, because those who didn't have faith (and even those who did, but did not do anything, such as Peter) chose to kill him. However, Jesus was resurrected, thus opening the gates of Heaven to all who believe and follow the teachings of God, ending perpetual death, and bringing about everlasting life.
  12. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    I believe the term scapegoat would make sence as an answer
  13. Scott Pilgrim Banned

    Aug 11, 2008
    This is easy. He died for our sins. God loved us so much that he let his only son die on the cross.
  14. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Except that we are all meant to be God's children >_>

    So it wasn't his only son, plus he was resurrected 3 days later and then went on to spend the rest of eternity in Heaven.

    I don't know :/ I always think there is something missing.
  15. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    the missing deal here is that.....there are 3 ppl in one, so he sent a part of himself to earth(symbollicaly the son)

    yes we are all god's children, but the only price payable for sin is blood and death.

    the only way to break that, would be to have someone clear of sins die, that would kinda like break the law.

    in the bible His mission was to die without sin, that is why the devil tempted him continuously, if he had faltered he wouldn't be a fit sacrifice.

    one who does not sin, is inmortal , and thus he had to live the human ways , as a human , in order to "play by the rules" and show satan that humanity was clear of sin.
  16. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    So he could open the gates to Heaven.
    He was condemned to death by blasphemy.

    'Nuff said.
  17. Nova We left a scar size extra-large.

    Jul 11, 2008
    *Somewhere In The Stratosphere ♥
    "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life."
    -John 3:16

    Jesus Died on the cross to cleanse us of all our sins, so that when we die, we will be sent to Heaven. And any who disobey God, or take advantage of Jesus's sacrificewill be condemned to Hell.
  18. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    It doesn't feel like my question is being answered.... But I guess I'm looking for something more than what the Bible gives.
  19. Peter Crumb Banned

    Oct 8, 2008
    Explosions in the Sky
    He died to add a cool plot twist to the bestselling novel of all time.
  20. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Because his "son" choose to die.

    of course he did try to bail out XD.

    but it was too late to do so(poor guy).