Whose fault was it?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by saxoR_vs_aroS, Jul 28, 2007.

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  1. saxoR_vs_aroS Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 1, 2007
    Take a wild guess.
    this may not go here, but it does discuss thoughts on a topic...... so yeah. here's the story.....

    There is a woman who lives with her husband next to a wide raging river. the wife is having a love affair with a man who lives across the river. One day, the husband tells his wife he has to go away on a business trip overnight. the wife pleads to go with him but he says she will just get in his way. The man leaves at twilight, and tells the wife he will be home around five in the morning. the wife doesn't want to be alone, so she crosses the bride over the river to go to her lover's house. she spends the night there, and very early in the morning, still dark, she decides to go home. she is about to step onto the bridge, but sees an murderer who will kill her if she tries to cross. she looks upriver, and sees a ferry man. she goes to him and pleads him to let her across. he says he wants money. the wife didnt bring money, as she was just spending a few hours at her lover's house. she goes to the man, but he refuses to give her any money. she would hate to be caught more than anything in the world, so she decides to cross the bridge. she runs as fast as she can, but the killer grabs her by the hair and murders her.
    From 'The Pigman' written by some guy.
    now, in order, you have to write down the order of the most guilty people by their faults and explain why you believe what you chose. my list:

    1. WIFE: i chose the wife because she chose to have an affair. if she had stayed loyal to her husband, she would never have been in that situation.

    2. MURDERER: ...... nuff said.

    3. LOVER: For not giving the wife the money to cross the river.

    4. FERRY MAN: For not helping the woman in a time of need.

    5.HUSBAND: for not having enough compassion to take his wife with him.

    what do you think?

    ((mods, move this if and when you choose to))
    EDIT: damn.... someone delete this please.
  2. La Sofa ('_')-l3 No worries

    Apr 5, 2007
    There is like... two of these
  3. saxoR_vs_aroS Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 1, 2007
    Take a wild guess.
    i know. in the other one, i asked some mod to delete it at the end..... it took a while to write... so i auto logged out. brought me back to the page before posting....... yeah.
  4. Repliku Chaser


    My order is similar.

    1. The wife - Whether she's lonely or not, that's not an excuse to go having an extra marital affair. It turned sour for her and she knew the dangers of the weird man on the bridge too and took the chance. She could have just remained on the side of the river until he was gone. Yeah, her husband would have been mad but she chose to chance things when her other ideas exhausted. That's like stepping into a lion's cage because the ways around it are closed off for a while, though later they will be cleared.

    2. The murderer - of course, this could be exchanged with #1 because he was obviously there to kill someone, anyone who passed. She was a murder by convenience. He was the proverbial spider waiting for the fly and one came to him.

    The others I wouldn't really blame because just because she's cheating with the lover, it's not his responsibility to take care of her. He obviously didn't really care that much about her, but she shouldn't be with someone like that anyway. She HAS a home. He may also not have realized how bad the scene was. The Ferry man was rather heartless but again, if that's his fee, that's his fee. She put herself in the scene and had she done what she should, she wouldn't be in the mess. He also may not have known she would be 'murdered' either, but she also could have decided to not go across and deal with the consequences the next day too. As for the husband, he obviously wouldn't realize the woman was cheating on him and yeah, he seems like a jerk in a way, but maybe he can't take her. I'm curious why she begged so hard for him to stay yet has this extra-marital affair going on. Seems by the statement, she's gone over to see this guy before.

    These questions are always intriguing. I might post a couple to see people's reactions.
  5. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    1-Husband - He must have been ignoring the wife if she had to find companionship in someone else.

    2-Lover-He has enough time to sleep with her but won't give her money, like she is his own personal sex toy.

    3-Ferry man-A little to selfish.

    4-Wife-only tried to have a relationship with a husband but he was selfish so she found someone who did.

    5-Murder-He tecnicalyy warned the women he would kill her but still she tried to cross, she could have stayed on that side.
  6. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    Wife- No matter what happens, if she truly loved him, then she wouldn't of had an affair because she was lonely. It sounds wrong.

    Murder- He was wrong for taking a life.

