In your opinion, whos a better character, Sora or Roxas? Not whose stronger or anything, but who do you like better.
Roxas and anyone who says Sora is wrong and not a fan of Kingdom Hearts. They're not even people. They're like walking blobs of wasted space. Clearly.
Mike Spoiler ...because Roxas plays a good Mike. Nah, I would go with Roxas I think he is a better character all around.
Either Ven is better then both of them put together xD But between the two of them I'd pick Roxas because he's cuter then Sora xD
I say Roxas. When I started playing Kingdom Hearts, I accidentally got Kingdom Hearts II because I'm blind. So I started off with Roxas, and I've liked him the most so far. His character is interesting, I find Sora kind of... strange. Though Sora isn't a bad character, either. I'm just used to Roxas, I guess. XD