It's simply a matter of poor taste these days, and not just with the video game business(given that anime is so huge these days). Games like Psychonauts or the Sly Cooper series really are some of the best games out there.
Poor taste is most likely the key factor. And many people are probably getting to the casual Wii mindset. I am a bit surprised Crysis isn't doing better. As for PS3 games, I think they are just complaining for the sake of complaining.
Crysis doesn't some what surprise me. Not many have such hi-spec computers that can handle it. But it is a problem. It depends on what is popular at the time. Which for western gamers are shooters. Also hype plays a huge factor, if the game appears from under the radar it's not going to do well as a medicore highly hyped game even if the game is amazing. =/
People pay much more attention to the hyped up exclusive games that hey forget about all the other third party games.
It's all hype Librekd =\ Games that are shown and advertised everywhere builds it's hype and when it comes out people go crazy and buy it no matter how ****ty or great the game is. Games that don't get hype but are way better than most that get it are like SOTC. Simply the most amazing game ever made and my #1 favorite but in my whole school only 3 people I've spoken to know about it. The others I talked to about it went and got it and loved it and passed info to their friends. Chain reactions FTW ^o^
Well, there's a possibility that it depends on the person's opinion, like one could think the game is awful while another thinks it's awesome. However, there's also a high possibility that it's hype, or like, as an expression says, everyone loves to "jump the bandwagon," meaning that once it's a fad, everyone else wants to join in.
Games like Assassin's Creed and Halo 3 were marketed HEAVILY. The second Spyro game? I've seen one commercial for it in the past couple of weeks and didn't even realize there was one since the first week of December. Said game was released in October. ee;
i've never even heard of those games you speak of, so i guess poor advertising? or maybe like they said: poor taste?
I think the only reason these games aren't doing that well is because they weren't advertised like others are. The marketing for them is pathetic so of course they are going to get overlooked and people will buy other things. I saw more advertisements for Heavenly Sword than any of these games put together.
I think another reason is that there are not alot of people interested in games that are not developed by first party companies, but I agree it also has to do with marketing. Some of the best games i own were either quietly marketed or no one wanted until they realized that Halo and GTA wasn't doing it for them. In my opinion the best games that were overlooked by the media: Beyond Good or Evil Golden Sun Harvest Moon.
Alot of the best games for most consoles (imo) are from small complanies no ones heard of that usually don't have too much money. But making games for the ps3 requires alot of money and so theses small companies just go elsewhere leaving the ps3 with only games from big companies that don't have too many good ideas so they focus on graphics and other such things. Or so thats what I think.