    Everyone else is not really that bad, but then again, I just don't feel like typing their names.XD
  7. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    If the husband had been abusing the wife, would you change your view or should she still be 'loyal'?
  8. Repliku Chaser

    The wife was cheating and put herself in the predicament. Putting her on the bottom of the list is well...interesting. If she hated living in the arrangement she was in why didn't she run off? There's nothing said in the question that declares she was abused; just that she was ignored and felt neglected. Of course, we don't know the time period either, so if it is in a current time, she could have just left him and gotten a divorce, and probably won the house.
  9. Thir13en King's Apprentice

    Wife #1
    Lover #2
    Murderer #3
    Husband #4
    Ferryman #5

    1. She was dilibertly (pardon my spelling) having a sexual relationship with another man. If she wanted to leave, their are divorce papers. She pushed herself.
    2. What the f*** was HE thinking? He must have known she was married yet he was selfish and only wanted sex.
    3. yeah, moving on
    4 & 5. We don't know the whole story. For all we know the husband was clean.
  10. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    All of them pretty much screwed up, but mostly I think the husband was at fault for this. If he had been a better husband, his wife would never have to cheat on him in the first place and the whole situation would never have happened. And again when he refused to take his wife with him and so callously said that she'd ''get in the way''.
  11. Thir13en King's Apprentice

    But we dont know if the husband knew of the affair and just wanted to get away from his unfaithful wife, then with her whining he got ticked like all of us do. The wife could've just wanted someone else to be with instead of the 'same old thing.'
  12. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I actually added that question in all by myself which I shouldn't of, all I was trying to show was that if the wife had been abused she would have been in fear of the husband making her unable to get the courage to make a divorce or leave him. Marriage is said to be a commitment between two people but since the husband was away most of the time on business (Which in real life usually means HE might be having an affair aswell, but that is speculation) the husband must have not been commited to stay with his wife, so the wife felt since he would ignore their marriage then she would to so she found herself a lover who she thought cared for her.
  13. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    I say they are all to blame.

    But I blame the lover and Ferry Man most for not helping her.
  14. Repliku Chaser

    Understood, so hmm, I'll answer it. Really, to me, if she could go and have an extra-marital affair, why didn't she just leave? She was taking a great chance as it was in the end, and cheating just seems wrong to me on nearly any level. If he was abusive, she could get protection, and even if not, if she goes far enough away from him and shows strength, he's not going to get her most of the time. It's just adding drama to a life that is already difficult. She should have just left the man, hocked some jewelry if she had to or something. I really don't have too much sympathy for the woman, or if a man did the same thing, in either case other than to say that she didn't merit 'death' even if what you suggested wasn't said, because sure, someone cheating is bad but it doesn't to me earn someone dying over it. It just means the person is a coward or wants their cake and to eat it too.
  15. SarahXxXSora Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 3, 2007
    In Gerard's closet...
    i believe the wife is at fault here.

    if she hadn't had started this whole thing, then she wouldn't have gotten killed.

    the murderer was wrong, but did she have this coming to her?
  16. saxoR_vs_aroS Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 1, 2007
    Take a wild guess.
    im glad this thread was noticed!

    i still stand aganst the wife.
    SHE was the one who had an affair.
    SHE was trhe careless one who thought her lover was in it for more than just the sex.
    SHE took the risk and crossed the bridge.

    she's at fault.
  17. Meh Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 12, 2007
    It's obviously the wife who caused all this at first, she did all the things the led to her death. The killer was second, because, well, he killed somebody, and killing anybody for no reason is not a reason to kill (even though there are no reasons to kill anybody). The ferry man wasn't aware of the murderer (I think), so he couldn't really be at fault here. The lover, of course, wasn't able to help her, and her husband's only problem was the fact that he wasn't caring enough to let her come too.

    So, that's what I think.
  18. saxoR_vs_aroS Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 1, 2007
    Take a wild guess.
    you phrased it pretty well. i guess thats how i wanted to say it, but i said it in a worse way.
  19. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    I think it's mostly the wife's fault, for going over to her lover's and spending the night, when she's already "happily" married.

    Part of the fault should go to the lover, since anybody in their right mind would give someone some money if there was a murder across the bridge, and the ferry guy was being a sore asz and demanded money.
  20. saxoR_vs_aroS Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 1, 2007
    Take a wild guess.
    but the ferryman isnt at fault. it is unlikely that he knew of the murderer, and the its the wife's own fault for getting into the mess. it isnt his problem. hes just a guy who wants to make a living. its like asking someone free admittance into disneyworld because your dad's sick. it isnt their problem.
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