Re:Coded Why coded is Not A Spin-Off Title with No Story Value

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by . : tale_wind, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Okay, EVERYWHERE I am seeing people complain about coded/Re:coded, but whenever I make a post trying to explain this, it is summarily ignored. So, I'm making a thread. Because coded IS relevant to the KH story.


    King Mickey's Letter

    We discover the contents of Mickey's letter to Sora, Riku, and Kairi from the ending of KHII. The letter, in not so many words, explains that Terra, Aqua, Ven, Roxas, Xion, and Naminé are connected to Sora's heart, and that he needs to set them free with one last adventure.

    Master Xehanort's Return

    If you obtain twenty trophies in Re:coded, you unlock the game's secret cutscene in Theatre Mode. This cutscene follows a conversation between Mickey and Yen Sid in the Mysterious Tower. One of the first things we learn is that Ventus' heart has nearly been located and that they only need to find Terra. Then Yen Sid delivers the shocking news that defeating a person's Heartless and Nobody in that order will restore the full person. This Master Xehanort will return with his full power—not only that, but that there will be more than one of him. With all this explained, Yen Sid has Mickey summon Sora and Riku to take the Mark of Mastery exam.​


    The Datascape

    coded shows that the Datascape created from Jimimy's Journal and the real world are closely linked. After escaping the self-destructing Datascape during coded, Maleficent and Pete kidnap Queen Minnie directly from Disney Castle, using her as leverage to take the Datascape from Mickey. Maleficent plans to engulf the Datascape in darkness, and by doing so, engulf the real worlds as well. Fortunately, a revived Lea is able to intervene before anything serious happens, and Maleficent and Pete are forced to make a hasty exit.

    The Nature of Hearts

    At the beginning of Data Sora's adventure, Chip and Dale program in him the ability to use the Keyblade. Unfortunately, late into the adventure. Maleficent waltzes straight into the Datascape (after being summoned by Pete), incapacitates Data Sora, and effortlessly shatters the Keyblade. Yet somehow, in the middle of Hollow Bastion, Data Sora is able to summon a brand new one! How? He grew a heart.

    Fast forward to The World That Never Was in KH3D. Xemnas and Xigbar are confronting Sora, revealing more about their plans than any practical villains should. Wonder of wonders, what do we hear? Xemnas lied to his Organization members: Nobodies can grow hearts. Where did we hear something similar? Yep, coded.


    Thoughts? Comments? Anything?
  2. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    I think people expected their "tartine" to be completely covered with "marmalade" rather than having a few marmalade spots here, there and ... oh, you missed a tiny one here. Not to mention that SE used the exact same bread as ten and eight years ago, no wonder some people complain it has grown moldy the third time around.

    Personally I would label it as a spin-off without a shadow of hesitation.
    I' ve seen some Naruto fillers that felt more relevant than Re:Coded' s plot, which is stunning but not in a good way. I don' t play games for their story (although a good plot cannot hurt ), however playing the exact same worlds for a third or fourth time did annoy me (even when their gameplay was vastly tweaked like Hercule' s), especially when I heard their musics so often that they just make my brain drip from my ears by now.
  3. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    *KH3D spoilers*

    I'll admit, when Pete, Maleficent, and even Young Xehanort referenced coded in KH3D, I realized it was more important than I thought. But I still like most of the other games better.
  4. Labrys King's Apprentice

    Jan 12, 2012
    Deal with it.
    On toppic: yes it's starting to really piss me off that everyone is saying that this game is a spin off......
  5. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    I wasn' t bitching about it as much as trying to explain why some would feel justified to do so. I knew exactly what I was signing for. I mean come on, the original game was just an obscure phone app, of course it was anecdotal, we would have heard a lot more bitching if it wasn' t.

    Besides :

    Coded seems to fit that definition, but hey, if you' d rather simply describe as a sequel then it' s cool, whatever. I' m not sure you were being literal, but the issue seems far too trivial to get pissed about.
  6. NightCrisis Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 25, 2012
    Washington DC
    Dude--I did NOT like the story AT ALL. Sora going into a computer to fix it (why is the last page in Jiminy's diary important anyway?) was one thing and the bosses were ****in' hard. I barely could get through the Dark Side on my first try. I think this game has no significance of story otherwise.
  7. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I don't think it can be argued that Coded carries pieces of the plot and does contribute to the overall story, but the problem is that it's a bit dreary to get there. I think most everything you mentioned (with perhaps the exception of the bit about growing hearts) could have been easily worked into another game. As Patman says, the game feels like filler because it forces you to go through very menial and repetitive levels (for the seasoned Kingdom Hearts player, at least) to get, yes, important plot points.

    I don't mind the existence of Coded because frankly I'll like whatever the Kingdom Hearts series shits out. I think games like Coded or even Days, that have negative reputations in the fanbase, are still good games--they just have a lot to live up to, and seem worse for it. They're weak points in a (imo) great series, so they seem really bad. Some of that hate is probably undeserved, but they are "side" or "spin-off" stories. Nobody is arguing about their relevancy. They just could have worked the important bits in somewhere else.
  8. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    Of all the Kingdom Hearts games out right now this is definitely the one that could be most easily overlooked, that said I would not recommend overlooking it, as it does carry important plot points. However the problem with this is that we have to play through an entire game to learn something so minor, yet important. Another problem is that, once again, we have to play through the KH1 worlds again, while only important things happen between worlds. This entire game could have been condensed into a 10 minute video and then shoved in as a secret in KH2, or any other game, and this game would not need to exist, but like I said I still really enjoy this game, more so than Days.

    It's still a good game, and (to me) just as much an important part of the series as the other games, but because what it is about is so small in comparison to other games, it's understandable that people would find it unnecessary.