I kind of liked it. Don't get me wrong, it was intense... but each episodes was basically a repeat over and over again... Dare I say it... like Pokemon. Only... a bit better. First Pokemon Season: Ash goes to a random town, meets up with Team Rocket, gets in a battle, bad stuff happens, Pickachu ends up saving the day with awesome attacks. Next episode: Ash goes to random town, meets up with Team Rocket, maybe something else happens before that, ends up in a battle, bad stuff happens, maybe a different Pokemon (or Pikachu) ends up saving the day. Code Lyoko first season:Starts as normal day, someone does something stupid with the electronics, bad virus attacks, people are about to die, kids go to virtual world, they're almost too late, ends up saving the day, goes back in time, stops person from doing something stupid. Next episode: Starts as normal day, maybe someone is picking on someone this time, bad virus butts in the bullying and cuases more bad things to happen, people almost die, kids go to virtual world, almost dies again, ends up saving the day and goes back in time, kids go pick on the bully themselves. At least... that's how I see it.
Actually, not so different every episodes. You always knew someone was going to get seriously hurt, you knew the bad guy was going to attack in some weird way, and you knew that they're going to barely make it every time. So... yeah.
Because naturally this giant colossus is a recurring character. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfMCQXFacfI&feature=related
Yush, that was like, the most awesome thing ever, next to Card Captor Sakura of course Did anyone buy the games? I got the Wii and Ds ones and they were decent (Well, the Wii one anyway)
I played Quest for Infinity on the PS2. It wasn't great but it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected it to be. A lot of anime video-games suck horribly. My only complaint was with my being a perfectionist there were data cards hidden around the levels to collect and you can't control the camera. One involves you falling off a ledge where you would die if it wasn't for a platform that you have no way of knowing it's there until you jump. If you were just doing the story the camera is annoying at times but sufficient. If your looking to 100% that game you better have a lot of patience .
Also true, Kadic was basically a glorified menu screen. And the boxes went slightly faster than the dialoge make long conversations kind of funny.